Wednesday, January 1, 2025

An Easy Going New Year’s Day Starting with Coffee! (Sky pix overload)

Park Place RV Park

On Wednesday, JANUARY 1st, 2025 we were all up and moving before 7 am. Happy New Year! If you are one of those people who make resolutions, I hope you’ve made yours. I stopped that years ago when I realized that, like about 9% of the population, I could never follow through for the entire year. Often, it was within days that I quit. Woops!

Good morning y'all!
I love the silhouettes of the residential area
against the morning awakenings

Now, if life has been going good for the past year, I generally just hope to keep doing what I’m doing. Since coming south, I have got myself into a pretty good walking routine so that would be a goal – keep it up even back home. We’ll see. Things seem to change after we get home, for one reason/excuse or another. 😊

The show starts

I did get dressed this morning and head out for a lovely walk at 7:15. A mostly clear sky kept me warm in my down jacket and poufy vest and there was no wind to speak of. The sky in the east did some magical things with the clouds, turning them pink and mesmerizing. I love how they looked so fluffy like candy floss. Hmmm, haven’t had that sweet sticky treat for a long time!

I kept turning to look back to see
the changes.

Back home, I skipped making my tea and only had ½ a banana and ½ a grapefruit for breakfast. Bill was getting ready to go flying, alone again, planning for his first flight in 2025. Duncan was still under the weather so he stayed home. Hopefully, he is seeing the end of the virus he’s caught. I took Gibbs for his walk (the other way around) and he did his normal small block walk. 😊 He’s predictable, like me!

Candy floss anyone?

I added my cream and Splenda to my mug and walked over to join in at Coffee Hour. Sue had made delicious muffins today with coffee, so I had one and filled my cup. Sadly, other than the hosts, just Jess and I made an appearance. Sue goes to the trouble of making it nice for the guests and only 2 of us show up? I feel bad for her. Hopefully, today was just an off day.

The first sunrise of 2025

Bette left around 9:30, with encouragement from the rest of us as she was meeting a group to climb the Q mountain! Go Bette! That’s awesome. Bill and I climbed in our first winter here, 2016/17, with our friends, Melinda and Gerry. We had fun and it was an amazing view from the top. Jess and I stayed until a few minutes after 10, just chatting. She had a 25-mile run yesterday in Phoenix, so planned a rest day today. Awesome!

Before baking

Back home again, I popped the Christmas Morning Wife Saver breakfast casserole into the convection oven. Not sure why it needs an hour to cook (as Bill asked) but it did and we enjoyed it very much at 12:30. I was quite famished for it too. I used ½ keto bread and half Bill’s regular white bread and no difference was detected. 😊 I had planned lasagna for supper tonight, so prepped that before going out to the gazebo.

Ready to eat
I added some maple syrup to mine.
It's much like French toast (with meat)

Patty asked about a walk around the big block within minutes of me getting out there but we haven’t seen much of each other since this ‘sickness’ entered our camp. I took her up on the offer. 😊 It was good to get out and after Gibbs’ long walk later, I flew past 10,300 steps today. Whoa! He has started taking me down to Quail Trail St., across the back of our park and over to Coyote Rd. before bringing me to N. Riggles Ave.

What a lovely New Year's Day

Bill had his batteries charged for his Timber, which he got 3 flights out of today, and was upstairs watching tv when we returned. I painted a bit more on my rocks and Bill and I had our celebratory drink (which we skipped last night) for our own Happy Hour. Seagram’s Jamaican Me Happy coolers are quite tasty and went down fine.

Gibbs has a new afternoon walk route.

I had the lasagna in the oven before 5 and we enjoyed a nice meal for our first supper in the new year. I wanted it to be nice. We had the last 4 of my homemade dinner rolls from the freezer and after some apple pie, we were filled to the brim. 

Yup, we pigged out for supper tonight!

This has been a nice relaxing day. We reached 69F/20C for our high today, not bad for bringing in a new year, eh? 😊 I hope your day was just as awesome.

Good night and Be Well!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Here's to a great new year!! Tell Sue to save those muffins ... I will definitely join for coffee.

  2. You sure got the steps in didn't you. Sorry to read that not many turned up for coffee after all the hard work Sue put in, hopefully the coffee hour catches on.

    God bless.

  3. Happy New Year! To you and Bill from Tom and I. I do enjoy a lovely pink cotton candy sky, nice pictures. Please send the breakfast casserole recipe. Hugs

    1. Thank you Tom and Deb. I know you enjoy those clouds too!
      I have sent the recipe. ♥

  4. Maybe people didn't show up because they are sick?

  5. If the coffee hour was going to be moved to the afternoon, I bet more people would show up. (I would :-) Your Lasagna looks good and inspires me to make one too. Maybe next week as we are going to have some cool weather coming for several days. Time for comfort food.

    1. I don't know.........I doubt it will change. Our last managers held it the same time and lots turned up. Weird.
