Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Home to the Ridge, Grandson's Birthday

The Ridge

It was bitterly cold morning when we got up on Tuesday, Apr. 18th. The good news was that the ground was bare and things were dry. No snow overnight after all. Yes! (fist pump) We’d planned to pull out at 9 with Gayle and John following usWe had our morning drinks at 6:30, Bill had his cereal, I had some yogourt, and all 5 of us left Can-Am’s lot at 8:30. Better still, there was new wet snow blowing around.

This morning was a mixed bag of
weather for our drive

Gibbs with his jacket
Fuel prices and our flag blowing in the wind

The 1C/33F felt even colder with the wind and after being spoiled with all that warm weather. We layered up rather than dig our winter coats out. 😊 Even Gibbs had his sweater on. Bill got on the 401E and the precipitation disappeared and pavement was dry. Well, that was on and off for the whole 3 hour drive but it didn’t amount to much at any time. It was a good drive and we parted ways in the of Durham.

Gayle took a picture from behind us
A view we don't get to see 

They stayed on Hwy 6 and we turned onto Grey Road 4 to Baptist Church Rd and North Line. Treetops are covered but we had a clear laneway and parking area. Yay! It’s darn cold though. Bill amazes me, always, but today even more so. He backed up once (once!) right beside our stoop and lined the tires up perfectly onto the rubber mats on the boards. I love it because that means less time for me to be standing out there in the cold.

Approaching Durham

Baptist Church Road
North Line

We were parked by 11:40 am and all set up by noon. After lunch, we went back out and I cleaned the snow off the stoop and brought the recycle bins over. We do miss recycling and most places down south don’t have bins. It was too cold to hang around out there but Gibbs was having a ball. I wish I could get a video downloaded into my blog, he’d make you laugh too. I’d say he’s happy to be off leash and outside with Mom and Dad.

The laneway looks great!
Bill backed up like a pro, first try
beside the stoop and on the boards

As soon as he went out, he took off barking across the parking lot. ‘That goose isn’t supposed to be up here, Mom!” Too funny. He was eating the snow and chasing around from one snow pile to the next. Good thing he remembers his numbers 1 to 4, as he is back to needing his feet wiped when he comes inside. 😊 As soon as the snow melts off the grass, it seems it starts blowing in from the north again.

Gibbs ran around like a little fool in the snowy grass
then he'd plop down and eat some snow

I don't shovel snow but I do sweep it
off the stoop 
All set up and the heat on inside

Bill checked out the Hangar but not for long; it’s too cold out there. I read for a lot of the afternoon with a cup of tea and Bill and Gibbs snoozed. There wasn’t anything else to do today. For supper, I baked pork chops, fried the last of our leftover potatoes and cooked us each a vegetable. It was perfect for a cold day and it helped to warm things up inside.

Gibbs waits for Bill and here is a view
across the pond towards the north and the road

The cacti (Saguaros) we bought in Tombstone
got planted today

Supper was yummy

With no real tv yet, we get Global with our antenna, we watched the news and turned it off. Another book night. This was a good day, getting to our final destination for the next 6 months. Home Sweet Home.

Happy 18th Birthday, Connor!
Good night.

Today is our 4th oldest grandson's birthday. We hope this handsome young man had a wonderful day. ♥

Thank you for joining us on our journey over the last 6 months! Your comments are very much appreciated and enjoyed.


  1. Good ol' April, she changes on a dime. Looks like one more cold day then it warms up again.

  2. Ha, back in your spot and all seems well. Cold. But well.


  3. great to see the ridge again, hope it warms up for you

  4. Welcome home, but brr it looks cold!

  5. I am guessing it felt good to pull into the Ridge even with the snow on the ground. Happy Birthday to that good looking young man.

  6. Welcome home! 🇨🇦

  7. Welcome home! I’m sure your garden chairs will be in use in no time at all. :-)

  8. BRRRRR it looks cold!!! But isn't it nice to be parked for the next few months! Obviously Gibbs is a happy camper also!!

    1. It is wonderful to be parked again. Being able to stay put for a few months is the best!

  9. Welcome home! I bet Gibbs was happy to get off leash and be able to run like the wind. He knows he's home too.
    Hope the weather improves for you soon. We're currently in the midst of a blizzard, some areas are expecting major amounts of snow. I'm hopeful we'll only see 10-20 cms. Yech!

    1. Thank you Maebeme. Gibbs was overjoyed to be FREE! haha
      Too bad about the weather turning but we'll all survive, we always do. Welcome to Canada!

  10. Welcome back! Recognized a few of those roads. Glad you had a safe trip too. Looking forward to your summer posts.

    1. Thank you FG, I'm sure you've driven down them often. You can count on the summer posts, whether ho-hum or exciting. Ha ha.
