Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Cloud Cover on a Easy Winter Day, Quartzsite and Wizard Fun, Collages

Bill was sound asleep when I began my ascent out of bed at 6:45 on Tuesday, Jan. 29th. I’m not noisy by any means but by the time I had slipped to the bottom of the bed and began dressing, he woke up and turned on our little desert night light. Now, I’m spoiled having a light to get dressed by. I hate waking him from a sound sleep and try hard not to. Downstairs, I made my tea and prepped his coffee. He was up soon after.

Gee, maybe we will get some sun!
When light dawned, we saw George drive out with their coach as it was scheduled for service in Quartzsite today. Suzie followed in the car. At 7:40 I was out the door and what a lovely morning it was for a walk. The weather station was reading 53F/12C and winds less than 1 mph. I rerouted my direction again today and walked behind our sites. There are a lot of nice areas if you were ever here for any length of time.

I took a few pictures and like other bloggers, I’m amazed at the bright green grass that is growing at the base of some of the trees and brushes. We are in the desert so it is quite unusual to see. 

By the time I returned, I hadn’t yet had my morning response from my sister, Donna. We text every morning exchanging weather information as well as daily plans. She is probably working this morning. Donna cleans homes for a handful of clients back home a few days a week.

So, last selfie beside these majestics was blurry
Let's try again
Canada Government pensions had been deposited in our account back home so Bill did the monthly banking.  Our work pensions don’t go in until the 1st of the month and that amount never changes so he knows what we have to live on for the upcoming month. Clemson still hadn’t budged out of bed but he had Daddy up through the early morning hours again so figures he can sleep in now.

Simple breakfast this morning
At this time of the morning, there isn’t anything on our agenda today unless we get an Insta Pot demonstration/tutorial from Kim. They both love their Insta Pot and I’ve only heard good things about them so want to get a better look before I consider if it would be beneficial for us. It is like my clothes, I guess, an appliance in means an appliance out. 😊

Our new scatter mat
The hall runner is the same but needs to be cut at a 5' length
which whill give us one more of this size

Clemson approves of it too
 Bill had his shower and I got bacon and eggs ready for breakfast. We invited Rob and Pat over for a coffee and to chit chat about the day and so on. Going back and forth to each other’s places every few days has been our own ‘tradition’ that we’ve formed this winter and we hadn’t done it for a while. When they left at 11, we’d agreed to meet within the half hour to go into town for a bit. There are a few places we want to see. We drove first to the Mat place that Rose recommended to us.

a visit to an Antiquers dream corner
We have been keeping our eyes open for a hall runner in an Arizona theme as well as a couple of small scatter mats for downstairs. This was definitely the place! We were thrilled with the selection and the prices and quickly found the size we needed. We’ll need to get the long one cut and bound back home but for the cost, we are very happy. Even Clemson likes it.

We walked around the antiques and many other areas with tables filled with specialized ‘junk’. One man’s junk is another mans treasure, couldn’t be proven any better than here. We took a walk through the food tent and came out with a few goodies for a good price. Keeping an eye on the expiry date is key but the things I found were no older than the ‘best before’ date of Oct. 2018. I’m okay with that.

The last thing we did before leaving Quartzsite was drive to the end of Keuhn St. to see what old cars were for sale. He didn’t have too many at this location and told us that they were in the process of moving across the interstate. There were over 100 vehicles there already but it wasn’t open yet. We’ll check it out next year. I’m not into old cars unless they hold a memory for me. Some of these did. I enjoyed the walk through and Pat and I even tested out a bicycle built for two!

This was fun, just poking around
The bottom right, the guys are waiting outside for us
I like this one
Daddy owned a '64 Chevrolet but I'm thinking  his was a Biscayne

We can afford the Thunderbird! Bill said
I liked the SS Chevelle better though

Found this '58 Ford for Larry
 We arrived back at our sites just in time. Ken and Kim had just settled in their chairs in the Happy Hour circle and Deb and Tom were about to join them. George and Suzie were absent for most of it as they had taken their coach into town early this morning and hadn’t returned yet.  Cheryl or Shiryl (not sure) walked over with her dog Duchess to introduce herself to us fellow Canadians. She was from P.E.I. (Prince Edward Island) and camped further back in a Newmar motor home.

Pretty vehicles - I actually enjoy them better when they are untouched
The modified Cadillac is very sinister looking
She hung around and told us about herself and we did the same while enjoying various conversations. We’re good at that and there is never a dull moment. By 6 or so, Suzie arrived in their car and George pulled up in the coach. 

Pat and I wanted the 2 seater bike
The drinks were flowing and a good time was had by all. When Pat invited Ken and Kim to join us 4 in a game of Wizard at 7, we decided to hustle our butts home to make supper. It was 6:15 or so when we warmed up our burgers and buns.

I sense a battle here between
Mr. Saguaro and Madame Palo Verde
Supper was fast, but good and filling all the same. We’d been snacking at H.H. so it was all that we needed to fill our tummies. At 7 we went next door to Rob and Pat’s and the guys came back to grab our chairs. 

Happy Hour today
Left - Chery from PEI, Tom, Deb, Suzie, Ken, Kim, Pat, Rob and Bill

Duchess made the rounds and stopped with Kim and Pat

A little excitement as a hang glider almost flew over top of us
The winds were almost non-existent all day

Sunset before dinner

Simple supper too!
What a fun evening, we had! Kim and Ken had never played the game before but caught on really quickly. Because of my last experience, when I was in the winner’s circle, tonight I took a picture of the score sheet to prove that Pat and I were the top winners of the night.

We had a great evening

Kim and Ken picked up on the game really quickly
We chatted about campgrounds, heaters and games and just after 10 we took our chairs and drinks back home. Our generator had quit running so Bill assumed it had run out of gas. Inside, I caught up on my blog post and downloaded pictures. I’m tired so it isn’t being posted until early morning.

Before Rob destroyed the evidence
Pat and I finished 1st and 2nd
This was a very enjoyable day. I hope yours was too! Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love reading your comments if you wish to leave me one.


  1. It was a great day all around, glad you enjoy the wizard game. Love those old cars and have checked them out many times over the years. I had a 64 chevy Belair for many years and loved it. Our long day getting the coach repaired was something that needed to be done.

    1. It was a great day. Something fun to do before leaving the area.
      You now don't have to worry about the slide out leaking. My Dad would only drive a GM.

  2. They have a new 3-1/2 qt instant pot (don’t buy the lookalikes) that fits in my cupboard perfectly. Really good for 2 people. Do not buy the Lux version even if it is cheaper. I hate the handle. With extra pans (got mine at Michaels) you can even bake cakes in them.

    1. Kim has a 6 qt. and I think even though it is bigger, I wouldn't buy smaller. Yours looked bigger than what I'd think a 3-1/2 would be but I'm obviously not remembering it properly. Thanks for the tip about the Lux version, that is helpful info.

  3. Another full day, lots of fun things to keep you occupied.
    I think Mr. Saguaro is getting a very nice hug from Madame Palo Verde and will be doing so for a very long time. They look pretty cozy to me.
    Enjoy the rest of your time in Q.

    1. ha ha, yes you are right about Mr. S. and Mdme P.V. I won't tell if you won't!
