Monday, October 16, 2023

A Good Reason to Leave, Ptooties Gets a Rest, Special Visit

The Ridge

On Monday, Oct. 16th what a miserable day we woke up to – again. Bill was downstairs after 6 and only Gibbs rejoined me upstairs again. I watched 3 episodes of Justified last night and felt tired so got up to go to bed around 10. I felt a dizzy spell that lasted for about 10 minutes and it cleared after that. I drank lots of water before crawling into bed although I tossed and turned for a couple of hours before dropping off. This morning, thank heavens, I’m fine. 😊

My view from the Mat,
I could see paint application
on the 'new' restaurant and
the ever changing fuel prices.

Bill was taking Black Beauty to Grey Bruce Fleet to get a fuel filter installed as well as getting her tires checked and filled to pulling levels. He did the tires on the Suite on the last nice day we had so they are good to go. Amazing how those levels drop when she sits, even up on platforms. So, I sorted laundry and drove to the Mat. This will be our last opportunity to do that until we get to Quartzsite. Not that we don’t have enough clothes to get us through!

Another well decorated front lawn
Zoom in on the pumpkin head on the left.

When Bill was finished at the shop, he went to his flying field to do some measuring for something he wants to do at the Q field and then we met at Murray’s off Grey Road 3. We left Ptooties in good hands and drove home. One more thing taken care of. Back home, we put the clothes away, rested, had lunch and then he loaded a propane tank. Yes, it is almost as if we are drinking it in this cold weather!

She'll be tucked away in the warm(ish) barn
for the next 6 months.

One good reason to get the heck outta Dodge, er, Durham! At 1:30 we headed in to town for a few things. First off, a visit with our buddies, Rob and Pat. We haven’t seen them much this summer as we have all been busy so a nice cup of tea with these good friends was a necessity. Never, ever do we have anything but a great time. Gibbs and Bella reunited and chased, rested, chased, rested while we watched the entertainment.

Now, there seems to be something going on here.
It was fun to watch anyway, even the dogs were excited! 😁

Too soon but it was time to say goodbye until spring. We sure wish they were tagging along! From there, we stopped at FS Wellington Co-op to get a 40-lb. propane tank filled. Nice that the young chap lifts it up into the back of the truck for Bill. Lastly, we drove to the Water Store for a 5-gallon fill up and to say goodbye to Mark.

The pooches played

The pooches got treats

We’ve recently just learned that Impact Tire, the couple that helped me with Ptooties’ valve stem a while back, has moved into this building. That’s perfect since Bill wanted to meet Jay and Jackie and to talk about new back tires for Black Beauty in the spring. Now, with that lined up, we headed home. The day just hasn’t gotten any better as far as temperatures so I’m glad we had no outside stuff left to do.

The pooches shared the love

Bella and I had a nice little
conversation while Gibbs
totally ignored us.
(But he did have to be close by)

I’d had a tea with Pat but decided to have one more here at home while Bill and Gibbs dozed and I read my book. This one is called The Fine Art of Insincerity by Angela Elwell Hunt. 😊 For supper, we had fish and chips as I have frozen fish filets from Vietnam (!) that are ‘really’ not eligible to cross the border. I like to follow the food rules as much as possible, who needs a hassle? We had apple sauce and whipped cream for dessert. 

Supper was good.

Two more errands tomorrow and we’re done with running around. We’ve reached a whole 7C/46F today and heard that it will be even warmer tomorrow with a peek of sunshine. I don’t want to count any chickens here but Wednesday, departure day, looks like a whopping 14C/56F with more sun. Won’t that will be nice? An evening of watching some episodes of The Voice is great for calming us down. I hope I sleep better tonight, I think perhaps excitement is creeping in! Another good day, more things taken care of.
I wonder if they will remember each other next spring?
Isn't she a cutie?
Good night!

Thank you for the visit. I appreciate all of your encouraging comments!


  1. Anticipation makes sleep more difficult but soon you will settle in and enjoy the adventure.
    It looked like a wonderful visit and a lot of laughs.
    Safe travels.


    1. I'm sure that is all it was. You don't think you're anxious but how can we not be? :)

  2. I wonder if I will see you all going thru the Okla. Panhandle on Hwy. 54? I hope so. It is a mass migration of great rigs going thru town headed to Arizona.
    Don in Okla.

    1. I'm not sure which direction we'll travel but you never know! Stick your arm out all the same, we might be there! :)

  3. Sounds like a great visit for everyone, including the dogs. I wish I was leaving too, but hopefully later. Wednesday will be here before you know it. Enjoy the anticipation .

    1. We all had a great visit. Sad to part ways for the winter, wish they were coming along.
      I sure hope you leave later! Looking forward to seeing you down there.

  4. It sounds like you've both taken care of everything and are pretty much ready to roll. You're smart to leave a couple of errands to the last day, just so you have something to do while you wait for the departure.
    Wishing you safe travels and fair weather!

  5. Bella looks so much like Cooper. Don't know why that fish wouldn't be allowed. Half the frozen fish here comes from Vietnam and Thailand. The regulations are just crazy.

    1. Yes, she does. I said they'd have fun together too. She's just a tad bigger than Cooper.
      It's on our list of 'don'ts' for some unknown reason. LOL

  6. Can't believe how fast 6 months flies! Glad you spent a little time with Rob and Pat. Wish they were going with you too! I'm sure you will enjoy the warmer temps in Q!

    1. I know, already!! We wish they were coming too, loved travelling with those two.

  7. Tomorrow is the! We don't travel anywhere near the miles you do and I still get anxious as we get close to the departure date. Enjoy your travels.

    1. Thank you Elva. Leaving the country is a whole new anticipation, always happy to cross into yours yet always happy to return home to ours - safe and sound. :)

  8. Departure day sure came quickly.

    Your gas is cheaper than mine and I live in the middle of oil country.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, it crept up on us for sure!
      Isn't that interesting about the gas?
