Wednesday, January 12, 2022

And Then There Were Three

La Posa South, Quartzsite, AZ Wednesday, Jan. 12th arrived without fanfare. As a matter of fact, it arrived with clouds that hung around for the best part of the day. Not heavy clouds, but the sun wasn’t the domineering factor of the day today. The morning started out very cold, 37F/3C, but it was only my ears that got chilled on our walk. Bill was up and outside starting the generator when we returned to our site.
The clouds began the morning and remained all day.
Gibbs and I found the desert golf course.
We didn't poke around it though, it was on the edge of the Magic Circle. He was ‘movin’ and shakin’’ but mostly because he’d dropped back off to sleep after Gibbs and I got up at 7:30. Woops! He had someplace to be and was running a bit late. I made my tea and got Gibbs his breakfast while Bill finished up with his preparations. He left around 8:15 for his RC flyers meeting in Q, I think, and Gibbs and I cuddled up in the recliner with my sweater and a blanket. 😊
Bill was off to the meeting. Gibbs watches from the window. Well, so do I. ♥ The blue flame heater was turned on when Bill first got up at 7 and I was waiting for it to warm the Suite up. Brrr, it was only 53F/13C and that’s a little chilly. The funny thing is that once it starts to warm up, under the shelter of our awning and screens, the heat soon takes over. The wind was cool though so when Nancy and I took Cooper and Gibbs for their walk (or they took us), I was happy to return to our sheltered patio.
Nancy and I walking the dogs. They do pretty good until they get their leashes tangled.
We visited with Nancy until lunch time when Bill was a dear and made our bacon and eggs. ♥ There were just a few dishes but we cleaned them up in minimal water before going outside. It had warmed up nicely. Bill helped Nancy with her generator and then showed me the problem with his telescopic ladder. It is something that he can live with so not a bit deal. Around 1:30 (?) Deb drove up in her Jeep. She visited with us all while waiting for Tom to dump and fill tanks.
Deb and Tom arrived and got set up.
Gibbs spent some time with us and a new bottle to chew on but also spent time indoors throughout our happy hour. He got situated on the end of our grouping, making the shape of a ‘U’, closing things in nicely. It was time for Happy Hour so Tom brought their chairs over and we enjoyed a few hours on the patio. We had a surprise drop in from friends, Judy and Gary, who are camping over at the Roadrunner BLM. They’d been shopping so didn’t sit with us today but we’ll keep in touch and we’ll do that another day for our H.H. 😊 It was very nice to see them again.
Read what you will into these eyes.
Cheers! At 5:15, we came inside and sat with our books until it was time to start the barbecue for supper. Bacon cheeseburgers tonight and boy were they yummy! After dishes, we watched Still Standing in the beach town of Port Stanley, Ontario. We are very familiar with this area and enjoyed Johnny Harris’ humour during his 30-minute program. Bill had the generator running tonight so we could watch some tv until 9 and then we hit the books. 😊
A loaded burger This was a great day and our two have now increased to three. Welcome Deb and Tom! Lastly for the day, Gibbs is 10 months old today. ♥
Good night! Thank you all for taking the time to pop by and see what we’re up to.


  1. We love Still Standing. Johnny Harris has done a couple of shows in our immediate area.

  2. I could really go for one if those hamburgers! Mmm.
    What a nice circle of friends. Have fun. Happy 10 months old to Gibbs!🎂

  3. Happy 10 Month Birthday Gibbs!! It's nice to have a circle of friends ... I can't believe I'm doing absolutely nothing all day long. I could get used to this!!

    1. Gibbs says thanks, buddy. :)
      I love our circle of friends, some times the boundaries are small and other times, they extend across the world! :)
      You falling into our 'bad' habits? oops!

  4. Nice to have the company, someone to walk with, and happy hour visits.
    Happy 10 months Gibbs! I'd say those eyes are saying "leave my bottle alone". :)

    1. It is nice for all of those reasons. Plus there is an amount of safety/security in having company near by.
      I think you're right about those eyes!

  5. Loving all the pictures! Nice to add more friends to your little group. I'm thinking Gibbs may want a brother or sister once this is over, he seems to enjoy the company! Happy 10 months Gibbs! They grow so quickly!

  6. Haha you're funny. Gibbs' siblings will have to live with other owners. 💗

  7. How wonderful that you have more friends arriving each day!

    Gibbs eyes remind me of someone saying "Don't touch this is mine."

    God bless.
