Sunday, August 9, 2020

Just the Two of Us

 The Ridge

Bill and I were up with the birds, 6:30, had laundry sorted and were on our way to the Mat by 7. I’d forgotten he was going with me to help clean but we had discussed it earlier so I can refresh his memory on what all I do in the hour. He will be stepping in for one cleaning while I am off with my LadyFest. He is a sweetheart as, otherwise, I would have to ask Jamie to look after it while I’m away. I’ll be sure to give him his pay!

The 3 boys and Oreo having a last morning conflab
Typical lady, not interested in the man talk?

We did the two loads of laundry and because the sky was a bit ‘iffy’, while Bill finished washing the floors, I put them in the dryer for 15 minutes. Most dried in that short time and a few pieces had to be hung on the line back home. Bill, Ken and Keith sat outside with their coffee for a bit before Kim and I joined them. It was our last morning together (that’s the thing about many ‘firsts’ – there are usually ‘lasts’ to follow).

Just a few clothes needed to be hung on the line
They are really good dryers at the Mat

Around 9:30, after getting multiple kisses from Oreo and giving her tummy and neck rubs, our guests finished their pack up. They were on the road by10 as planned. Ken and Kim have about 2 ½ hours to home and Keith about the same so they should arrive just after lunch. It was great having them all, hopefully next year we will have our full compliment again. 😊

See ya, Wilsons! Y'all come back now.

See ya, Keith! Don't be a stranger to these parts!

As we watched them round the bend at the road, Bill said ‘well, Sweetie, it is just the two of us again’. “yup! Good thing we like each other!” We puttered around and I came inside to work on my blog and make a couple of lists. There are things I need to do before I leave Tuesday and don’t want to leave everything until tomorrow night.

Bill had a coffee and went to the Hangar and I made a coffee and put clothes away and dallied online. 

There was rain overnight, early this morning for about half hour and that surprised both of us. It was heavy enough that I heard it with my ear plugs in and that is rare. It didn’t last but it obviously got windy at some point for Bill to have brought the awnings in too. That’s when I like it to rain and that shower certainly was enough so I didn’t have to water the garden.

I walked up to check it out and boy do things look happy! Yay! We had lunch, eggs and bacon for Bill and bacon with a lunch plate for me. Dishes were taken care of net and then Bill stretched out for a snooze and I started today’s post. I usually start it early, as I think I’ve mentioned before, in the hopes it is finished in a day. Lately, I haven’t been doing that and you have seen the results. I’m working on a crossword puzzle in between other things and after checking my book list to see if I’ve read a couple of books I kept from John, I was happy that I hadn’t read them.

Over at the Acreage, Bill, Emily and Cody brainstorm and solve some issues

I decided to read the Harry Bosch story by Michael Connelly called The Black Echo. Bill has read the e-book version so once I finish it, we can move it on out. 😊 That’s important. At 2:30 I got up out of my chair after trying to doze off for a bit and we packed a cooler to go to the Acreage. My sister, Audrey and Tom were arriving this afternoon from Quebec and Emily, Mike’s daughter, was renting them her trailer.

The 5th wheel is a WildCat by Forest River and it’s quite a nice one although not new. There were some issues with it that Bill was able to help them with, getting it set up and finding what needs attention. Emily and Cody took notes, mental or otherwise. After a couple of hours, A & T arrived and Bill was still puttering away with the water pump/tank etc. and the hot water heater connection and electrical. They shouldn’t have any problems during the week when Tom stays there. Bill is a phone call away.

Bill doing his orientation because he knows it, loves it and enjoys helping others

We headed home after 6. I was feeling quite hungry which was good since we were having bbq’d thick pork chops. You know that’s not anywhere near a fav of mine so being ready to eat was a good thing. Keith gave us a tip when he was here on how he cooks the thick chops so we tried that. I almost ate it all but the main thing is that I ‘enjoyed’ what I did eat. The small piece leftover will go with the pork loin from the other night into a stir fry as one of my readers suggested. 😊

Surprisingly, I enjoyed the pork chop

We had a salad on the side and a couple of keto peanut butter fat bombs for dessert. Bill wanted to run our 50’ electrical hose over to the Acreage for the two fivers to connect to (Gayle and John’s Montana is there for John as well) so I did the dishes and sent him over. I worked on my blog in between a few more answers to the crossword and then sat and read for a while. The new book has the longest chapters known to mankind; I think. Good grief, Michael, what were you thinking?

Bill hung Woody the woodpecker that Keith made for me
Isn't he gorgeous? 😁

This day was a hot one and I think we were grateful that it wasn’t full sunshine. The humidity was quite extreme. We’re not complaining as it seems the alternative for August could be cool, wet and cloudy. It is the strangest summer month for weather. It can change in a heartbeat. 

When Bill returned, he came inside and found something on tv to watch for the evening. It was a great day. Sad to see our friends leave but still a very good one.

Good night y'all!

Thank you for stopping around.


  1. Good to see Ken and Kim and Keith visit my two favorite Canadians. Hope we all meet up this winter.

  2. I love the woodpecker Keith made! So glad you enjoyed your time with friends. How nice of Bill to fill in for you at the Mat during your Ladyfest! I do hope things open up enough you can head south this winter. We've been discussing what to do, but no decision yet. The idea of staying here during the winter is not something we want to do. Have a great day!

    1. Cute, isn't it?
      We had a great week, it feels funny not to see them when we look out.
      So many rumours and unknowns about the winter, aren't there? Fingers and toes are crossed. staying healthy is key to all of it.

  3. More company, you are lucky. Enjoy.

    God bless.

  4. The woodpecker is SO cool!!! I love it! I just got a warning on my phone ... excessive heat warning until AUGUST 16!!! YIKES!!! Enjoy your beautiful weather.

  5. I love that woodpecker!! You are a lucky girl! What a great week with friends and now on to Ladyfest! Still hoping you get to come south this winter! Dinner looks yummy! You must share the tip Keith gave you to make it look so good! Nice that Bill could use some of his skills in doing the walk through!

  6. Nice woodpecker that Keith made. He is very talented, tell him that. Too bad we didn't have the chance to meet your siblings and their spouses, but perhaps another time.

  7. The Black Echo is the first in the Harry Bosch series, and is a little rough in spots. He gets a lot better in the later books. Have you tried any of John Sanfords books about Lucas Davenport? He is my favorite of them all

  8. I love the woodpecker, very nice! It's always sad to see company go, but if they never left we'd not miss them. Hopefully next year your RV campground will be full up. :)

    Take care and stay well!
