Friday, April 21, 2023

We Are all Better Now! (at least I think so)

The Ridge

On Friday, Apr. 21st it was dry again and with a forecast for the rest of April to be rain, rain, rain, that was a lovely surprise. 😊 It was around 7 when I came downstairs with Gibbs and Bill was at my laptop already. The McAfee system was still scanning and only at 31%! My laptop has been really, really slow and the other security system I had wasn’t doing diddly-squat.

Gibbs is waiting for Daddy to come back up
from the Hangar

Look what Gibbs found slithering
out of his hideaway hole

Unfortunately, although the new system was seemingly fixing things, I couldn’t do anything else. I couldn’t even open pictures for cropping, let alone work on rewriting my blog after losing it. I was not a happy camper. Instead of getting all frustrated, I closed it down and went outside with Bill and Gibbs. I donned gloves and started raking and pulling grass out from in between the plants in the small gardens. 😊

Once I moved the snake along,
Gibbs had to roll around in his path

It was turning into a wonderful day. The sun came out and before I knew it, the outer layers came off. Bill worked away at putting an extra tarp over top of the shelter to cover the holes and Gibbs did what he does. He ran helter-skelter all over the place! Around 10:30 Bill said that we should be going to bring Jazz home, it was a warm 15C/59F.

Yah, you!

About that time, I noticed Gibbs was playing cat and mouse with a garter snake up on the hill. It had just crawled out of his hole. I touched its tail to get it to move on and when it disappeared under the fence to the field, I came in to check on the scanning process on my laptop. It wasn’t even wanting to open up so I stopped the scan and things moved much easier. Finally, I was able to easily open pictures and finished posting yesterday’s blog.

For this summer, at least, we have made sure
Jazz and the mower will be protected

Bill said we’d have to restart it later, we don’t know why it’s taking so long. He took BB down to the Hangar and removed all of his planes/paraphernalia. 😊 When he joined me back inside, we had a toasted western for lunch, then got cleaned up and drove to Murrays. Jazz needed a battery charge so Bill sent me off to Walmart, a little farther down the road, and I picked up a few grocery items.

Bill went down to move his planes from the
box in the truck in to the Hangar

Gibbs just waited on the step for him

By the time I came out of the store, it was raining. Rats! Bill had texted that I stop in at Murray’s on my way unless I heard different. It was already obvious to me that there was no way the bike was coming home today. We should have acted immediately, the first time he said it. Shoulda coulda woulda.

Lunch was quite tasty on my keto seeded bread
The small pieces of egg were for Gibbs

Rain, rain, go away

Looking out of our dining room window

Returning home, our outside puttering was done for now and probably for the next few days. The temperatures are going to drop again to below 10C/45F.  Oh well, we had another day of getting some things done. Bill has moved the mower to the shelter and emptied some things from the Bunky. I had cup of tea while the boys caught up on their beauty sleep. The rain has stopped, for now, but it is now only 7C/46F, too cold for a motorcycle.

Bill put our patio mats out
So, I guess we're staying for a while!

The gardens are getting cleaned up

I received a text from Sandy, my laundromat boss, asking if I could fill in a shift for the student tomorrow. I wasn’t planning on working until May 1st for them or for M but in a pinch, I don’t mind helping out. Just waiting to hear back about where I’ll get keys. For supper, we had leftover roast beef. Bill had his in a hot roast beef sandwich and I used some of the broth for gravy for him. I finished the rice off and he had a few fries with his.

More gardens
The periwinkle is taking over a large area but
that was the plan

Now is the perfect time to pull the grass that
is trying to take over

We’ve had a good day, although disappointed about Jazz I’m happy my laptop seems to be behaving properly after a frustrating falter. Upon checking McAfee, it says the scan is done and there were no threats. It’s moving along quickly so I started today’s blog. We’ll try and find something to watch on CTV or Global tonight and hope the rain doesn’t interfere. 😊 

My supper tonight
I forgot a vegetable so olives filled in

Bill's supper
Good night!

Thank you for the visit. We had a visit from Sandy this afternoon and he brought me new keys so I could clean the Mat in the morning. I hope I see Kaitlyn at some point too. 


  1. Glad your computer problems seem to be over, very frustrating. Hoping you're able to find the keto bread at Walmart :) We love that stuff! Oh that snake, uh no I would not be touching the back tail!! Dinner again looks yummy!

    1. Thank you Shirley. My laptop does seem better now so the scan cleaned things up. Yay!
      I knew you'd shudder over that snake!

  2. You already did a lot and the rest will get done in time I'm sure. Good that your computer is back in working order.That is too bad that the cover for the shelter has deteriorated. Maybe its covered under warranty?

    1. Thank you Marlene. I hate being without my laptop but it seems much improved after the scan. We've found replacement covers but we couldn't find a warranty.

  3. Computers are always a pain!!! Gibbs is pretty brave, silly boy. I swear your meals always look like restaurant food. I try to copy them, but they never turn out well!! Lol

    1. Gibbs really has no fear and that puts fear in us!! haha
      My meals never look like that to me!

  4. Ontario in the spring can be fun. Happy to see you folks are all settled in for the season. Snakes do help with the mouse/mole population and that guy looked like he was in a hurry to go catch dinner. Lol.


    1. Yes, I agree about spring up here too. Lots of things just beginning and birds returning. :) The snake was pretty and quite patient with Gibbs. They are good to have around for sure.

  5. Good to hear the computer is working again.
    I'm not a fan of snakes, so I likely would have snatched up Gibbs and run the other way. :p

  6. Thank you Maebeme. Me too! I need my laptop for my blog especially.
    Small garter snakes don't bother me too much but I still don't like having one crawl near me when I'm working in the garden. Luckily that has only happened a couple of times!
