It was 6:30 when Bill and I got up
this morning, Friday, Aug. 10th. There was a little excitement in
the air and a little anxiety. The sky was blue and the sun was just popping
over the eastern horizon when I joined Bill outside. Clemson didn’t budge out
of his comfy warm spot until around 8, first time up for his piddle. This
little ole guy has a strong bladder! Today was going to be a brand-new
experience for us, hence my apprehension.
Clemson is ready for anything If he only knew................ |
We had our tea and coffee together
and I caught up on some blog posts. Bill couldn’t sit still and went out to
start loading things into Black Beauty. This meant 2 folding tables, Weber Q,
folding chairs, generator for starters and then he hooked up his cargo trailer.
Yup, we were going on an adventure! If you know our routine at all, you’ll know
that we hardly go anywhere in the summer. Other than Bill going to CanAm and
back for work.
The day awaits us |
Bill still belongs to the model
airplane club in London, Forest City Flyers, and they are having their annual
Fun Flys this weekend. The big day is Saturday and our initial plan was to
leave in the morning, go down for the day and drive home. When a close friend
messaged me and said “hey! Why don’t you bring your rv and come for the
weekend?” That got our minds buzzing and we tossed a few thoughts around.
First, we could pull our Suite out,
just as he suggested, stay the weekend and come home. Neither of us likes the
idea of triple towing and we are bringing the Suite to London on the following
weekend. Two trips would be costly unless we stayed the whole week and then my
garden and the grass would suffer. So, we ix-nayed that idea. We could also borrow
an rv from CanAm, if there was one available but that would mean taking a BIG
step back in our camping lifestyle.
We stopped in Harrison Ford I waited in Black Beauty and painted my fingernails |
I’m sure the rv would be lovely but
we would literally have to pack everything but the kitchen sink. Dishes, pots,
silverware, food, bedding, linens……….you get the picture and that is without
even mentioning clothes and ALL of Clemson’s ‘stuff’. As it turned out. That 2nd
option is what we’re doing. It was around 11:30
when Black Beauty was loaded as full as she could be and we pulled out
of the lane. We made a brief stop in Harriston with a ‘recall’ question at the
Ford dealership.
Stratford was a bustling tourist town There is usually a beautiful swan along the river today was no exception |
Visions of Stratford I love the bottom right picture If I were a young single lady, this would be a lovely place to live with a balcony |
As we took the ramp onto Hwy 401, the traffic was crazy going in the opposite direction (T.G.) |
We arrived at the field on the
southwest corner of the city around 2:15 and dropped the cargo trailer in
beside the only other trailer here. Bob from Kitchener had arrived before us
and had his fifth wheel Cedar Creek set up along the tree-lined property line.
When Clemson got out of the truck, his legs were shaky and he kept falling over
as he tried to walk and shake some feeling into his body. Oh-oh, this looked
sad so I kept a close eye on him as Bill set up his table at his station.
something wasn't right with our little guy |
As Bill backed his cargo trailer in, this was our view Bob from Kitchener had his Cedar Creek already settled in place but he wasn't around |
We got into the truck and drove the 5
km down the road to CanAm and picked up the ‘readied’ Heartland 33’ Mallard.
Thank you so much, Nicole, for your efforts to get us set up for this weekend
on short notice. You are terrific! John also lent a hand when it came to
finding the correct receiver for us to tow and we appreciated that very much.
These guys are not only great CanAm employees, they are wonderful friends too.
Nicole on the left in this picture was making things happen for us even on her lunch break |
Back at the field, Bill cautiously
made the awkward swing into the gate from the west and pulled the Mallard along
the trees in front of Bob. This would be a nice spot for a couple of days.
Things are different, for sure.
Clemson is still walking off kilter but at least he is walking this is our weekend setup |
No solar panels other than our portable one to
charge batteries and certainly not as much water in the tank. I’ll have to use
it sparingly.
We backed his cargo trailer beside Bob's this picture was taken AFTER we picked up the borrowed travel trailer
The day was hot, really hot and two
hours later, we were both dripping with sweat when we finished setting up
stuff. The bed is made and we can now relax. With the back of the rv to the
west, Clemson, who is still walking and even running with frequent tumbles, and
I sit in the shade. He is asleep right now on his stool beside me as I sit in
my chair typing this.
