Sunday, October 22, 2023

And We’re Off! What a Pickle!

Walmart Super Centre, Marion, IN

A cool 3C/37F morning it was on Sunday, Oct. 22nd when we woke and got up at 6:30. CanAm’s front lot was empty save for us and I’ve never, never seen it like that before. We were the only trailer parked, occupied or not. ๐Ÿ˜Š Thank you again to Andy for his hospitality that allowed us to stay comfortably and safely.

Last night, someone was tired right out again.
This is on my lap downstairs for a while.

This one was upstairs with Daddy.
Could he be more relaxed? ♥
We did tell him he had a big day today so
I guess he is preparing!

We were hooked up under cloudy skies by 7:40 and in the exit lane a couple of minutes later after checking lights and setting our gps. Gibbs had his distraction collar on plus his little warm coat and immediately settled quietly in the back seat. Bless his sweet heart. 

We had a good 4 nights here of privacy

My GPS took us on to the 402, direct 99-mile route to Port Huron. Bill’s updated truck GPS wanted to take us to Fort Erie – EAST. LOL We ignored her, for obvious reasons.

There were still a few nice colourful
pictures along the way

This one is in Michigan at the Welcome Centre.
(out of order)

At a few minutes before 9, we crossed the Blue Water Bridge into Michigan. No line and our questions were brief (cash? food? Destination?). 

The St. Clair River

I don't even think about how these bridges are built.
It's beyond my comprehension!
There was no one in the line ahead of us which is why
we cross on Sunday morning.

The Michigan Welcome Centre was 1.5 miles in so we stopped for a nature call and stayed on I-69W. The wind has picked up, what was a calm morning at CanAm was not the case here. We are truly On Our Way now. ๐Ÿ˜Š

This was at the Rest Area

A quiet rest area

We had 15 minutes of light rain when we first left and then that ended. Clear then cloudy skies the whole way. It was real smooth driving on I-69 until we got into those bouncy patches where they’d repaired parts of the pavement. We could all do without those but at least they aren’t potholes.

We had a lovely day for driving

We’re not sure who this little doggie is in the back seat. At home, wherever we take him, he pants and whines but since we left London, he’s as quiet as a mouse. Mind you, it is steady driving with no slowdowns on the interstates so he doesn’t have to help Daddy with directions. The blinkers always get his attention. ๐Ÿ˜Š We stopped at Turkeyville Rest Area to eat our sandwiches and have a short break at 11:30.

We have a good little traveller again.

Next stop, not far down the road was for fuel at a BP. For those interested and memory’s sake, we paid $4.39/gal which was lower than the TA and Love’s at $4.69. By now the sun was once more poking through the white fluffy clouds as we headed off. Already, we changed today’s destination as the first one we chose would have us stopping too soon. Adding an extra 1 ½ hours was agreeable to all of us. Somehow we both missed the Welcome to Indiana sign but we’re here.

So, at 2:45 we arrived at the Walmart in Marion, IN. We pulled into a perfect spot along the curb as far from the store as possible. We knew it was okay to stay so Bill began putting the slides out.  Our bedroom slide, the one that was just fixed will only extend about 4”. Across the hall from the closet/slide is the bathroom door, which opens out. With the teeny space between the door handle and the slide, there is no squeezing through. ☹ Now, we’re in a pickle.

One of the first unobstructed water towers
we've seen today.

We are euchred. What to do, what to do? We both went in to use the bathroom at Walmart and tried a few different things with the slide but nothing worked. We brought it in those few inches because we don’t want it to open and then not close as we would be in an even worse position. Things were going too good since we left the Ridge and now here we are. I thought and hoped that our troubles were over after a summer filled with issues. I was wrong.

Our turn off of I-69W for our nightly stop

It is Sunday so we’ll be here overnight and try calling around in the morning. This sucks and I’m sorry that I’m whining. For supper, we’ll have heated chili and apple crisp with whipped cream, maybe that will make us feel better. Bill has written a short post as well, you can check it out here

Looking upstairs. The bathroom is on the right
and the bedroom is on the other side of the slide.
We'll be sleeping on the pull out couch with our arms as pillows. 

The night will be spent quietly as we won’t set up the StarLink in this parking lot. I hope you’ve had a better ending to your day!

A pretty street here in Marion

At least it is warm and sunny.
Good night!

Thank you for checking in.


  1. Oh no!! Hope you have a peaceful night and good luck tomorrow.

    1. Thank you. We may be headed back to London. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿค”

  2. Oh no! What a pickle! Perhaps a call to CanAm can give you some ideas. I hope it’s a quick, easy fix and all things go well from here on. Good luck.


    1. Thx Deb. Can't see an easy fix from our end, may be headed back to CanAm tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜ช

  3. Keith here.
    Man I feel for you guys! Try and do preventative maintenance at Can Am and it bit you! I can’t say how I really feel….. ๐Ÿคฌ. I read Bills blog, my fingers are crossed that you get a speedy repair!

    1. Thank you Keith. I don't use the f word, but it found a place in my mouth this afternoon!

  4. I'll enjoy all the RED TREES you got! Can I say "oh crap" regarding the bathroom door not opening? Sure hope it will be an easy fix. (fingers crossed)

    1. Haha, I try!
      No easy fix on this one. Might be a trip back to Canada. Hope not!

  5. Sorry to hear this unfortunate news and you can't use your bathroom. Ouch...
    Good Luck tomorrow getting help.

  6. Well gosh darn!!! What a pain. You have every right to complain! Hoping you find an open shop and a quick fix. Bill is good at that stuff. He’ll figure it out!
    Nancy K

    1. Sad this is bigger than what Bill can fix.
      We'll found out tomorrow where we go from here.

  7. Definitely not the start you want to your winter! I hope you can find a fix that doesn't involve turning around.

  8. Hoping it's a quick fix so you don't have to go all the way back to London.
    Been having trouble with Google.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your travels.

    It's about time.

  9. I have been a blurker of yours for a number of years but never commented. We owned a Mobile Suite in 2006-2010. I have just read of your troubles. We were originally from ON and always used Paul Cross at Indiana Interstate Enterprises in La Grange IN, for service, not too far back from Marion. He worked at the DRVplant for a number of years in service and then went out on his own. He does warranty service for the plant and privately and knows the product. Hope he can help you. 260-463-8100 Address is 1690 E 025 Dan La Grange IN 46761 Hope everything works out for you and you don’t have to travel all the way back to CanAm.

  10. Good luck tomorrow. Hope you can get things taken care of and do not need to travel all the way back to CanAm. Hugs

  11. Didn't they test it at Canam before you left? I guess it's better on your first stop rather than further down on your travels. Hopefully the info from the previous comment will be of help. Good luck.

    1. Yes, actually they did. Then we put it out and slept in it Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It went in fine Sunday morning for us. It definitely is a good spot, IN manufactures a lot of the rvs.

  12. Oh no, that's terribly frustrating, you were obviously making good time. I do hope there is someone local that can do what needs to be done, and you won't need to turn around and head back into Canada.

  13. I am so sorry about your slide issue. I would be in tears. Hoping everything works out for you.

    1. A few tears have been shed and a few inappropriate words have been uttered but then what the heck? It can be fixed.

  14. Oh no! Hope you find a place to get it fixed. Hope you don't have to go back. We have an extra bedroom, if you want to call around here for repairs. Good luck.
