Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A Different Post, Clemson and Gibbs

Park Place RV Resort, Quartzsite, AZ

On Tuesday, Feb. 15th not much happened so I decided to swerve away from the norm. Let’s talk about puppies!

The story began in 2004 when Bill and I decided we wanted a little 4-legged companion in our London home. We worked every day so it would mean some changes, a crate for daytime, learning training techniques (& following them) and all that after the search for the perfect pup.

Clemson comes home with us and our ♥'s are lost forever

In what we called the Penny Saver paper, we found an ad for cockapoos about 2 hours from home. Without even knowing what we were looking for, a cockapoo read to be the perfect fit. 😊 He was 7 weeks old when we picked him up from a country farm and he and his sister were the only two with tan markings, setting them apart. We preferred a male so we handed over the $400 fee and the little 4 lb. bundle rode home with us.

Clemson blended right in. His name came from a University town in South Carolina where their sports teams were named the Tigers. We bought his leash and collar before we even had him in our possession. He didn’t sleep in his little soft carrier for very long and Bill was soon lifting him out of it and up into bed with us. Woops! We broke a lot of ‘dog rules’, do’s and don’ts but he turned out pretty darn special.

Look familiar? Gibbs does this too

Two weeks before his 15th birthday, he fell back off the couch and splintered his leg in a couple of places. We had to say goodbye to our best little boy. It wasn’t easy, as many of you have experienced, but we had a good life with him and he had a good life with us. We've missed him terribly and i still say good night to our first little bum.

I didn't know if I could post this
but we were saying goodbye
to our best buddy

In the new year of 2021, I really, really, really started longing for another dog. I’d actually started thinking about it the previous winter, missing my little walking buddy. So, we talked about it over the winter when we were boarding in Paisley, Ontario. That was the winter when we couldn’t come south. Boohoo. It turned out pretty good, we made new friends and kind of decided on looking for a new puppy. NOT because of Covid-19.

They're blurry because they didn't stop!

On May 7th, 2021 I was on Kiji, an online selling app (or whatever you call it). I found a few dogs, not cockapoos, that were available and since size of the dog as an adult was a big deal for us, we abandoned most. Then I found the perfect ad. Cockapoos within an hour from home. They were 8 weeks old and ready to go, now. We were on the road within the hour and began playing with the 5 remaining babies.

This is Gibbs
He chose his Daddy

Oh my, we put the females back into their pen and played with the males. The little guy we chose wasn’t interested in his brothers or sniffing the objects in the room. He was interested in his new Daddy.  

Our new baby

I won’t tell you the price but I will tell you, I thanked Mom for blessing us with this sweet little pooch. We brought him home that day. He slept in the living room in a Rubbermaid tub the first night and the next day we bought ‘stuff’.

He cried a bit his first night
but settled down each night after that

We’d given away or sold pretty much everything we’d bought for Clemson. The second night, he slept in a crate. He was also 4 lbs. and we also had his name picked out before we brought him home. It sure doesn’t take long to fall in love with a new puppy, a new dog, a new cat, a new pet, a new family member, does it?

In his new BIG crate
which he soon grew out of

Once we were convinced that he was content sleeping through the night, at a few months old, we brought him up into bed with us. It’s what we both wanted and had agreed to. We’ve never regretted it. Gibbs learned quickly, with a bell at the door to ring when he needed to go out, he sat, shook a paw and lay down for treats within the first month. We’re still working on other things but we’re getting there. 😊 We’ve surpassed his 11-month birthday and he continually makes us laugh and loves to cuddle.

Only a few days after being with us
he was already our entertainer

And already getting into trouble
We wouldn't trade our life with him for a second

Today, in a nutshell, Gibbs and I went for our walk, Bill skipped flying because of the strong wind gusts forecasted, and I started a new puzzle and got a few rounds of crocheting done on my blanket. We had leftovers for supper and tonight I watched This is Us on PVR and Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet downstairs while Bill and Gibbs watched tv upstairs.

Our morning walk around the park's outside perimeter

Speaking of puppies, this well behaved
pup sat in the lawn chair and watched us go by
Not a peep

ridiculous fuel prices
This is the cheapest station around and it all just went
up over the last few days

The winds were to die down tonight by 10 but they did reach gusts of 30 mph. today. Lots of dust blew around and my counters have a thin film again. LOL We didn’t drop below 70F today which was nice but we’ll be in the mid 60’s over the next couple of days.

Finishing off with Gibbs and Daddy
For once, he's preventing someone else from doing their
hobby. ♥
good night!

Thank you for your visit. I hope you enjoyed the puppy story.


  1. I did enjoy the puppy story :) Always fun to read about people's pets (family members like you said). We got our first corgi back in 2004 from Alabama. We lived in Montana at the time. He flew on 3 airplanes to get there and took about 11 hours from start to finish. He was $400 too. Our son picked him out from the pictures on the web. After we lost him, I couldn't think of another dog for a bit plus we had a lot of life changes, moves, son getting married, new grandson, etc so we didn't get a dog until 2020 when we got Winslow. One day out of the blue I said "we should get a puppy." Hubby had just retired and was ready for a new pup. We found one on the web in Surprise, Arizona (about 45 miles from where we live). He was pricy. Way more than we paid for our first one but not as expensive as corgis in a pet store. He probably won't get to sleep on the bed, not that we don't like dogs sleeping on the bed because Koda did, but he's just way more active than Koda :)

    Anyway, they become so loved and so part of a family. I know you and your hubby love Gibbs.

    Can't want to see what the new puzzle looks like!


  2. Clemson was such a sweetheart...I am sure Gibbs has stole your heart as Clemson did. We are so blessed to of known Clemson and now getting to know Mr. Gibbs...The active little one. LOL

    1. Clemson was a totally different pup but sometimes Gibbs gets whispers to do something from his older brother. We say'that's Clemson's influence!'

  3. You think fuel prices are high now, wait a while until Biden Gas really kicks in. Canadian prices will look good then.

  4. That was a sweet story of Clemson and now Gibbs. I enjoyed the pictures for sure. They are both a joy. Of course it made me cry.💙💙

    1. Thank you. I cried too, remembering that sad day. It doesn't take much.

  5. Not to scare you, but gasoline here is $1.49/litre. That works out to about $5.60 for an American gallon!!

    I like to think that Clemson sent Gibbs to you - he knew exactly what you needed.

    1. Yikes! I know it is terrible back home. They've got us by the short hairs!
      You could be right about Clemson.

  6. I agree gas prices are ridiculous and not getting any better! I really hate seeing the way the stations are gouging the truckers!! Prices up on everything! Loved both stories of Clemson and Gibbs! They are both special!

  7. Love the puppy story. We are a cat family here for the most part (Kurt has never mentioned a preference and even though Eiko and he don't get along they manage). I would love another cat but both Harvey and I worry that we wouldn't find another as loving and well behaved as Shania.

    God bless.

  8. What a nice post! I've never told you about going to pick out our last puppy, Roxie, in 2010. He was a cute busy pup, but quickly got quite a good size. I'll have to try and dig out some pictures.