The Heartland Mallard |
Bill and Bob seemed to hit it off
quite well and I could hear Bill relaying stories of our full-time experiences
to-date. It sounds like we are living ‘their’ dream and soon there will be
another full-timer amongst us. There just isn’t enough we can say about this
life-style but the one thing for sure, is that to make it work, you have to
want it. Really ‘want’ it. We did. We do. And so do many, many others.
Walking out to the field gate |
Walking back in on Friday night |
This is a beautiful flying field Tom Speight just cut it Thursday |
they need a new sign, it has been here for years and years The weeds are blocking the view too |
So, of course, I have to do something about that good thing I didn't have a paintbrush! |
There is a slight breeze coming from
the east and it sounds like tomorrow will be a duplicate. That is the perfect
forecast for one of these flying events and we have a prime spot here. I can
sit at the rv and watch the action. I will be able to smell the wonderful
lunchtime aromas tomorrow from here too.
Stretched out beside me was the best place for him |
Clemson had his supper at 5 but he
doesn’t seem to have much of an appetite. Hopefully, a little later he will eat
more of his soft food. He’s at the age where we worry about him. Anything amiss
and our hearts skip a beat. We do love our best friends, don’t we? 😊 After Clemson had his supper, we went for a halting, wobbly walk. He
wanted to pull and go but I had to restrain him on his leash out to the road. A
laneway, just a different one than what we’re used to.
Good burgers and chips on the side |
For supper tonight, we had
cheeseburgers with bacon. I didn’t bring all the fixins’ but enough to make a filling
meal. The fridge in this unit doesn’t seem to be getting cool but the freezer
seems to be working fine. I filled the two ice cube trays (thank you for
those!) so tomorrow, Bill can have them in his drinks. I sent Bill back to the
planes and cleaned up the utensils. We brought paper plates to make life easier
here since our water is scarcer.
After supper, I noticed that our
buddy Keith had arrived with his cargo trailer. Once I realized it was him, I
went over for a big hug. He is such a great guy, how is he still single? It was
sad to hear him tell of having to put his best friend down in the last few
months. Bear was a figment of these events, wherever Keith was, everyone knew
Bear. Keith has retired from his regular job and has started up his own
landscaping business. With his maximum of 18 customers, he is living a life of
stress-free joy. Picking and choosing when and where he wants to work Nice!
Meet Oreo, 13-week old mutt Keith said this was the first time she's slept on his lap outside like this
When I met Keith’s new best friend,
Oreo, I can see why he fell in love with this little sweetheart. She is a 13-week
old Australian Shepherd mix (can’t remember) and although he ‘lovingly’
complains now about wishing she were 2 years old (and settled), he says it was
the right thing to do so soon after losing Bear. He doesn’t know how he would’ve
gotten past the loss otherwise. She is a live wire, I have to admit that she’d
wear me out too!
This is Bill's trailer set up with his new canopy |
We sat for a while, until a dark
star-spattered blanket covered the sky, with Keith, Bob, Paul and Walt.
Clemson and I said goodnight after 10 , I shut the generator off and came
inside. Bill joined us soon after. It was painstaking watching our little guy
try and find the piddle spot, going in circles. Lifting his leg was not an
option tonight as his balance wouldn’t allow it. He took a while to settle down
so we’re not sure if he is feeling pain or just numbness.
This was to be a very emotional morning |
Today, Saturday, Aug. 11th,
the day of the Big Fun Fly, we have to admit that it was one of the toughest
nights’ sleep we’ve experienced in a while. Clemson was up at 12:30 wandering
the bed and so Bill took him out for a piddle. Then at 3:30, then at 6:30. Each
time it took 10 minutes to settle him and usually at the expense of our own
comfort. Once he laid down, the person he was snuggled next to couldn’t move,
for fear of waking him again.
with his little head on a steady right tilt, Bill carries him in to the clinic |
I cried a lot because of what the
seemingly ‘inevitable’ morning would bring. This can’t go on, not for Clemson,
nor for us. If he would forever be like this, a decision had to be made. Today. We got up, washed and dressed and were on our way to the Southside Animal
Clinic on Commissioners Rd. E. This is where Clemson used to come before we
moved and they still had him on file. I was a blubbering mess, and Bill wasn’t
holding it together much better, when Bill explained why we were there.
