Monday, October 17, 2022

Not Too Energetic on These Cool Wet Days

The Ridge

The forecast for the next four days isn’t going to change much from what we’ve seen. Between 5C/42F and 8C/46F isn’t very nice especially when you throw in the wet rains and occasional winds. So, when we woke up on Monday, Oct. 17th we weren’t expecting too much in the way of outside activity. I told Gibbs, ‘It’s another lazy inside day’.

Picture from inside out
because I wasn't out much at all

We were sitting drinking our morning tea and coffee after getting up around 7:30 and decided today was the day to go and get the last few items of food items at Walmart. Also, fill the truck up with gold, er, I mean, diesel. So, we got cleaned up and drove to Hanover to get the ingredients for our travel meals. I’ll make chili and hamburger stew for freezer containers. Buying those ingredients at Costco means buying more cans of beans than we need or want.

After we dropped a pile at Walmart, there were a couple of other needs on the list, we drove across to the Pioneer station and let BB slurp up fuel at $2.38/litre. Ouch! I ran inside during the process and cashed in Bill’s birthday scratch ticket, coming out with some lotto tickets for the draws this week. Wouldn’t that be lovely? 😊 Bill took Black Beauty through the truck wash to get some of that October dirt off. 

Meet their little greyhound cross, 19 week old Hoagy
This little stretching performance is exactly what Gibbs does
when you give him attention

Marty loves his little brother

I think Timber is indifferent
but such a people's pooch

On the way into Durham, we stopped at Grey Bruce Fleet so they could bring the tire pressure up on the inner wheels for us. We got to meet their new baby, who was adopted into their family with 2 sweet older brothers. Back home, it was still drizzly and cool so we hunkered inside.

They are so toasty warm!

I wear slippers and wear them to death so that was something I bought at Walmart. Nice cozy slippers since I’ve dropped the ball on crocheting them. Maybe I’ll get at it again over the winter season. We had mushroom soup for lunch and sat and dozed with Gibbs for a bit. I had the urge to do something so made a pumpkin pie. This time, totally from scratch, filling and all. It looks different because I chose to use the white pumpkin puree.

The boys have their snooze
Isn't this adorable?💖

Emma didn’t make it last night, but tonight around 5:30, she brought us some maple syrup. She’s a very busy young lady. Bill caught up with her life a bit while I stayed inside with our little ‘barker’. He has had his collar on for the last couple of days, trying to get him used to it and the idea again. He’s been pretty good. I put our baby back pork ribs in Madame IP around 5:45 after giving them a good ‘rub’. 😊

with the tools of the trade, the crust was 'perfect'

Before baking, you can tell it is a different
type of pumpkin

Well, it turned out!

Since I’ve baked a pie today, we’ll just have vegetables with them and no potatoes. It was a late supper by the time everything was ready but quite worth the wait. The ribs were just right with sweet and sour sauce added and the pie turned out great! It’s different, a bit ‘lighter’ taste for pumpkin but it was a success as well. Tomorrow night, I’ll make some whipped cream to go with it. Yum!

Supper was good

With a tasty dessert

We cleaned up the two pots and loaded the dishwasher. It was full tonight after the baking utensils were added. I sat and finished my post and Bill and Gibbs sat in his chair watching Wheel of Fortune. Tonight is our night for tv, some programs being recorded and others we watch. It was a good day and now I can start preparing things for the journey.

this dull day will be repeated until Friday
It's soon time to go!

Good night!

Thank you for popping in!


  1. While it has been cold, windy and overcast here in my little corner of the province we haven't gotten rain yet. That would just make things miserable. I sure bet you will be glad to be on your way south.

    God bless.

  2. Those last few days before a trip starts always seem to be the longest. We're supposed to get some warmer weather starting today, hopefully it makes its way to you as you start your way south.
    The pie looks delicious!

    1. You're right! Especially when we're kind of stuck indoors. We expect warmth by Saturday so thanks for sending it!

  3. I agree with Maebeme about the last few days. Are you headed for Quartzite or Yuma this year? Probably a little of both. Wherever you go it will be a nice change of pace for sure.

    1. We are starting out in the Yuma area, November, and then the Q from December on. 😊

  4. YUM .... PIE!!!!! Your days are getting short!!!

  5. That photo of your two guys napping is a keeper! Hopefully the sun will be out and temps are up when you get underway on the weekend as it makes the drive more enjoyable.

    1. Thank you, i agree about the photo.
      Saturday does look quite pleasant

  6. Great picture of Bill and Gibbs.....and the pie!

  7. Dull wet days here too, but some nice days coming up!
