Monday, February 4, 2019

Mexico Dental, Cal*Am Party, Puzzle Completion

On Monday, Feb. 4th we woke up with a mission. Bill had his alarm set for 7 am but it wasn’t necessary since we were awake and up by 6:45. I had enough time to go for a walk, so out I went. It was 53F/12C with no wind. After Bill showered, he had some toast and jam while I warmed up some oatmeal and cream. At 8:30, we met Rob at Black Beauty and were not too surprised when Pat had declined joining us. She was just not quite there yet as far as feeling well enough for the trip across the border.

And from that top level, I caught the sun just beginning to rise
the people up here have a beautiful position for this daily viewing
The three of us had appointments with Dr. Eva. Rob also had an appointment with another root canal dentist. The office was buzzing! George, Dr. Eva’s husband and receptionist, drove Rob to his first appointment and Bill went in first for his cleaning. There were some new discoveries when the girls were cleaning his teeth and George informed me another crown was necessary. Oh dear. That was a new development that we hadn’t counted on but agreed that it was better to act on it sooner rather than later.
I had to walk out to the road waiting for it to happen

And then back at the Suite, the sun rose
My turn next and we had asked that Dr. Eva take a look at my chipped tooth from summer of ’17. She came in after my cleaning and looked at the pictures the hygienist took. Hmm. Because I’ve had a root canal on that tooth, I’m feeling no pain in it but she said that decay had began to edge down to the root. No point in spending any money on trying to save it. Just hold off for as long as you can and when it starts to be an issue, we’ll pull it. I could have hugged her!

Even though George is a cutie patootie, I took advantage of
his absence to snap a picture of the reception desk
We also talked about an upper right wisdom tooth that could also be removed at a later date. It was crowding the tooth beside it and making a nest for food to gather. Okay, no problem, I’ll think about it. What dentist tells you NOT to spend money? They all try to save our teeth, regardless of cost. I felt pretty good walking out of there. We made appointments for later in the month to get Bill’s work done and paid our bill.
I like the ceramic inlay on the outdoor tables
at Dr. Urena's courtyard
Rob returned, saw Dr. Eva for a bit, made his appointments to match ours and we left by way of the Purple Pharmacy. Let’s stock up on meds while we can. 

If you're having dental work done down in Mexico
We recommend her
You'll love George too
The money we saved today is crazy compared to what we would have paid back home. That’s why we don’t mind waiting in the hour long lineup to cross the border to the U.S. We would have liked to have Pat along but we were appreciative of the fact that she was home to let Clemson out.

The patio across the road from our site was full
They were there for either the music, the companionship or the drinks
Back home, we felt hungry, thirsty and dry but since it was 2:30, it wasn’t a good time to be eating much. So, we poured ourselves a diet soda and had a snack of cheese and chips. The park was putting on a Cal*Am Party on the patio just across the street from us. While many people had to drive or walk across the park to enjoy the music, we could hear it clearly from our Suite. A 3-man band were performing all kinds of familiar tunes from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

The band was really good and played until 4,
stopped for 2 hours while a BeeGees Tribute was going on inside
then played again until 7 for the same entertainment
that was open to the public, not only park residents
I walked over only to snap a picture and then returned home to relax. When Bill stretched back in his chair, I decided to take my bike up to the puzzle room. The one I was working on yesterday was finished, not surprisingly. When I arrived, there were 2 people working on the other table and they didn’t ‘really’ invite me to join, he didn’t budge an inch, but I moved in anyway and began slapping pieces in left right and centre. Eventually, his wife came out of the shower and he left.

Jewel and I finished the last half of this pretty picture
The other lady and I worked together in our own corner and chatted as we filled in pieces. She was doing laundry and when she left, the puzzle was half finished. I worked almost better alone because I wasn’t timid to reach over to the section she was working on. It was a few minutes later that Jewel (sp?) came in and asked if he could help with the puzzle. He is a nice older gentleman with a bit of a hearing impairment but not too bad.

Clemson and I took a walk and I saw this sign and bucket
at the garbage
Interesting, I'll save my caps
Sometimes you meet ‘like’ puzzle partners where they share their pieces and openly encourage others. Kind of like my buddy Pat does for me. We were determined as we finished the whole thing. It wasn’t an overly difficult one so we don’t deserve a medal but it had been there for 3 days and time to seal the deal. Jewel is a Canadian from B.C. but born in the eastern province of New Brunswick and ended up buying a park model here in Sundance. We parted ways, he hopped on his bike and I hopped on mine.

The sky was pretty tonight again
I had texted Bill to check on the ‘home’ status and neither of us were hungry enough for a big supper so there was no hurry for me to leave. When I returned home, the sun was shuffling behind some clouds but I managed to get a few pictures before it dropped below the horizon of the park. It was a mild night at 65F. I was surprised to hear the music still playing at the park patio at 6 pm. This has been an all afternoon thing and it is quite loud. I didn’t want to close the windows and doors but it was necessary to watch our programs. Too loud for our liking.

Bill and I agreed on a cup of tea and a few sugar-free chocolate chip cookies. That was enough to fill the gap. I sat at my laptop to catch up on my blog and downloaded pictures. I finished my David Baldacci book. If you haven’t read End Game, you must, it was not only a page turner but a chapter turner. 😊 We’ve had a good day here in the park, getting our dental appointments over with for now, some puzzle time and some more relaxing time.

The clouds were performing all around me
 By the way, Bill is almost clear of his cold and Pat’s medications are kicking in so she also feels a bit better each day. Thank you for all of your concerns, suggestions and good health wishes for both of them.

Good night!

Thank you also for stopping by today!


  1. Thank you for caring and concerns on how I am doing and feeling . This evening I think I’m feeling some better . Still a little ways to go with the earache . The cotton in the ear has really helped . I’m hoping to feel much better tomorrow And with the days to come with the anabiotic’s . Thanks Patsy for the dish of Jell-O
    It was very tasty . Pat

    1. Yay! You posted a comment! :) I'm so glad you are gradually feeling better.
      You're welcome for the Jell-O, easy to make with the right ingredients. :)

  2. Just to add ~ Nurse Patsy and Dr Rob and Bill’s guidance . Are taking very good care of me . Lol

  3. I always cringe when I hear people say their dentist found MORE things to fix. I'm glad you didn't need any extra work. Prices on meds and dental work are so much cheaper there!!

    1. Yes, I was cringing when Bill was in there and maybe that's why I was so happy with my result. :)

  4. Nice to hear that all your dentist appointments went well and y'all had a great day. And them sick peoples are almost new again. Continue to enjoy the park.

    1. Thanks George. Things are coming along and we will be able to enjoy more things in the park as a group.

  5. Glad to hear Bill and Pat are doing better! That is nice that the dentist doesn't just push you spending more and more dollars. Won't find that in the states. Great sunrise and sunset pictures.

    1. Thanks Shirley. I was pleased when she said 'don't spend any more $ on this tooth' to save it. :)

  6. Glad the patients are feeling better.
    Very good information about the dentist. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Do you remember when we were kids how our Dad used to blow cigarette smoke into our ears for ear aches? Then a warm towel to hold the heat in.

  8. Do you remember when we were kids how our Dad used to blow cigarette smoke into our ears for ear aches? Then a warm towel to hold the heat in.
