Friday, August 30, 2019

And Time Slips Through My Hands, (just being melodramatic), Rainy Day, Birthday Celebration

On The Ridge
On Tuesday, Aug. 27th my big sis, Gayle, is celebrating a birthday. I’d say not a special one but I believe that e-v-e-r-y single one is a special one. It doesn’t have to end in a 5 or a 0 to warrant grand celebration. So, tonight, her husband, John, has invited a few of her sisters over for a bbq for the occasion. Usually, we opt to go out for dinner somewhere but this is Gayle’s choice and it will be quite nice.

The cows and Mr. Bull don't seem to mind the rain
Bill and I woke up around 6:30 and decided that there was no reason to rush out of bed since it was dull, rainy and windy. More snuggle time in the morning is always wonderful. Our feet touched the floor around 7:30 and I felt very well rested. I was in bed at 10 last night and Bill not until 12:30 when he finished his sewing. What a guy! He knew if he didn’t finish that last, most difficult handle strap that he would wake up to it today. Good logic.

And this little guy tries to sleep
We had our coffee and tea together and since I knew I was going to the library after 10, I took the time to proofread my 4 days-worth of blog posts. That would save time in town. I made him breakfast at 9:30 and headed in soon after he was finished. The library was busy today, maybe because it was a rainy, albeit mild, day. No outside work or play will be done today. I settled myself with my laptop and that lovely sound of data connection in a chair by the window.

Bang, bang, bang and bang, the days flew through my fingers as I added pictures and published post after post until I caught up to today. It took 2 ½ hours and I certainly don’t expect you to go back and read them all. One of my regular readers commented that even though she understood why I wasn’t posting, after reading it daily for so long, it felt ‘weird’. I took that as a compliment and thank you for those words. It feels weird to me too, NOT posting on a daily basis.

And there he is, adorable Gerard Butler
So, since watching that special (to me) chick flick (which Bill likes too, I might add), I checked the library shelves to see if they had the book in stock. Tickle me purple, they did, so I checked it out. In between books right now, before I start one with Jack Reacher (one of my favourite characters) I want to read this one and see how it varies from the movie. This will be fun since I know the movie pretty much by heart.

And for most of the day, our skies were filled with clouds and rain
Back home, through the rain, I was happy to see (and almost hear) my flowers and veggies saying ‘thankyou’ to the sky. I’m grateful too that I don’t have to water them. It would have been on the list of things to do today. I had hoped to get our laundry done this morning as well but after hearing the forecast, it will be tomorrow during cleaning. I still enjoy the smell of freshness from clothes hanging on the line.

Driving to Gayle's, we go through the small village of Williamsford
I made myself a coffee, and since it was 1 o’clock, made myself some lunch too. I had some feta cheese, ham and fried radishes and zucchini. Yummy and filling. Then I did up the morning’s (& last night’s ice cream) dishes and started today’s post. Some people may think that writing a post every day is a drag and must feel obligatory and time consuming.

a drive through village with little traffic
Here is what I’m thinking and have probably said before. For me? I love to write. I could write and write and write (as you’ve probably noticed from my long windedness) about many things. Not educational things, just things. I’ve always enjoyed it, especially when there is no pressure to accomplish something according to someone else’s instructions. Don’t tell me what to write and I’m happy.

We arrived at Cedarhaven around 4:30
Writing a book, although I’ve thought of it often, feels obligatory to me.  Now, getting right down to it – publishing the blog is the part I’m not keen on. I like sharing, don’t get me wrong, but the process of copying, pasting and then waiting for pictures to download and selecting appropriate pictures……..that’s the part that feels a bit pressured. There you go, those are my thoughts on blog posting. Plus! When you don’t have data, oh bother, don’t get me started! 😊

Instead of starting my library book, I took my phone and some water out to the Bunky to work on the jigsaw. Around 3:30 we both came inside to get ready to go to Chatsworth. Bill needed a shower so I dressed and packed our cooler with drinks and a salad to help John out. We didn’t want Gayle having to prepare anything. We were second to arrive with Donna and Gerry arriving half hour later. John offered wine or beer and we sat outside on their lovely back deck overlooking the pond.

John set the patio table up nicely
John barbecued honey mustard and seasoned garlic chicken thighs along with boiled corn on the cob so with my Caesar salad, Donna’s potato salad and Cathy’s macaroni salad, there was plenty to eat and we wasted none! For dessert, John and I placed candles on a 3-tiered strawberry/vanilla cake and he served her favourite Chapman’s ice cream on the side. Everything was wonderful, even our voices as they mingled to sing Happy Birthday. Don’t you love traditions!? We left around 8:00.

And looking out across the pond
After turning onto Baptist Church Road, driving through the trees on the gravel section, on the right about 25’ in front of us a mid-size deer ran directly across. Bill was quick to hit the brakes and thankfully he safely made it to the other side and we safely remained on the road. Your heart goes to your throat and even though I had my camera in my hand, the reaction wasn’t on taking a picture, rather it was directed to the ‘oh my God!’ moment.

John did well putting this dinner together for Gayle
Happy Birthday, Gayle!
l to r - Cathy, Bill, Gerry, Donna, John, Bill, Patsy, Gayle

Back home, we watched America’s Got Talent but I wasn’t too impressed with many of the performers tonight. Therefore, a couple of them were missed as I’d dropped off. I know Bill was doing the same and when it ended at 10, upstairs it was for me. Not sure how late Bill stayed up but I know I was off in dreamland soon after hitting the pillow.

Looks kind of like "71"

Cake and ice cream
Perfect for a birthday
This turned into a nice day and thankfully the rain had stopped by 3 and we were able to eat outside at Gayle and John’s. The evening was mild and still, just the way we like them to be on a summer’s day.

And on the drive home, I played with my camera

And the sun set

And I was still snapping pictures

Playing with the fisheye style

And it was a lovely drive home
Good night!
Thank you for taking the time to stop in. I enjoy hearing from you!


  1. I went back and read them all! I do miss your daily posts, but at least you're posting one for each day.

    1. Ah that's so sweet! Thank you!
      I miss sending them daily but do prefer an individual one for each day. :)

  2. Reading your words about writing... ever since I can remember I've loved to write... and that's why I love my blog. I do get side tracked due to trips that are so full of going I get behind but that's okay. Life is like that too sometimes. While I hope readers enjoy them my main purpose is to have a journal of our travels to look back on when we are not traveling as much. I already do that at times. I note things I think may be important relative to what is happening at the time... for future reference that has been a real help sometimes. Glad you enjoy yours as well.
    I do miss the daily posts, but understand the need. You gotta do what you gotta do. Right?

    1. Thank you Cheri, we obviously share the common interest of writing. :) Mom kept a diary too, right up until about 8 years ago.

  3. Happy Birthday to your sister Gayle! Sounds like you had a wonderful day.

    (I, too, miss the daily posts.)

    1. Thank you, I think she enjoyed her celebration with her sibs. :)
