Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Quiet Day with Gibbs

Two Rivers Campground

On Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, we already knew when we went to bed last night that today would be a day at home with our pooch. Should I say ‘lonely’ pooch? 😊 He’s really so good, even though he whines like he’s losing his best friend when we get ready to leave. Once he sees the treat coming out, he’s in my chair by the window and waiting for it, patiently.

Good morning!
Gibbs on Daddy's lap early.

Now, today, he was beside himself, I’m sure when there was no bustling activity by his parents going on. We had our cereal and morning drinks just sitting, relaxing. I played my games, we had a few things on our laptops we wanted to compare and then turned the knobs (our inner knobs) to IDLE. 

Gibbs and I saw some Hallowe'en spirit on
our walk this morning.

A beautiful day

We both slept really well last night, although I found it quite warm when I woke up the first time at 5 am. Bill came down with Gibbs around 6:15 and I didn’t move until closer to 7.


Dog park view

We had a great day yesterday, so re-iterated our plans for Wednesday and Thursday. One day on the Trolley Tour for whatever that brings and another morning ride on the shuttle to check out the Country Music Hall of Fame. 

Across from us, Bill and Carmel's unit.
No, that is not their flag but it is a cool picture, no?

At first it seems like we have lots of time but once you start looking at each day individually, that changes. We are very happy to be able to take advantage of this experience this year, we have planned it (mostly in our heads) for a few of our winter trips.

Behold our back yard tree
A nest of some kind, way up there.

I made minced ham salad for lunch sandwiches and then Bill walked over to Camping World again to pick up some caulking and a Flow-Pur filter. Gibbs and I took a walk around the park before noon and then the 3 of us walked to the dog park in the afternoon. Still, no one for him to play with so he gets bored and wants to come home. 😊 There are a lot of rigs, in and out, and it is interesting to see their makes and models.

Gibbs likes to sit on Daddy when he's grilling.
He's easily getting used to being on his rope again
although, he must be confused.💓

Next door, a truck camper left and a remote controlled (I’m not kidding!) Alto was parking itself (basically) at the hand of the owner. Cute and a first for me. The Altos are made in Quebec and sold everywhere. Gibbs had to keep an eye and bark to let their Beagle know who is boss. LOL The afternoon remained quiet but after supper, bbq’d sausages and potatoes, we walked up to listen to tonight’s entertainment.

Supper was good

Another fun evening, warmer by 10 degrees than Sunday night, and home by 9. Such night hawks, we are! Today, we reached 81F/27C, with more of the same. Yay! It was a great day and I finished Off Season by Anne River Simmons and it was a good read with a bit of a puzzling ending. Hmmm, maybe it is just me.

And so was our evening entertainment.
Amy and Kevin played song after song by request only.
They were fun!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.

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