Saturday, October 14, 2023

Last Mat Cleaning, Fall Clothing Exchange

The Ridge

On Saturday, Oct. 14th it was a nice easy wake up. I had to clean the Mat but since I wasn’t meeting Alison (my replacement trainee) until 8, there was no big rush. At 7:30, I left the Ridge. It was a bit warmer this morning, around 6C/45F. There were some clouds and wind so I dressed accordingly. First thing was to fuel up Ptooties, she was down to less than ¼ tank.

Colours are fading but against that lovely sky,
I'm not complaining.

Bill took the mailbox down today.
Our mail will be forwarded starting Monday.

Alison is young so remembered the process from when she filled in for me while I was at Ladyfest so I only had to show her how to clean the big dryer lint. We chatted and after about 20 minutes, she was on her way. Sandy had left my pay in the office for the 8 hours I’d worked this month. This was my last day and I’m feeling quite okay about that. I’ll be back in Monday but only to do our laundry. 😊

These are some bright little mushrooms

I've never seen these growing in our fields before.

Before leaving town, I cashed in Bill’s $10 lottery ticket for another one and scooted home. It was a big cleaning I did, so longer than usual. Bill was down in the field with the chainsaw trimming a couple of the trees that are bothersome around the Hangar and along the fence line. We had an early lunch and I got changed for my afternoon ‘date’. I picked Pat up in town at 12:30 and drove to Joanne’s in Hanover.

The tables were filled to capacity and then some
with clothing of all kinds. Everyone found something.

At some point, we all just had to sit down
and take stock of what was in our bags.....
and then go at the tables again. 💕

Today, she was hosting our Fall Clothing Exchange. It has been a while since I’ve been to one, after picking up the gauntlet from my girlfriends in London 7 years ago. It started with Laurie B’s invite to one and for quite a few years, we had one spring and fall. 😊 Today, we had 12 participants and the amount of good clothing up for grabs was incredible! Everyone brings whatever they want to donate and takes home whatever they want. Free! Lots of fun.

I think I can speak for everyone,
when I say we all had a great afternoon.
I know Pat and I did!

We had a great time and now I’ll have to do my own exchange here at home to make room! 

Bill and Gibbs had a nice afternoon together.
They even got out for a walk to the corner! 💓

Because Joanne had a nice array of snacks for us, I wasn’t hungry for supper so just reheated the stew and apple crisp for Bill’s meal. We had snacks in the evening and called it a day. Bill has plans tomorrow so will probably hit the hay early. 

I had a nice conversation with Gibbs
when I got home, him telling me about his day.

"I missed you Mom"
this looks a bit like stink eye to me. 😂

This was a great day, with mild temps of 12C/54F and a fair bit of sunshine!

A nice evening sky

there are lots of Hallowe'en decorations
around town. 
good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. That's such a good idea ... trading clothes you don't wear any more. You get new looks every year!!

    1. Absolutely! Even those that don't think they'll find anything, there are items in all sizes and styles.

  2. What a great way to recycle good used clothing! And get in a good visit with friends too.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. We meet new people each time and come home with different clothes in our bags. ☺️
