Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Late Rising, Geese Can Skate! Getting Things in Order

The Ridge - Home
On Tuesday, Mar. 24th we slept in. We were awake but it took a phone call from our friend, Mike, and a text from our buddy, Rob, to get us the heck out of bed! That’s a good thing, the day was a-wasting! It was 11:30 when we went up last night, watching recorded programs and we weren’t tired because of our afternoon snooze.

At one point, late morning, we noticed the sky was clearing
Both the call and the message were generous offers of assistance. Was there anything we needed? Just let them know. We made our coffee and tea and Bill soon was outside with the mailbox installation. We leave the post now cemented in the ground and just remove the box when we leave. The mail lady will surely get a kick out of the pretty box.

Looks great!
I have indoor projects so I took care of the tenderloin recipe by adding it to my Word folder. While working on that, my little sister, Wendy, messaged offering to help us in any way they could Her and Morgan, my niece, are enjoying special times together while Morgan is out of school. They are both doing well, like two peas in a pod. Wendy is anxious for her fall-planted bulbs to push up out of the ground. That is what I love about spring too. I check every day.

Bill does a temporary fix on our broken tree branch
I have many online pictures from the winter that are first filed by month, then daily. I will go in and be more specific for each month and rename them according to the places we stayed and for how long. It makes it easier when looking back to a specific location and I’ve done the same with our previous 3 snowbird trips. Bill has done a bit of a surgical procedure on our damaged cherry tree for now. It may need a better bandaid but for the time being, this will help.

The geese can walk on water OR they can skate!
Looking out the window, from my inside perch, I’ve seen two groups of ‘parents-to-be geese flying over squawking. Bill says they are already territorial so they are looking for a nesting place. He made the comment that they are funny to watch as they land on the iced pond and slide for 5’ before stopping. Nature, isn’t it fun? I noticed that he hung my bird seed bell out so I needed to lift the bed to get out my suet feeder. I have one pack to be hung, now that they are looking for food.

Of course, I had to play in the snow
Bill next got the firepit out of storage in the Restroom (outhouse) and replaced the screened sides that Rob fixed for us last summer/fall. It sure looks rusty, my goodness, so I’m sure it will be a yearly thing to repaint it. 

Working on the fireplace
Rustproof paint my arse! Anyway, it will be ready for the first fire whenever we are. Bill has the old firepit ring down by his Hangar and will sooner than later be lighting all of our envelopes etc. from the mail on fire.

Got the outhouse all cleaned up so we can use it when we're outside
It is 34F/1C and it looks like the sun is desperately trying make a breakthrough. There are wee patches of blue sky to the west. Yay! I’ve been wanting to call Rockwood Terrace to check on Mom since we’ve crossed and they have a new phone system with a lot of ‘to get this, press that’ etc. so I called directly to the resident/patient caregiver who I’m familiar with. She gave me the ‘key word’ for future calls and put me through to Amanda, Mom’s nurse.

The pond was pretty hard

a look up towards our home site
 I know that Donna has been keeping us all informed but isn’t it nice to get it directly for ourselves? Mom is doing well and was walking by with her walker as she was speaking to me. We both know it is too confusing for Mom to even try to communicate with her so I didn’t ask. The nurse said she is taking her meds, walking as per usual and going down for each meal and seemingly eating pretty good. She is on a protein shake now as well since she has lost weight over the winter. I felt better and can move on with my day.

Pussy willow blossoms
We have quite a few pussy willow trees around the Ridge
 I put my boots on and took a walk outside and around. Bill was finishing his project so I lent a hand tightening bolts. I walked down the lane to take a picture of the mailbox. It is looking pretty spiffy! There were a few geese flying around and overhead. I’m sure they are saying ‘You’re home early! We haven’t settled yet!’ I won’t bother them, just keep an eye on where Mother Goose makes her nest over the coming days.

Back inside, I made our bacon and eggs for lunch. When dishes were done and Bill went back out, I managed to get 3 months of pictures all labelled. Then it was time for another break and I put on my lighter hoody and windbreaker to go outside. I took the cleaner and wiped all surfaces down in the Restroom before sweeping the floor. We need a new broom head for out there, one day. In the Bunky, I pulled out the bag of bird seed.

