Sunday, December 1, 2024

It’s December and That Means Decorating!

Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Dec. 1st I woke up to a lovely sky to the east. It was about 6:45 and we started sorting our laundry as soon as the bed was made. Gibbs jumps up, knows his place and watches. When he was just a babe, he would grab an article of clothing, usually a sock, for something to chew on. Now that he is a ‘big’ boy, he idly waits. Bill carried the basket over with me and we loaded 2 machines.

Good morning!

Within 10 minutes, the first picture changed
to this.
Who wouldn't stop and stare at the sky?

The sky was gorgeous so I took a picture of the dark clouds against the pale blue and yellow sky. When we came out, it had blown up into lovely shades of pink. Bill was getting ready to go to the field and I waited until it was time to switch loads to the dryers before I went for my walk. It wasn’t as cold this morning, a pleasant 47F/8C, so I didn’t need to wear my gloves. 😊

The sun rises and then I'm not alone
I do like my quiet morning walks alone
so this is the perfect walking mate.

This Saguaro, probably 10 years old,
always looks so tired to me. 
The view on my walk facing west is a pretty one.

By the time I neared our park, I felt tiredness in my ankles and legs so cut across through the back corner by the dog park. I knew Bill would be gone so I made my tea and had a bowl of cereal waiting for the last 10 minutes before the dryers were done. I stopped them both to check and things were dried. With them folded in the basket, I finished my tea and debated what I’d do today.

The park is a drop box location for a 
Toy Drive so I picked these gifts up
to leave in the office.

Time to decorate!
The red quilt should look familiar.

December 1st is usually the key for me to begin decorating for Christmas but I wanted to dust and vacuum first. Bill was home by 10 and I was in the midst of doing those things. We changed things up a bit with the coffee table and how we usually place it for our 4’ tree. I think this might work better, as far as space for us to walk through from kitchen to our living area. Every spare inch helps! 😊

We turned the coffee table the opposite way this year
and we both like it better.
An extension of our island, so to speak.

By noon hour, I was finished decorating the Suite and the tree was up but not yet adorned. We had our sandwiches and then I helped Bill with his ‘remodeling’ his tool caddy for a few minutes. I walked to the puzzle for half hour but was feeling pretty tired. It was then I realized how busy I’d been since I got up! Bill said we were having Happy Hour with Patty and Duncan at 3:30 so I was happy to go home.

The green quilt is on our bed for the month of December.

We gathered until shortly after 5, made a few plans and we showed them through the Suite, all decorated for Christmas. They were pleased. I’m proud to show it off, as I love it too! I started a pork shoulder roast in Madame IP and then took Gibbs for his walk. He had a nice long walk with Duncan and Patty this afternoon so is getting quite spoiled.

Not a lot of progress on the puzzle
but a few more pieces go in each time I visit.

Happy hour with Patty and Duncan.
Gibbs was content on Daddy's lap.
Of course he is posing.

Supper, the pork especially, was absolutely perfect! That is the best way to cook it and I wish I’d thought of it for the last 2 meals we’ve had with this meat. I reheated mixed vegetables and the last of the stuffing to have along with it. One of the best homemade meals I’ve had in a while. We cleaned up the pots and our mugs by hand and the rest of the dishes went in the dishwasher.

A delicious supper. We both had
second helpings of the pork roast.

We watched a movie together to start the evening and then watched our own thing for the remaining hours. 😊 This was a great day, a bit warmer than yesterday, reaching 72F/22C. We have a lot of nice days coming in a row but still in the single digits overnight. Mid 40’s/7C area.

Gibbs and the bunny rabbit had a stare down
on his walk with me.

While I decorated inside,
Bill decorated outside.
Black Beauty also has her Christmas happy face on.
Good night!

Thank you for your visit.


  1. You did a great job getting the Suite ready for Christmas.
    If Gibbs is willing to walk for others but not you, he's trying to control you.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the warmer temperatures.

    It's about time.

    1. Thank you. I love decorating for the holidays.
      No, Gibbs walks for me just fine, Rick. He is confused at what direction we are going when I switch it up, that's all.

  2. Very nice decorations. Where in the heck do you keep those the rest of the year??? I applaud your packing skills!! Love the red quilt!

    1. Thanks Nancy. Under the bed and a top shelf in the Suite. I'll show you! :)

  3. Ditto Nancy's comment. I'm not a fan of pork but your meal did look good!

    1. Thank you, the pork turned out better than I expected this time!

  4. Look how wonderfully you got the suite decorated. I love it.

    God bless.
