Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Hump Day and We’re Almost Over the Hump!

The Ridge (long winded today)

On Wednesday, Oct. 12th I left the Suite first. At 7:10, I drove in to the Mat. I was meeting Beth, a new ‘hiree’ for the winter. She is retired, a bit younger than me and looking for something for the cold months to keep her busy. She admits she retired too early perhaps as she needs something to do. 😉

My drive down North Line was gorgeous

We hit it off and although Sage had cleaned after school yesterday and the place was pretty clean, I took Beth through the motions and recleaned all over again. Kaitlin popped in (I’ve been spelling her name wrong!) and put up new signs and went over some things with Beth as to her start date etc. It was an hour and a half later when I left with the place sparkling. 😊

This is where I trimmed lilies yesterday
and the apple tree looks much better
Bill, my sweetie, brought the trimmings back for me

I called M to see if he was ready, so I could pick him up on my way home to go back and get his car. That’s what we did and I drove home alone, turning onto the west end (south?) of North Line. It was a nice gravel road with more lovely autumn trees for my camera to enjoy. 

Back home, our little shivering boy
in his jacket 💖

Bill wasn’t home when I returned, as expected, he had an appointment for an oil and filter change on Black Beauty. Apparently, it didn’t end there as she needed two new batteries. We knew that was up and coming so weren’t surprised. With that done, he was home before lunch and I started the pancakes and sausage. It’s been a while since we’ve enjoyed that.

Pancakes, sausage and 'local' maple syrup

After dishes, Bill did some banking and I cut up the 8 apples I’d brought up from the front tree. Once I cut the marks out and peeled them, I ended up with about 3 – 4 cups, enough to make something with but decided to blanch them for freezing instead. We don’t need another dessert right away. 😉 (Wha???) Bill and Gibbs had a snooze so I decided to sit beside them and play my word games.

I did catch the herons on my phone camera
in the field behind us

We’ve made a Costco grocery list for tomorrow, that is next on the list. No matter how much we figure we’ll spend, it is always more so we’re prepared to leave a sizeable donation. Today, I thought I’d get the extra iris and hosta bulbs planted, that inadvertently got dug up in my trimming. It doesn’t hurt to split them up anyway, actually I’m sure it is recommended and mine are getting quite overcrowded.


The little stone cabin across the road

But instead of planting them, I gathered the apple tree branches down at the road and put them in a pile for the next time I’m down there with my wheelbarrow. When Bill went to the Hangar to install a new locking mechanism on the door, I brought one of the pretty pumpkins in for cutting up. No point in making a Jack-o-Lantern up here since we won’t be around on Hallowe’en so I cut the top off and scooped out the innards.

Sleeping 'giants' lie
The blue line is to show you the up/down curve he's sleeping on
Butt in the air, neck in a gully head up on the arm

Just not sure yet why I was doing it, I cleaned up the seeds and found a recipe to bake them in Rosy. 😊 All of the talk is that they will take less than half the time in an air fryer and will turn out even crispier. Since I don’t have an oven, to speak of, I’ll try it! I spiced them with olive oil, salt, pepper and seasoning salt and popped them in for 20 minutes.

One little pumpkin gets the 'scoop'

Baking the seeds in the air fryer

Kaitlin sent us ladies home this morning with 6 Pumpkin Snicker Doodle cookies and although they are too ‘cakey’ for my taste, Bill loved them. This put me in the mood to salvage the pumpkins for some baking this winter. Maybe the American Thanksgiving?

Kaitlin's cookies and my seeds

We all went outside earlier and I took my big camera up the hill and back through the field looking for the two gray herons we’ve been seeing over the last couple of days. My phone did okay but with my zoom, I am hoping for better than ‘okay’. Now to find them again. Gibbs and I walked down the lane and to the corner around 3:30 and when we returned, Bill came up with us to relax for the rest of the day.

Supper was very good

My pumpkin seeds are delicious! I’ll do the same with the other two pumpkins, they make a nice snack. I made a cup of tea and poured a Zero Coke for Bill. Gibbs stretched across the back of my chair and I read for a bit. Bill sat thinking about writing a post for his blog – maybe. You’ll find out at later. Maybe not today but soon perhaps. 😉


For supper, we had fish and chips. Rosy got used again along with our Fry Daddy. They were good! Bill had a pumpkin cookie for dessert (I knew we’d have something) and I had a Chapman’s ice cream bar. We had a few programs on our PVR to watch so settled in for the night after dishes were taken care of. NCIS Hawaii first and then 9-1-1. It was an entertaining evening.

Going back in time to October 2014
This is our first time up here with our 2010 Jayco Designer

Boy, these are some memories!!

Looking out over the pond in 2014
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.


  1. The property looks so nice and green. Pretty place to live!
    Do you own it or renting? You sure take good care of it!

    1. Thank you! We agree that it is pretty - in summer. :)
      My sister and her hubby own it and we pay a smigdgen to stay here in the summer.

  2. Gibbs is a little contortionist. He must like his jacket.
    The milkweed photo is my favorite of the day.

    1. Gibbs is very flexible - hope that stays with him all through his life. ;)
      Thank you, the milkweed is spreading goodness!

  3. I'm a big fan of pumpkin baking. It's time to get my bake on. Never done the seeds though ... too much work! LOL. Poor Gibbs ... it must be getting chilly up there. And yes, my truck also has two batteries ... twice the fun, twice the expense!!

    1. I love pumpkin pies and tarts especially but the bread is also a treat - oh! and cheesecake!

  4. Pancakes and sausage looks oh so yummy! Bet the batteries hurt the wallet, but gotta be done right?! The colors are so gorgeous! Kaitln seems like a real sweetheart! Gibbs looks adorable in his sweater :)

    1. Our lunch was quite filling and tasty. The batteries were only 150$ each so not bad at all. Yay! Kaitlin is adorable, I agree. Gibbs doesn't mind the jacket so he must know he's cute in it. :)

  5. You are pretty organized and almost ready to go, I see. I read that pumpkin is good for the dogs especially if they have digestive problems. Kaitlin is going to miss you, I'm sure and will look forward to seeing you next year. Beautiful leave colours you have up there!

    1. This year we seem to be ahead of the packing up. Bill stopped worked earlier than he did last year. Kaitlin admitted, so did M, to not wanting us to leave. :)

  6. I love looking at the picture of the trees on each side of the road. Such pretty colours.

    God bless.

    1. I'm forcing myself to stop taking pictures. The colours are gradually fading though so I enjoy witnessing that. Then it is dull and time to be gone before they are adorned in white! (which, I agree is also pretty).
