Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Three for Three, We Did It! Sister's Birthday

The Ridge

On Wednesday, Apr. 26th my first question after arising was ‘what kind of day will we have today? Wet or dry?’ I’m happy to say that we were looking at a cold BUT dry day again. I wasn’t expecting sun but after I had my tea, had plans to get outside. Bill took both Ptooties and then Black Beauty into town to fuel up while Gibbs and I stayed home so I could finish my book. It was sooo good! What wasn't so good was getting hacked on my Facebook account. A friend notified me last night as I was on my way to bed so this morning took the steps to change my password and notify friends. 

Last night's sunset

After I posted

When he returned, we all went outside. I wanted to dig in the small gardens, removing the old wood chips and loosening the dirt so I can put newspapers down with new earth on top. I’m determined not to get frustrated over weeds this summer. At least try! Bill put our satellite dish up and then moved the small tv from the basement to his Hangar. We’d decided to make use of the service until it ran out on May 12th and watch some of those programs before they disappear – for now.

You'll notice me working in the garden
But take a look at our little monster
He was vying for attention and grabbed my
glove as soon as I laid it down

The ground wasn't hard but digging the Ridge
rocks out made me use both hands

Last week, we noticed that our remote control for the Dometic fireplace got damaged on our journey home. It meant using the ‘on board’ controls which aren’t as user friendly. Today, our new remote, that we ordered on Monday, arrived. Also, we received our second package containing our Amazon firestick. That's great since we weren't expecting it until Friday. 

Tomorrow, I'll pick up some black earth
I'm happy with the new shape of this garden

These little areas are also
ready for new dirt
One is the hibiscus and one is the flowering raspberry

This garden is filled with evening primrose
and echinacea/corn flower and
another one I can't remember

After bacon and eggs for lunch, I went back out to the garden.  By this time, it was around 3 and the air had cooled considerably. Brrr. It wasn’t good to be working on my knees and butt on that cold ground but I finished what I’d planned to do before coming inside for a cup of tea. It seemed, after being outside, that I couldn’t get my feet warm so wrapped a blanket around them and Bill and I worked together to set up the firestick.

And we got Harry Bosch without the home page
of the laptop showing up on screen
We're so proud! πŸ’–πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

The third great thing was that us older folk got it figured out after a few jump starts. Yay! While connected, we streamed 2 more episodes of Bosch and I had no fear of falling asleep this early in the day. At night, after 9, I’m pretty much useless. 😊 The weather didn’t bounce around today, just a very cold cloudy 6C/43F. That is the highest point before it started dropping to a very cold low of -4/27F overnight.

The chops were perfect and the sprouts
with melted butter - yum!

For supper, I baked pork chops, boiled a couple of potatoes and cooked our veggies. I’m trying not to eat as many carbs, so didn’t put any potatoes on my plate. It’s hard, when I love them so much, but I know I’ll appreciate the sacrifice down the road.  Ha ha! After a delicious meal, we cleaned up the pots and loaded the dishwasher. Bill put Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy on for me and then we delved into more experimental programing. The firestick works great! πŸ˜„

The blanket of clouds lifted a bit at supper time

This has been a good day; I’ll do some stretches tonight so I don’t wake up with regret tomorrow. Before I say good bye, help me wish my sister-in-law, Carol, a wonderful and Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Carol!

Of course the sun made an appearance
at the end of our day
Just in time to set beautifully.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. I love the Harry Bosch books and have watch all seven seasons of the TV show.

  2. The sun certainly put out some pretty color before it disappeared. Productive day for sure getting your gardens all spruced up. Happy Birthday Carol!

  3. Happy Birthday Carol.
    The Dollar Store has various sized foam kneeling pads, I have two, one for kneeling and one for sitting, they work great.
    Congrats on the tech stuff!


    1. I need to get some. I had a knee pad but can never find it at the right time! Thank you.

  4. You need a bigger shovel girlfriend!!! You could finish that in half the time! Glad you got the TV working. You've have to show me all about it when we meet again!

    1. I have an edger BUT then I have to bend over to pick the grass and stones out. haha, see? I'm trying to be wise! Yes, we'll try and remember what we've done to get here with the tecky stuff. :)

  5. I'm envious that you're able to get out into the gardens already. I'm having to satisfy myself with moving plants in and out of the sunroom, and repotting the tomatoes as they've grown so much.
    We've had rain (not snow, hooray!) overnight the last two days. It's sure helping melt the wee bit of snow that is left, and clean the streets.
    Happy Birthday to your SIL!

    1. I haven't been in my wee vegetable garden yet, don't even have tomato plants so you're way ahead of me! :)
      Glad to see you have rain (although one day we'll want it to stop) rather than snow.
      thank you.

  6. You have some neat edging around your gardens! We always find lotsa mulch controls the weeds best.

    1. Thank you FG. I probably never put enough mulch out, I think I'm too frugal, like my Mom was. :)
