Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Time to Get Back to Normal Life, Heat and Humidity, Small Jobs Getting Done

I actually can’t tell you for sure what time we got up this morning, Tuesday, May 29th. I think it was somewhere between 6:30 and 7:30, Bill the former and me closer to the latter. I remembered waking up at 3 am and clearly hearing the coyotes in the near distance (how is that for an oxymoron?). I took an earplug out and listened to them for the 5 minutes before they’d moved off.
One small thing I did today was dump our large bag
of sawdust into the garbage can that we bought this morning
We use this sawdust to keep the odor down and help 'things'
compost quicker in the outhouse
We had our tea and coffee and I finished posting my blog, as you’ve noticed. I was worn out yesterday and will be anxious now that things are settling down, to get back into our regular routine. By 8:45 we were on our way to Hanover with a few errands on the list. The Bread Store didn’t open until 10 so we went to Canadian Tire and dropped a load of cash. All things that we needed and most on sale.

Bill drilled holes into these two 'flower' boxes for me
Bill drove back to get our bread and a couple of butter tarts to fill our tummy until lunch. The last stop was Walmart and I ran in to get milk and Omega 3’s. I enjoy the chewable ones that I can get in the States but they only sell them for children. I find it difficult to swallow the large capsules but will manage. Zipping back through Durham, we stopped at Rob and Pat’s and together we booked a week’s stay at our home park, Rock Glen. We missed camping with them last winter.

Bill trying once more to get our genny running
It was lunch time when we returned to the Ridge so Bill made a sandwich and I warmed up the last batch of my soup and had a piece of toast with it. It was another hot (yay!) and humid (not so yay) day and Bill and I agreed that we would not be doing any heavy physical work in the heat. He fiddled with the Champion generator once more and then drove 3 driveways down North Line to the repair shop when he realized he needed a pro to look at it.
Painting the hammock
Not everybody paints in a dress - LOL
and of course, I never slopped any paint on it
Bill set up the folding table under the car shelter so I could paint the hammock base in the shade and the breeze. I had already sanded the 5 pieces down and began painting them using dark green. This would make it look almost new! I am not the neatest painter, I admit, so changed from my shorts and top into a very cool, sloppy summer dress that I’d already deposited into the donation pile. It was something I didn’t mind slopping green on as it could easily be disposed of.

the base brackets

Extension pole
When I finished the pieces, I left them in the sun and warm air to dry. I had to meet a lady in Durham who was interested in buying our little tent. Yay! We are down to just one thing left. Anyone want to buy an inflatable 3-person boat? 😊 We met promptly at 4 and then I drove to Rob and Pat’s once more. Pat had offered me a couple of flower pots since my garage sale shopping wasn’t working out for finding one.

My Cat and mouse ornament, all fixed
At the same time, I left my wind ornament (from our London neighbor, Carolyn) Three Blind Mice with Rob. I had hopes but not total expectations that he would be able to weld it for me. Not because of his ability, but because of the age and disrepair of the item. I sat on the front deck with Pat and Rob disappeared for a few minutes, only to return within 10 minutes. Both pieces had been welded and in prime working order! Thank you, Rob! Now I have another paint job.

A nice breeze today
We would have suffered without it
At 9:30 it has dropped from 87F/30C to 75F/23C
I drove back home with the a/c running in Ptooties, enjoying the coolness. Of course, that tends to make the out-of-doors feel even hotter. Bill had finished working on his 2nd or 3rd small project and the Cub Cadet was back in the shed. Earlier, he had drilled drainage holes in a couple of wooden boxes for me to plant flowers (or tomatoes) in so now I have lots of choices! I’ll fill them with something.

Pork chops, potatoes and veggies on the Weber Q
I sat outside in the shade of the awning with my book and my water. I think I’ve gone through 3 bottles already today. Around 5:30, I lit the barbecue and decided I’d do the cooking tonight. Bill was inside with Clemson and we could switch roles tonight. I cut up a couple of small potatoes and wrapped them in tinfoil with butter, wrapped some frozen mixed veggies in foil and prepared 2 pork chops. I add spice to mine, to make it more appealing for me. As you know, not my fav.

I love my irises, not very tall but almost all of these along the Restroom
are in full bloom
Chives are blooming
Supper was ready by 6:30 and it tasted quite good. I guess we were hungry, it disappeared pretty quickly off our plates. 

butter, sour cream and bbq sauce adorn my supper
After dishes, I sat to write my post and was stunned that I hadn’t started one yet. So, unlike me! As I say, I’m anxious to get back into our normal routine of life. Tomorrow, we have invited a couple we have not yet met to our place for a visit. RVillage is another great place to meet new friends. We are looking forward to that.

another pretty evening sky
 I hope your day has been a good one and that the humidity isn’t too hard on you. We have one more hot day before some relief. I never complain about heat, I just learn to adjust what I do and how I do it.

and a Ridge good night!
Thank you for taking the time to stop in today. Your comments are welcome.


  1. Nice that things are settling down again, enjoy meeting another couple in Village, a great social media site for rver's.

    1. It will be nice to meet a new couple that want to become full-timers.

  2. I LOVE your cat and mice. How cute is that!! Thankfully when it gets hot here, there is no humidity. It's just downright HOT! Thank goodness for A.C.

  3. I love the dress you were wearing to paint in (brave woman)..it's so cute I wouldn't get rid of it! How fun to meet another couple that want to full time. Dinner and sunset all look awesome!
