Monday, April 17, 2023

The Waiting Game for Good Reason

Can-Am Parking Lot

On Monday, Apr. 17th, it would have been Mom’s 97th birthday. Hopefully Daddy has made her a cake. He didn’t cook or bake in life but in heaven aren’t all things possible?  

Happy heavenly Birthday, to my beautiful Mom

The forecasters were right, darn it, and we have had a nasty change in weather – probably most areas being affected. Time to put the shorts away and get the jeans out again but we knew it wouldn’t last.

Gibbs made himself at home on Gayle's recliners
Right up on the back, just like home!
She didn't mind at all. 

We partially closed things up, by putting things away, but didn’t get too crazy about it until we knew they’d be taking the Suite in to the bay. So, we made the appointment with CanAm last fall just before we headed across the border. The appointment was to get the bearings greased and the brake pads checked. Upon arrival, we learned that the technician/mechanic who works on Mobile Suites is now off on Mondays. Hmmm. We didn’t want to wait until his return on Wednesday.

Then we sat inside
Gibbs must have thought we were nuts!

While sitting here Saturday evening, Bill noticed that there were some separation issues at the outside back corners of the Suite and when he showed Andy, the decision was to get them looked after today and make an appointment for the other things to get looked at on our way south, in the fall. The last thing we want is for mice to have an entrance into any part of our home. Today, was a waiting game until 11:30 when Bill closed things up and they pulled her into the bay.

The day just got worse
as the hours passed

Gibbs and I sat with Gayle and John until it was almost time for them to leave for a doctor’s appointment in the city. Sitting in the waiting room/lounge here is not the best place to be with a 2-year-old, excitable pooch, but we managed and he wasn’t too bad. 😊  I hadn’t eaten, as per usual, so by the time they were finished working on her, at 3 pm, I was famished and had a bit of a headache. Thankfully, they had coffee and tea available which tided me over.

By then, the rain had begun to turn into wet snow so we’d decided we weren’t going anywhere this afternoon. The Ridge can wait until tomorrow for our arrival. G & J returned around 3:45 and had come to the same conclusion. It is a 3 hour drive for us and a bit longer for them so to set things up at that hour is not in the cards for either of us. They have a house to open up so I’m glad they’re staying as well.

The snow slowly stopped and the sun tried
valiantly to say goodnight.

We visited for a while and then Bill and I had some crackers and cheese. For supper, we’ve agreed on grilled cheese sandwiches so a nice easy meal to prepare. I didn’t get anything out this morning, duh. I’ve pulled my next J.A. Jance book out of our ‘library’ cupboard and will get started at it tonight. It’s called Cruel Intent, another one that Bill has finished ahead of me. He’s reading a Tami Hoag called Cold Cold Heart.

Last year, on this day, we were still in
Ohio at Arrowhead Lakes RV Resort
Looks like a lovely day though!

The snow is building up in certain areas but we hope it doesn’t amount to much so we can all get home tomorrow. It has been a tiring day from simply waiting but other than that, we’re glad to have things looked after.

Two years ago, Covid year, we were all settled in at
The Ridge.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around. Now, I need to go and get my blanket out!


  1. Welcome back! No snow accumulation here but it was a darn cold, wet, windy day out there. Last week with the 28C temps was just a tease, but we sure took advantage and git outside a lot.

    1. Thank you. I don't think there will be any accumulation after reading the forecast.

  2. Have a safe trip to the Ridge tomorrow. Hopefully the weather cooperates.

    God bless.

  3. Welcome back. Get the woolies out tonight!

  4. Glad you're home. Had great travel weather, but back to winter for a few days. Get some rest.

  5. Your Mom certainly was a lovely lady with a beautiful smile.
    I think sitting in a waiting room while an RV or vehicle is getting fixed is one of the most tiring days. Safe journey tomorrow. Enjoy getting set up on your Ridge.

  6. Welcome home Bill and Patsy and Gibbs. I'm glad that your travel days were so nice. Spring will be back soon.

  7. You are probably already parked at the ridge! Time to relax and turn up the heat ... it's not summer yet!!

  8. I hope you'll be home at the Ridge by the time I write this. Darn false spring/summer! I'm hopeful this last blast of winter is over with quickly.

  9. Saw on FB you made it home! Yay! Your mom always had the best smile, she always seemed so happy!

  10. I had forgotten that your mom and I shared a birthday! Happy Birthday to her in heaven!
