Tuesday, June 28, 2022

A Dizzy Start, Doesn’t Look Like Rain

The Ridge

On Tuesday, June 28th Bill was up at his normal time and when I opened my eyes at 6:30, the reflection of our time on the ceiling was blurry. Oh-oh. I waited until 6:45 and got up to go the bathroom and say goodbye to Bill. I wasn’t planning on an early rising since I didn’t have to clean today but when I felt dizzy and a bit nauseous, Bill gave me my water and I agreed to go back to bed.

Strange angle but he's looking up at me
and the camera
Nurse Gibbs

I didn’t drink a lot yesterday; when the weather is cooler, I tend to not need it as much. I drank a fair bit and Nurse Gibbs and I went back to sleep until closer to 8 o’clock. I felt a bit better so made a cup of tea and sat in our recliner. Gibbs kept a close eye on me. 😊 Food was the furthest thing from my mind and I was debating whether to call M about canceling work for the day. What to do, what to do. I knew he was anxious to get the Sierra close to completion this week.

While I was working, Dale from
West Grey Service and Parts
stopped in with a delivery
Love the truck!! (we didn't do it)

At 9, Gibbs and I went out for a walk down the lane and I felt pretty close to 100% so drove around the corner at 9:25. I could always come home if I needed to. I worked on the truck outside and it was a much better day out there! I could comfortably work in my t-shirt. I started by papering around the 3 key areas so M could prime them. If it sits outside in the rain, they will rust.

The doors only have been sanded
we don't plan on painting the whole truck
just touching up spots

The orange arrows show the spots to be primed first

The time went quickly again and at 12:30 I was on my way home. I made huge progress and all 4 doors are ready for some dents to be filled and primed. I had some lunch and changed into my bathing suit. Gibbs’ bed and my lounge chair came out of the Bunky. Time to relax. I had my book and while the munchkin found shade under the picnic table and my chair, I read. The sun felt great, turns out that 23C/73F is the perfect temperature with just the perfect breeze too.

Gibbs like the shade, I like the sun
We make a great team πŸ’“

I let him off the rope tether around 3:30 and while I watered the garden and my potted plants, he ran around like a fool. It’s almost like he says ‘Wheeeee!”, he’s so happy. He got tired out and hot enough that when I mentioned going in the house, he was right behind me. 😊 Bill was later tonight because he made a stop at Canadian Tire for a purchase we’ve talked about for a while and it was on sale. I’m happy and you’ll soon see what it is.

Half the time I couldn't see him
because he was behind or under my chair

Inside, he was doing a lot of puffing
trying to cool down

At 6, I started frying the leftover potatoes and made a garden salad. There was beef stroganoff leftover too that I reheated and it all made a filling, tasty meal. After dishes were loaded and Bill’s lunch made, he drove Black Beauty to town to fill her up for me. I need to do some running around tomorrow after work and she was getting pretty low after the trip to London. Government pensions are in so she’ll get topped right up. Cha-ching!

The peonies are dropping
their petals but I couldn't throw them out
because the scent was still with them
I bagged them and put them in the freezer
Don't ask me why

This has been a beautiful day, if only every day could be exactly like this. They’ve (weather people) been forecasting rain since Sunday and tonight is supposed to be the night. However, they’ve changed it to 5 am so we’ll just wait and see. It would be nice to have the gardens and plants watered naturally but get it over with before Friday. 😊

A good supper
Good night!

Thank you for your visit. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. Glad you were up and about quickly :-)

  2. Glad you are feeling better. I would sure love to have a little rain here, but alas, this is sunny California. Dinner looks delicious!!!

    1. Thank you Nancy.
      Once the rain comes, it usually takes a few days to put the brakes on her in mixed bag Ontario.