A second before the camera snapped the photo, Clemson had his head snuggled in Daddy's neck |
The vet, Dr. Anna, took us in right
away. The news was better than we expected and what we thought ‘could’ be his
last truck ride, turned into just a very important trip to the vet. Yay! He was diagnosed with Vestibular
Disease aka Old Dog vestibular syndrome. The vestibular system is responsible for
maintaining normal balance. It can happen suddenly but it
is unknown exactly why. Now we're wondering has it been coming on for the last month and we just thought his legs were asleep as he tried to move. Jumping on and off the bed and recliners didn't seem to be an issue.
She described all of the symptoms we had witnessed so we had no doubt she was correct. With a sedative and a 4-day pill allotment to
prevent nausea (and no appetite) and relieve any pain, we were on our way.
Smiling. This should pass in between 5 to 10 days, gradually, and if not, we’ll
further investigate at home with blood tests etc. For now, Bill can continue on
with his hobby and have some fun without feeling sad. Me, I am content to stick
close to Clemson at the trailer.
this is the bunk room where we were able to place his bed on carpet on the floor and close a door to keep him safe if we were out of the trailer |
Luckily, there is a bunk room in this
Mallard with carpeted flooring and a door to close. With the window open, his
bed on the floor, he will sleep and be as content as if he were home. When we
get home to the Suite, we’ll have to make some adjustments to make sure he
doesn’t try jumping on or off the couch. Nancy K, we are living your world for
a while now. Don’t you love happy endings? Even if it is temporary, we are feeling
some relief and will keep him comfortable.
Clemson spent a good part of the weekend right here, beside Mom |
At 9:30 I boiled the kettle and made
a pot of Folgers coffee. Wakes everyone up, right? I fried an omelette and
toasted some bread over the stove burner. No toaster. I took Bill’s coffee and
sandwich over to him and then made my own. We had one bun left from supper last
-ight so I ‘burned’ it (not really) on the burner as well. It tasted quite good
and hit the spot. Catching up on this post, Clemson seemed to have settled
I bought the little pot at Value Village over a year ago. I used it to make a pot of tea It was perfect to make coffee when we don't have our Keurig |
I took my chair, Kobo, crossword,
camera and water over to sit with Bill. He was busy so I wandered down to chit
chat with long time fellow flyers and friends, Jack and Mary.
They were sitting under the shelter with an
umbrella from the sun. Bill had given them one of our ‘business’ cards and Jack
said he was going to check my blog out. I hope I don’t put him to sleep with my
slow-moving summer ramblings.
It was nice to see them both and I
soon moseyed back and worked on my crossword.
Tom brought over his daughter's baby, Lucy |
Isn't she adorable? |
Sitting with Bill and Clemson |
Bill had a lot of help to help
him with his Stinson Reliant, still trying to get the engine running. Pure
determination proved to be successful. They eventually got her started. Bill
won’t try flying it today but hopefully tomorrow, Bob will help him with that.
There was quite a gang around helping Bill It reminds me of the RV world |
The rest of the afternoon went by
with lots of flyers in the heat of the day. It was quite humid and very little
breeze. I took pictures of Bill flying his Timber plane but missed him flying
the Cub. Clemson got lots of loving
attention. Most people knew about his problem and even Terry came around and
asked to take him for a short walk.
Terry is another long time flyer, way before I knew Bill He currently suffers from dementia so couldn't recall us but is a sweet man who loves dogs |
When the lunch meal was ready, Bill ordered
a sausage on a bun and I ordered a cheeseburger. They were good.
Bill and I enjoyed lunch together under his awning
Come 4:30 the pilots and their planes
had mostly all left with the exception of us ‘over-nighters’. Bill and I weren’t
hungry until 7 or 7:30 and even then a sandwich and some popcorn was enough.
Clemson couldn’t be convinced to eat……anything. You know he doesn’t feel well
when he won’t accept cheese. Hopefully tomorrow he’ll have a bit of an
appetite, we were hoping to slip his ½ dose of the pill into the cheddar.
