Friday, December 23, 2022

Got ‘Er Done! Last Minute Christmas Prep

Park Place RV Park

It was a pretty nice morning, on Friday, Dec. 23rd, even though 38F/3.3C sounds chilly. We are not complaining. Bill stayed up at 6:30 after taking Gibbs out but I didn’t crawl out of bed until just after 7:30. While he showered, Gibbs and I went for our 15-minute jaunt. There was no wind again this morning and the sun popped over the mountain just on time for us to start feeling the warmth as we headed out. I have no doubt we'll reach our high of 66F/19C today. 

My day is made special when the sun
pops up over the mountains

I switched coats back home to my new lighter jacket and walked through the park, out a back way and up to Family Dollar. I wanted to pick up a couple or three more things for the stockings. I also needed to pick up a couple of gift bags, hopefully in red and green. The choices were slim but I did find a red one and had a lime green one at home for Bill’s ‘men’s’ gift. These dollar stores are perfect for the small gifts and I'm grateful to be so close to one.

All decked out for Christmas 💖💖💖

Tissue paper was no problem, I have lots left from working at the school board warehouse. I bought a lot before they stopped selling it. That was coming up 7 years ago and I still have almost every colour under the rainbow left! 😊 When I returned, Bill was gone to the field. Before having my morning tea, I sorted the dirty clothes and took them over to start the wash.

It's a nice size, this is the width of a king size bed
I'm pleased

I was 5 minutes late for getting 2 machines, Jeanine apologized that she just started her laundry. The apology was totally unnecessary, I told her, she was entitled to use what she needed! I put one load in and walked home to make my tea. Gibbs got a treat when I took my brew back over to the puzzle as I knew I wouldn't be home until the clothes were done. The puzzle was also going to be done today, for sure!


The wash took longer today because I had to wait for a machine but by the time it was finished, the puzzle was done. It’s a beautiful picture and it only took me (us) 7 days. I’ll take the credit for it, since Suz didn’t contribute a whole lot! Selfish, aren’t I? 😊 Bill returned home just before noon and came over to help me fold the last load. We walked back home for lunch and put things away. I wanted to get a good picture of my afghan so spread it on the bed and did that before folding it up. Bill said it would easily cover both of us in our recliners on a cool evening.

He had a good morning flying and is happy to have the Piper Cub back in his repertoire. After lunch, we drove into town, stopping at Roadrunner for a couple of jugs of milk, butter, tomatoes and another loaf of French bread. That will tide us over until after Boxing Day. I wanted to have extra butter for the mashed potatoes we’re making for the big dinner. We also popped into K & B tools and then the Q Outpost for a new rope for Gibbs. Twice he has broken the well-used yellow rope when he yanked to greet dogs walking by. That's embarrassing but the dog owners didn't mind at all. 

The clubhouse is ready

At home, I wrapped the lady’s gift (a pair of stretch leggings and 2 stretch head bands) and Bill wrapped the men’s gift (a container of rv/vehicle wipes) and I walked them over for under the tree. I took the puzzle apart since I knew Patty was setting the tables and chairs up. The clubhouse is looking quite nice and with 35 rv’ers joining the festivities, it should be a nice time.

The park tree is gathering red and green

After choosing a couple of J.D. Robb books and a J.A. Jance story that we haven’t read, I walked back home for my afternoon tea.  It’s nice having my Book List up to date on One Note in my phone so I can check to see what we’ve read when my memory fails me. That was worth the time and effort I put into it a few weeks back! 😊 I have managed to complete my step goal today and 1,500 beyond so I guess I can have a piece of pie tonight. Right F.G.?

for our American friends

For our Canadian friends
A snapshot of our upcoming
holiday weather

I worked on my post and as I wrote this, I hadn’t decided yet on the afternoon walk. Bill took Gibbs out for his piddle while I finished my drink so I didn't move. Grilled cheeseburgers tonight for supper, maybe with a salad on the side. It will be a quiet evening and if my blog gets published early enough, I might pick a dvd to watch tonight. Maybe ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ – because it truly is. 😊

Last year on this day,
we had my sister, Gayle and John
over for a visit
We were in Pilot Knob RV resort
Good night from Quartzsite!

This has been a ‘wonderful’ day too and the Christmas spirit is creeping in, here in our Arizona setting. We are grateful for so many blessings. Thank you for your visit today.


  1. Oh what a handsome boy!!!! Glad you finished the puzzle. Looks like a Christmas feast is in the making.

  2. The puzzle looks to have been a challenge. Gibbs looks handsome all decked out. Very festive in the clubhouse, I’m sure you will have a great time.


    1. The puzzle was a challenge but I fully enjoyed it. Better than the crayons!!

  3. Sounds like you are all ready for Christmas. Our high in Calgary today is suppose to be 4C (much better than the -25C yesterday) but lucky for you guys your low of 2C warms up through out the day, enjoy the sun and warmth :-)

    1. Thank you, we are ready. I won't offer to trade your temperatures for here but soon you'll have grands hugs to warm you up. Enjoy, Merry Christmas! Glad you are safe.

  4. Your blanket looks terrific. I will be nice on cool nights for sure.
    Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

  5. The afghan looks beautiful. Merry Christmas!

  6. Wishing you and Bill a Merry Christmas. Let us in what Santa delivered to you via the FedEx/UPs drivers. Enjoy the festivities and good food at the Clubhouse!

    1. thank you Marlene. Bill got his motor and yesterday, new propellers. Exciting, huh? Haha

  7. I have no sympathy for your 'chilly' weather! You know about ours!

    1. Nice guy, you are! haha Kidding. No sympathy required here but I do feel bad for your weather.


  9. Merry Christmas! Becky

  10. Your puzzle was a beauty! Your definitely a whiz at it.
    A Merry Christmas to you both. Happy your enjoying your Arizona stay🤗
    Linda a.
