Friday, January 10, 2025

The Calm has Returned, Puzzling, Crocheting, Walking & Christmas!

Park Place RV Park

On Friday, Jan. 10th it was almost 6:30 when Bill woke up, hence causing Gibbs to make his move. “I gotta pee too, Dad!” I was surprised we all slept through and was happy have another 30 minutes to relax in the warm sheets. 😊 Because I hate wasting even an hour of my morning, I pushed myself up out of bed at 7.

Good morning!
Clearer mountains today.

The temperature was relative to what it has been overnight and like yesterday, the winds were low. I dressed for my walk, bundled up in layers but skipping the toque today. It was a pleasant walk as I ventured west but it soon turned almost balmy as I turned to the east, homeward bound. The sun hadn’t even popped over the mountain yet but I was quite warm.

I don't know how I've missed this 
well-placed rock before.
It's perfect for selfies.

I noticed a car parked near the police station/school with a man and a pretty white dog getting out. As I approached, the dog (off leash) sauntered over to me, calmly. When the man spoke, I realized he was living in his car. I didn’t pet the dog but she sniffed my feet and returned to her master. He, the man, asked me why we all walk. 😊 That meant he saw the two ladies I meet each morning. It was a funny conversation; he was harmless and wished me well as I walked past.

The Quartzsite RV Park at the corner of
N. Riggles and Coyote lost their flag pole
last night in the strong winds.

It snapped right off at the base.

Back home, Bill was just leaving for the field. I made my tea, had cereal and a banana (ooh, they’re getting brown!) and sat to play my games online. Gibbs was ready for his walk around 9 so off we went, on his adventure. He wasn’t too creative this time, followed his normal route. I had brought my Yarn Barrel out from under the bed last Sunday, so today started making more worry worms.

This was a fun puzzle to do.
With all my favourite cacti and
even a train for Dad-in-law. 💖

A girlfriend asked to buy one, which I refused (they are not for sale) and set one of my pre-made ones aside to GIVE to her. It is only my time, and very little at that, that is in question. So, using a larger weight of yarn, it went quite smoothly. I finished the first at 10 so made my bp coffee and walked to work on the puzzle. Well, I didn’t think it would take long, so finished it by noon. It was fun to do and another beautiful picture! It is Nancy’s so will keep it for her to do.

My lunch pizza was filling and tasty!

I mentioned the storage boxes that Bill and Tommy were buying wood for (last Saturday) so today a few of the members met at Jim’s to work on that. You can check out Bill’s story when a new post pops up. He’s a busy man these days! 😊 I started making a tortilla pizza for my lunch and when he returned, he made his sandwich. After eating, he was off again, but I settled in to make more worms.

At the corner of Plymouth Rd. and E.Quail Trail Rd.
we could see the RTR filling the park.
Looks like a great turnout.

I stopped after 4 were completed. I’m enjoying the variety of hobbies I have found to do. I could never get bored here, if I do, it’s my own fault! Ha ha. Patty and I went for a walk around the big block and noticed that the town park is packed with RTR participants. That Rubber Tramp Rendevous/Rally is for ladies only, from Wednesday to the end of today. Ladies meet, greet and chat about everything.

What a nice surprise.
When the postal strike back home ended,
they decided to send their cards anyway.
Thank you!

Starting tomorrow, it is open to men also and is quite a large yearly gathering. 😊 You can’t say Quartzsite doesn’t have a lot to offer! Gibbs and I went for his walk next and my steps outshone those of the last two days put together. This afternoon, I felt like having a drink and just when I got up to pour myself a Caesar, Bill drove in. I was surprised when he returned with 2 Christmas cards from our mail box! Thank you Donna, Gerry, Jim and Sharon. PS, Bill had a cooler so I wasn’t drinking alone.

They look a little shell-shocked,
but they are truly happy.
Trust me.

We watched an hour of the NBC news about the California fires. How terribly disturbing for all of those homeowners. 😥😢 For supper, we had the last of the chili on toasted buns.. As promised, the winds have died down although, also as promised, the nights are getting cooler. Our high today was 65F/18C, with a slight chilly breeze, and tonight we’ll be dropping to 38F/3C. Brrr. No white stuff though, so I think we’ll be just fine! ♥ 

This was an easy meal and one of my
better chili dinners, for some reason. 
Good night!

It was a nice day. It does look like winds return again tomorrow afternoon. Bummer!

Thank you for stopping around.


  1. Watching the news about the California wildfires was a part of my day, too.
    May God help the family and friends of the eleven people that died due to that.Il hope you, Bill and Gibbs have a good and blessed night -Mary

  2. I sent my cards too. Everyone seems to be enjoying that.

  3. It's horrible what's going on, but what makes me the angriest is these bloody celebrities whining about the loss of their properties. I'm sure they all have insurance and more than enough money to rebuild. There have been lives lost, and they're upset about something that can likely will be replaced. Apparently, they've even been allowed into their properties to see the damage and remove items that survived the fire. I'm not sure how that happens as a fire inspector has to ensure there are no hot does open doors.
    Sorry, rant over!
