Friday, December 2, 2022

It’s December! Time to Get Festive! A Fistful of Pieces

Park Place RV Park

On Friday, Dec. 2nd Bill was up first, around 7 with Gibbs. He stayed up because he had a morning plan. 😉 Now that we’re this close to the flying field for Desert Flyers, he wanted to get his routine underway. Gibbs and I went for a walk and funny enough, there were no brakes applied today. Just a whole lot of sniffing. A new place, lots of interesting places to sniff and lift a leg if you’re so inclined. I wasn’t but Mr. Gibbs was.

The sky was so pretty this morning
while I waited for the sun to pop

Gibbs at the Dog Park
Oh so many sniffs!

I was walking on even paved roadway
but you could veer off to the left if you wanted
to walk the desert trails too
There, see? The sun popped!

It was me turning him towards home this morning. It was 52F/12C and although the sun hadn’t broke through the clouds, it was a nice morning. When we returned, Bill was almost ready to head out so I kissed him goodbye, wished him a good time and I headed out for my longer walk. It sure is different walking on flat surfaces and since I only wear my Sketchers loafers, nice to not have to worry about a twisted ankle. 😊

I saw a lot of Palo Verde trees out in the desert
but none looking anywhere near as healthy
as these along today's walk are

The Q Mountain, zoomed in
The Q along the road I walked this morning


I met Bill as I was on the stretch for home and when he stopped, we compared fuel prices. Ha ha, it seems to be the talk of the town. This morning, it was $4.75/gallon. Woohoo! Back home, I had my tea and cereal with Gibbs at my side and then I got focused on my plan. December means I can get the decorations out and now that we’re in a park, let me at them!

This is a great station to listen to with a 
variety of good traditional Christmas tunes
sung traditionally by country artists 💕

I found a Sirius Country Christmas station and that was much easier than playing our cd’s. The music was great as I sang along and got the place vacuumed first. We turn our coffee table across the end of the island and that is where our 4’ tree goes. 

Let the decorating begin!
Our blankets aren't very festive
but that's what we've got!

It works well and we love how it all comes together in our small space. I was almost finished by the time Bill pulled into our site. The day wasn’t going to be overly hot because the clouds ruled the sky but it was still very nice at 68F/20C.

Gibbs has gone around and checked all of these adornments
He approves

When we were done lunch, with dishes in the dishwasher (yay), I left Bill and Gibbs and walked over to the clubhouse. Time to start that new puzzle! I met Susan, a new host, and soon I had the pieces all laid out and within the hour, had the border finished. Woops, except for one piece. It’s in there somewhere and very typical of me to forget a least one! Susan is interested in helping me so that will be nice.

Our little tree all decked out for the season

I left the puzzle without one glance back as I knew that could be the clincher for staying longer. 😊 Back home, Bill and Gibbs were watching the last of a movie and we all went outside to sit for a while. Because Gibbs had only been for one walk today, we took a jaunt around the park. For some reason, our little bum doesn’t walk well with both of us, my thought is that he’s trying to ‘herd’ us.

This puzzle is going to be fun!

On the back side of Arizona Sun RV Park, which is right behind us, a couple of overhanging branches from the ‘community’ lemon and grapefruit trees encouraged me to bring one of each home. Fresh off the tree, yum, the grapefruit will be yummy! For supper, Bill grilled sausages and inside I cooked mixed vegetables and warmed up the leftover rice. It was a good supper and we finished the cheesecake off too.

Our afternoon walk
Fruit and quail sightings


We are happy to be able to use our dishwasher again, now that we’re not keeping our water usage to a minimum. We watched Fire Country together while I worked on my blog post. I must say that it looks so pretty in here with all the Christmas lights and decorations. This has been a great day!

Now, I introduce my new little Christmas additions
from Hobby Lobby
Giggles on the left, isn't she cute?
Jolly on the right, I love their smiles.
Good night y'all!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. The place looks very nice, Patsy. Ready for Christmas. I look at that 1000 piece puzzle and shiver. No patience. The Q mountain picture looks great with all the bigger ones behind in the shadows.

    1. Thank you Doug. I have fun decorating.
      I look forward to some brain work so puzzles are my thing. There are so many other things i don't have patience for.

  2. Very festive at your place, I’m sure the lights look great.
    The puzzle would drive me crazy, no patience any more, but I hope you enjoy it.


  3. Am a silent follower, love your blog. Would like to know if Bill got the satellite dish problem sorted out. Friends of ours are in Palm Springs and can’t get their portable dish to work. It’s with Shaw. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

    1. I have not been able to get back the channels we lost in early November. Your Shaw dish while at home in Canada picks up 2 satellites, when we are in the states we can only pick up one satellite. About three years ago, Shaw replaced one of those satellites with a new one and at that time cut out the U.S. footprint, so we could not get the channels from that one. I am guessing that in November, that some of the channels we were getting have been moved to the satellite that we can't get down here. They may be making room for more channels or doing some kind of realignment. This may also have something to do with Rogers buying Shaw and doing there own thing. Time will tell. We have friends here that lost the channels at the same time we did and one of Pat's sisters who is in Florida, lost the channels also. This tells me it isn't a problem with our dish, but some kind of system wide change.

    2. Thanks so much Bill! We also have lost the channels mostly to the east coast of Canada but we still get some. He isn’t having any luck at all.

  4. Your Christmas decorations make your home look lovely. It's great that Gibbs admires but doesn't touch. 🎄

    1. Thank you Loree. Bill has been very good with the new additions to our home. 💕

  5. Where's Gibbs stocking? The suite looks great Pat. I have to start decorating here this weekend! Santa's coming to town tonight for the parade so that will be fun.

    1. Gibbs' sticking is in the slide out wall. I didn't add that picture.
      The Christmas parade is tonight here too so we're going up to watch.

  6. Love your Christmas decorations!!! Yes, I'm bringing that puzzle! LOL

  7. The Suite looks very festive with your decorations. I do love the little elf!

    1. Thank you Maebeme. Giggles watches me as i walk around the'house'.

  8. You did an awesome job decorating, Love it! I listen to Christmas music all the time this month. :) Keep enjoying!

    1. Thank you Shirley. I don't like Christmas music before December so me too!!
