Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Waiting Game (Not a fan), Prepping Food

Quail Ridge RV Park

On Thursday, Apr. 6th I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that ‘we’ had a pretty good sleep last night. Bill was confident enough and worried less about the situation that he was able to get a good rest. 😊 If I’m tired enough, I can block most things out and I didn’t wake up until the clock numbers illuminating on the ceiling over my head was reading 5:55.

Our Suite sits almost at the end of the row

When the boys returned from their morning walk around the park at 6:30, I was ready to get up and Bill found me making the bed. Yes, he helped. We had our morning tea/coffee and I sat for a while, playing my word games online. It was another sunny day with the promise of an even higher rise in heat. (insert fist pump here). 😊 I had my shower and then Gibbs and I got out for my first, his second, walk.

It was a pretty sky as Gibbs and I walked around
our corner of the park

What a lovely morning, even my hoodie and wind breaker was too much. Don’t you love that at 8 am? I sure do! We tried not to mention the elephant in the room but it was on our minds, naturally. When will they call? Together we started out discussing our new Jello route so once a few ideas were tossed around, I left Bill to it and went outside to sit in shorts with my phone and book. We’re facing the east, the right direction for morning tanning.

My walk, later, by myself, took me to the 
south end of the park and I remembered
this larger dog park back there from previous visits

When saw the Sheriff driving in and around the perimeter, Bill called out that he wanted to ask him how Sheriff Brady was doing. Teehee. She is a character in J.A. Jance’s novels and Conchise County (which we are in) is her territory. I love this kind of challenge so after waving at him as he went by, I got up and met him on the back swing. I asked him, with a straight face. He was puzzled and repeated the name.

This view of the sky 'through' the eyes of
a Yucca was camera worthy

Finally, I had to tell him who she was and he laughed. Apparently, his wife reads those mysteries all the time! 😊 So, he recognized I was Canadian, either from my accent (which I swear we don’t have) or Bill said that maybe because in the morning, I was sitting out in shorts and a tank top. Ha ha, they can tell by any number of ways. Another chuckle. Bill joined us and we told him of our woes and after holding him up for at least 10 minutes, he wished us good luck and was on his way. Nice officer.

Coming back, I came up on the back end of the Suite
Still the nicest rv in the lot
(I'm a bit biased)

Inside, I boiled some eggs, in Madame IP, for sandwiches and after lunch, she cooked a batch of chili for me. Not a lot, we do get tired of the same thing on the road, but enough for 2 or 3 nights. They’ll go in the freezer. When that was done, around 2, I went up to the clubhouse with The Red Book by J.P. Bill is zipping along with the reading, ahead of me by 2! I guess my puzzles got in the way at the park but because his will slow down soon, mine will continue at a steady pace.

Returning from Happy Hour, the sky was
starting to prepare for sunset

Deb and Riley were off in good time this morning, not too long after sunrise so we wish them great travels and thank them heartily for their assistance and support while here. I took my next book, The Chef by J.P. and went back out to my chair and enjoyed some sunshine again. It didn’t take long and I was moving to the shade and then back inside when my legs got cool.

A simple, delicious little supper

We walked over to Tom and Deb’s for Happy Hour and although a smaller group, we still found things to talk about. The conversations at these get-togethers are quite variable, there is no limit to what we discuss – well, besides politics, which we all avoid. 😊 Back home at 5, I had a cup of tea and then Gibbs and I walked where another dog at the corner ran over to meet him.

Looking out to the northeast, I knew
I had to go check the west sky

For supper, at 6:30, we had a simple order up of grilled cheese sandwiches. I’m just loving this Keto bread more and more and sure hope I can find it back home. The sandwiches were delicious. This day has been a bit of a disappointment as far as not getting the truck back and we are sure we’re looking at a departure now of Saturday instead of tomorrow. We’re still fine, safe and with friends so besides our truck, what more can we ask for?

Prettiest sky since we arrived here
in Quail Ridge

Good night!

Thank you for popping by.


  1. Still saying prayers for a healthy truck!! It’s nice to have great company too!!!

  2. Well enjoy the nice weather while you wait. Easter weekend is probably holding things up a bit. Sending quick fix wishes!

  3. Enjoy the nice weather while waiting. Easter weekend is probably holding things up. Sending you quick fix wishes.

    1. Darn. They couldn't get it done Thursday, but today for sure. Wishing you three good fortune today.

  4. Drat, you may have to go back into town to push a little. Though as Loree said, Easter weekend might be an issue. Good luck!

  5. Funny story with the Sheriff! Fingers crossed you get good news this am! Love the Keto bread too, especially the seeded. It's not cheap but so worth it. I did find another brand at Walmart in the frozen foods section, just in case they don't carry that brand in Canada. Just fyi. :)

  6. Hopefully by the time you read this BB is back where she needs to be and you and Bill are pointing the nose east! We were happy to offer support and what little we could! Love the sheriff story. Great author JA Jance. Safe travels!!


  7. I continue to send you mental best wishes!