And this is what the day was all about Beautiful planes and talented pilots The bottom left pix shows 3 identical flyers They call these 'Foamies' (like Bill's Timber) |
Aerobatics like the real planes are fun to watch |
Brian knows how to put on a show |
We gathered outside our Mallard with
Paul, Keith and Oreo, Bob and Ruth and discussed full-timing, rv’s, travel
spots and just life in general. Over a couple glasses of red wine, Bill and I
were well done in (Clemson slept on his lap the whole 2 hours) when we packed
it in at 11.
sitting around last night with new and old friends all we were missing was the campfire |
The spattering of rain on the awning pushed everyone a little
quicker back to their own trailers. It was a great day after all and a good night. I’m sure happy to be able to say that. It sure didn’t start out that way.
A reward from Bob and Chapman's today |
I wish I'd got a picture of all 10 of the grown men with their popsicles but instead I only got my Sweetie enjoying his They were good! |
Thank you for catching up with us on
this ‘different’ adventure. Your comments are always welcome!
Looks like are enjoying a new experience, glad that Clemson is being taken care of hope he will be good for a few years yet.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your time there with the flyers and hope that Bill will get his plane in the air!
That was a new experience for sure and we'd love to do the flying weekend again but with our own Suite next time.
DeleteBill is very happy!
Awwww, it is so heartbreaking when our fur babies are ill. Glad he got the treatment he needed and hope is right as rain soon. Looks like you had a good time even if you had to "slum" it in a travel trailer. Take care.
ReplyDeleteIt was so sad to see him like that, thinking it was a stroke or something permanent. We had a good time in the travel trailer but I grumbled a bit about things I was missing. Mainly SOLAR!!! :)
DeleteBest wishes for Clemson's good health so that he'll be back soon on his four paws. Well, you are roughing it in a beautiful Mallard that must be twice the size of our Jayco trailer ;-)
ReplyDeleteHad we known where you were today, we'd stopped by on our way picking up granddaughter #2 in London for her visit with us. Seeing those model planes flying high in the sky would have been awesome for all of us. Enjoy this outing, looks like a lot of fun.
Thank you Marlene. It was a beautiful trailer, just different. The hardest part was not having solar to charge laptops and phones. We didn't want the generator running all day although we should have, looking back now.
DeleteI'm so sorry that I didn't get a post done on Friday, that would have been what you needed. Nothing was going my way as far as posting and then my laptop battery died on Sunday morning. that would have been awesome all around!
Looks like fun flying those planes. Sure glad Clemson got some medicine to help him through the rough time he is having.
ReplyDeleteThank you Doug. Fingers crossed and lots of special attention for a few days and hopefully the little bum will be good as new. :)
DeleteThe planes are a great hobby for these guys.
Yup - sleeping on the floor. I'm glad you took Clemson to the vet. Those symptoms in my other puppy turned out to be a stroke. I'm am so happy that's not his problem. Hopefully with lots of rest his appetite will return. The planes look like fun!! Hope you have a great time!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat was our fear, a stroke. Hopefully, this too shall pass.
DeleteThe planes keep these guys acting like little boys and it is a joy to watch. :)
So sorry Clemson is having a rough spell. Hopefully he will return to his normal self and routine quickly. Enjoy your outing with friends and flying!
ReplyDeleteThank you Cheri, we're hoping it isn't too uncomfortable to remain on the floor with no jumping up on the chairs. That is the challenge!
DeleteSo glad you guys came and spent the weekend at the flying field!!
ReplyDeleteIt turned out that a bunch of us stayed the weekend, it was great!!
Next year we will have a camp fire, that would have been the icing on the cake!!
Glad Bills maiden flight went well!!
Oreo is a Australian Shepherd / Border Collie mix and yes high energy!! She again behaved better than expected with all that weekend activities going on, she is going to be a good dog I think!!
Glad your puppy is doing better, let me tell you, it was the hardest thing I had to do putting Bear down....:(, But that's life
Hope to see everyone at the Kitchener event in September.
Till then play safe... hugs
Keith :)
You had me in tears today reading your glad for the ending! That pic of Bill holding Clemson in the clinic :( I'm hoping he starts eating soon and feeling better. He is such a part of your family (and ours from afar)..Looks like it was a beautiful weekend, catching up with old and new friends. Good food on top of it all!
ReplyDeleteHopefully Clemson has a quick recovery ... I'm sure that was a real scare!