Thursday, October 24, 2024

Our Last Town Trip

Two Rivers Campground

On Thursday, Oct. 24th we woke up to another beauty of a day. It was a warm morning, 51F/10C, with the sun rising into the clear blue sky. Warm enough for us to wear shorts. 😊 I wore my tulip dress today which meant bare legs for me too. After our morning drinks, I took Gibbs for his walk and gave him his treat as we both left for another downtown trip.

Good morning!
We are on the porch waiting for our shuttle.

I knew I wouldn’t get my blog finished last night, nor this morning before we left at 9:15 but I did manage to get it written at least. I took so many pictures and so did Bill. Trying to amalgamate them and choose the best one took time. Maybe I post too many but I enjoy seeing them too. I hope you don’t mind collages because that is what you got.

I love hand written notes.

Before I go too far here, I want to mention that when we returned yesterday afternoon from town, we found a lovely note on our picnic table. Our new friends from Australia had left while we were out. That’s so sweet, Carmel & Bill. Thank you! (PS – drop us a text so we have a way to communicate, if you’d like). We truly enjoyed the short time we spent together. 😊

The Batman Building was easy to find
if you got misdirected.

So, back to today. Our Music City Shuttle was right on time and there were at least 6 that got on from our park this morning. It is a quick ride down to what is called the (wait for it) Batman Building. It is actually the AT&T building but ………. well you’ll understand why when you look at the picture above.  We got dropped off by 9:50 and Bill and I had to make tracks to get to the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum by 10:20.

We were surprised to see Elvis' Cadillac here.
Wow, it is longer than Black Beauty!

It sounded simple but the maps we have are so convoluted that we weren’t sure which way to go. We made it by the skin of our teeth after a few misguided directions. We had purchased our tickets online as well as a handheld listening device for key showcases throughout our self-guided tour. I’m glad it wasn’t a headset, they can be finicky and we had our hats on! 😊

Told ya. I love written notes, put to song? Better still!

Random shots throughout my blog today.
Interesting to see what the stars wore on stage
for their performances.

So many walls covered in
gold, silver & platinum records

So, it was 2 hours before we were walking out. There is so much to see and to read so we focused on the country artists we know and walked around at our own pace together. The place is huge, 2 levels of museum and another with the gift shop. If they’d had my size, I would have walked out with a pair of low cowboy boots. They were so nice; the style I like and the right price. Oh well, I saved $95. Bill did buy me a Nashville carry-all bag, which I thought was sweet and will come in handy.

Some were sad, because they recently passed.
Kris, Toby, Jimmy. *sigh*

My number 1! 💗

These double-neck guitars are
so fun to see!
My ex used to play one.

Just some of my favourites

Yah, sad to lose Toby Keith.

An opportunity for photos came up,
so we took it! It was a free-for-all.

We had fun!

When we left there, it was about 12:45 so we walked down Broadway to a bar, recommended to us by a couple of people, to grab lunch. The place was busy but we slipped onto a couple of bar stooks, ordered a drink Seven Summers with Bacardi, coconut, Rum Chiata, soda and pineapple. Yummmmm, I loved it but the glass wasn’t big enough!

Yup, me too!

Bill ordered a loaded cheeseburger w/fries and I ordered what else, but a chicken quesadilla? Not the best one I’ve had but it was very good. We left there and realized we’d just missed the 2 o’clock shuttle (we weren’t really expecting to catch that one anyway) so walked to Printer’s Alley. This was recommended too, by our new friend from CanAm, Corinne.

We walked down to Tootsies for lunch.
A great little band, she was an awesome singer
but I missed her in the shot.
Downtown is almost wall to wall people.

We thought it would kill 20 minutes or so but we were down it and back within less than 10. Hmm, what were we missing? Anyway, we tried, maybe it has changed since she was there. It used to be a busy entertainment spot back in the day, according to the write up. 😊 We met more friends as we waited for our shuttle and were back to the park within 15 minutes. The traffic was minimal.

Again, we took too many pictures so I’ll just let them speak for themselves. This was another hot day, we had fun, met new acquaintances (who we’ll never see again) and were home before 3:30 to our patient little guy. Bill and I relaxed for 30 minutes; he had a Coke Zero and I had my tea before we sorted laundry. The laundromat is in bird’s-eye view of our site so we walked down and loaded two machines.

Laundry and the sun setting around 6:30.

Bill dumped our tanks and put the barbecue away and by 6:30, our clothes were clean and put away. We each made ourselves a sandwich for our supper. I also made our sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. What a great day!

I have interchanging wallpapers on my laptop.
Today, when I opened it up, this popped up.
I thought it was neat since I wore my Tulip dress today.
Funny, things like that.
Good night!

Thank you for your visit, I hope you enjoyed Nashville along with us. Thank you for following along and your comments are always a treat to read.


  1. Nashville was good fun to follow along, thank you for sharing :-)

  2. I knew you would love it. Lots to see there!! And you got some great pics!!

  3. An interesting place.
    Safe travels.


  4. If you are worried about posting all your pictures, you can spread them over a few days.
    Lots of memories and history to see and read about.
    Glad you enjoyed Nashville.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your next adventure.

    It's about time.

  5. What a great visit you have had in Nashville. It’s been a few years
    since we were much to see. You both did a lot!
    Your pictures were so fun. Safe travels✨
    Linda a.