The geese were busy flying around
The outhouse looks crooked but it really isn't LOL
Last winter I made a bird feeder with Pat and although it has fallen apart a couple of times, it is being used today. All of my other feeders are still packed away in totes in the shed. Bill was busy down at the Hangar but just finishing up so we walked down the lane. Weren’t we surprised when the red flag was up on the mailbox!? We walked back and he closed things up after we checked the water in our back field. The pussy willows are abundant on the trees down by the Hangar, just white little blobs all over the branches.

Geese in the sun
We came in around 2:30 just because there is only so much we can do this early. We could still get some ‘unfavourable weather’. At 3, it was time for Happy Hour and I wanted to make us another pretty drink rather than a cup of tea today. The heaters were turned off as it was a balmy 75F inside. The sun sure makes a difference when it is beating in the windows. I caught up here and then sat beside Bill with my book. I knew he’d be asleep in no time. 😊

Taking a picture of the corral hill
I'll keep an eye on it and the snow
I got quite a few chapters read in my book and then got up to start supper. The time slipped by, it was 5:30. I had pork sausages out thawing all afternoon. What to make tonight? I Googled sausage casserole and found one. I diced onions, potatoes and cut the sausage links in chunks. In oil and butter, I sautéed each in turn, adding to the pot. I switched to Manual and added mixed veggies, bbq sauce and water.

Bill was happy to reunite with his planes
in the cargo trailer
It cooked for 16 minutes with a Natural Release. It was more like a stew but that was okay too. The taste was delicious and the sausage was so tender. I’ll have to add that to my Recipe folder. Sometimes it is nice to have leftovers but other times, it is nice when you have just enough for one meal. That was the case tonight. We haven’t had ice cream for a while so I dished up a nice helping for each of us. Tillamook white chocolate raspberry. Yum.

And the snow that came yesterday is gone
It tasted as good as it looks

Ice cream with choke cherry jelly
Bill washed and I dried.  How nice to have such few dishes, one pot IP meals are great! I sat and worked on my post while Bill went out to make sure the switch for our 2nd propane tank was turned on. We have one tank almost empty and we’re not sure how much we’ll be using tonight. There should have been a nice sunset but if there was, I missed it. This is all we get tonight.

Tuesday night, our tv night so we’ll be busy. This was a great day that we enjoyed very much. I hope you had a good one in your self-isolated/physically distanced world.

No sooner did I hang my bird feeder and it was
visited frequently by two little finches
Good night everyone!
Continue to use common sense and stay healthy!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Love the skating goose!! Still looks pretty chilly. Actually it’s nice to be isolated for a bit. You’ll get lots of stuff fixed up.

    1. I know! :) Love watching the geese squabble over territories in the pond.
      It is quite nice, you know, slouching around in my loungies if I want!

  2. You guys are already doing projects and keeping busy right after coming home. I thought for sure you'd be hibernating but see you enjoy being outside and getting ready for the season. Bill must have missed his planes and has already ideas for them. The mailbox looks nice and I bet the mail lady has not seen one quite like it.

    1. It is hard to sit still inside after a winter of being out-of-doors. You're right, we do enjoy being outside.
      Bill's planes hibernated well over the winter and he'll be puttering down his Hangar when he can.

  3. I see Bill is finding his projects to keep him busy :) Love the mailbox! Dinner looks yummy! I know you can't wait to get outside and start your garden hopefully sooner rather than later! How cute the birds at your feeder! I know they're glad you're home!

  4. "There's no place like home" along with the chores for making it such and the best part was you were still keeping yourselves Isolated.
    Nice that your Mom is still doing well.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. The ice cream looked especially good even though I rarely eat it. I think it is the chokecherry syrup on top.

    Have a great day and stay well!

  6. How wonderful that you have such a beautiful place to spend this time. Plus, it must feel good that you have friends near by to help if you need something. I am sure it felt nice to talk to your mom's nurse even though your sister keeps you informed sometimes it is just good to hear in person. Sounds like you are enjoying getting things in order. The mailbox is really cute. Take care.

  7. Sounds like everything is getting back to normal at the Ridge. The mailbox looks great! Should be warming up soon and you can enjoy your walks without bundling up.

  8. I remember seeing pairs of geese skidding across frozen ponds in Guelph!
