Tuesday, December 28, 2021

A Slow Moving Day for Me, Bill Doesn’t Stop

Winterhaven, CA On Tuesday, Dec. 28th I could feel slight discomfort when I first woke up. I’d had a couple of candy snacks before bedtime last night and I felt that was the culprit. It wasn’t terrible so when Gibbs and I got up at 7:30, we still went for our walk around the park. Temporarily, it made me feel better, the fresh air and all. However, I felt quite chilly even when we came back in so I sat in my chair with my blanket over my legs.
No matter which way you looked this morning, there were pink fluffy clouds
Bill offered me a tea but it took a while before I was ready for one. I didn't want to upset my stomach any more than it already was. We’ve been reading our friends’ blogs, trying to stay caught up on their whereabouts and what they’re up to.
And then the sun coming up from around the mountain Sometimes they have issues that Bill might be able to help with so today, he left Gibbs and I comfy in my chair and drove to Ogilby Rd. to try and find Doug. He wanted to lend a hand if he could. He returned sooner than I expected but only to report that our friend had left for town.
Upstairs with Gibbs while Bill was away, I saw the neighbours trailer - and longed for the desert of Quartzsite
Doug isn’t the only one camped there so Bill stayed and visited with Tom and Deb for a bit before coming home. We have been watching the weather and mostly playing it by ear as to when a good day will be for all 3 of us to go out for Happy Hour. With me feeling the way I am, fine but draggy, it wasn’t in the cards today. I knew Bill would be hungry so I made him eggs and bacon and heated up some of my faux oatmeal for me for our lunch. It was good with cream and milk! 😊
At the clubhouse, I searched through the loaner dvds and found this one! I won't watch it. After dishes, I put off taking the decorations down, deciding to wait until tomorrow, and walked up to start a new puzzle. I forgot to get a picture. My brain isn’t working today, I guess. I worked away until 2 and returned to find that Bill had carried on with the projects he set out to do. One being the installation of our Dog Walking hook. Now the leashes don’t need to be hanging in the handles of our cupboard door. Yay!
Everything but the tree and the outside decorations have been put away. The tree looks pretty even without all our ornaments
All the ornaments were boxed, not a Christmas decoration in sight When he finished up for the day, he got a text from Doug that he could use some help if Bill was able so without a second thought, he and Black Beauty were off and running. 😊 Well, not running. A friend in need…….you know. ♥ Bill is like that, as many people are, so if he can lend a hand, he will. I decided in the meantime, since it was early still, to start putting decorations away. That takes away part of the job tomorrow so that’s good.
The sky tonight was almost the same as it was first thing Bill was back by 3:30 and now settled himself down for a snooze. After starting my blog post, I also settled back into my chair with my book. I’m reading the book Bill gave me for Christmas. “It’s a Long Story: My Life” by Willie Nelson. 😊 I’m enjoying it as he knew I would. Fish and chips for supper tonight, nice and simple. I’m going to have a vegetable instead of fries.
Tonight's supper Supper was good and all cleaned up after by 7 o’clock. I had cauliflower, tomato and olives and the latter brightened up the plate display! We watched some tv and in between I read a bit more of Willie’s story. This was a good day, much improved from the morning start. Tomorrow, we’re going to town.
The last night for these lights, but my they're pretty on our site tree Good night! Thank you for your visit. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. Hope tomorrow finds you feeling better.

  2. I hope you aren't coming down with something😒
    I put our tree away today while Mike was napping. He wasn't happy about that.whoops

    1. Thank you, I was fine but late afternoon. Got some energy back. :)

  3. It was a nice surprise to see Bill though not surprised he came to see if he could help Doug. I am contemplating taking down the Christmas decorations I have decided on January 2nd. I wonder if I will wait that long...lol No fun to wake up feeling queasy good to read that you felt better later in the day.

    1. Thanks to the Stinger B, you are fairly easy to find once in the general direction! :)

  4. Well for me, I'd leave the decorations up until I was ready to drive to a new site. Your tree is beautiful. Hope you are feeling better today. Sadly, as I get older, I have to watch what I eat more and more. It's the pits!!!

    1. Our tree is on the coffee table which then needs to be turned crossways at the end of the island. That means I can't put my recliner out all the way and that is important!! I love the tree and decorations but i also like to 'new' look again when they are down. Christmas is over, moving on. :)

  5. Hope you are feeling better today. I'll keep my decorations up until New Year's Day. With the snow and cold, I feel the need to have some sparkle around me.

    1. thank you, I am a new person again. ;)
      I totally understand, if we had our house still, I would do the same.

  6. I hope that today found you feeling better. I haven't even thought about taking the decorations down. Perhaps on New Years.

    Lovely pictures of the sunrise and sunset.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, yes it did. :)
      I would do the same with the decorations if it made sense. Space is too valuable. :)

  7. Christmas decorations aren't supposed to come down until 12th Night you know.

    1. Try living full time in a 400 sq. ft. trailer and say that. Haha!

  8. Sorry you woke up feeling puny! No fun in that! I loved Christmas this year and don't look forward to taking my decorations down :( seems it just went too fast! Guess that's life. I will be taking them down soon, just because of things going on soon. That was nice of Bill to help Doug, but not surprising!

    1. Thank you Shirley. All better now! :)
      Sad to take the decorations down but it give us our space back. :)
