Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Visitors

Park Place RV Resort, Quartzsite, Az

On Sunday, Feb. 6th we were all up by 7:30. Gibbs and I headed out for our walk, finding even another quiet paved road to tour. 😊 I love the options we have. Today we walked for our normal time before heading back towards home. 

You can tell it will be another beautiful day

This one took us down past the police station. I stopped to admire the bark on a Palo Verde tree when an officer drove by. He probably saw me and thought ‘tourist’ and kept on going. Ha ha

I watched a plane circling over the park,
over and over

Practicing, maybe?

Nice walking trails
Okay, if you have a bike, you can ride here too

These trees are lovely

Bill drove back to the field this morning for their Swap Meet. I was and I wasn’t surprised when he phoned to get my opinion on something he saw to purchase. 😊 He didn’t need my permission but it was nice he asked anyway. He was home before noon and he ate his sandwich from yesterday. As it turned out, burgers were grilled for them and he didn’t need the lunch he packed.

Gibbs leads the way down a new road
Another great choice!

So, it was a special day because we had company coming. It was around 1:15 when we first heard rather than seen our friends, Roland, Lori and Schatzi drive in. Their motorcycles, one Victory and one Indian, have a distinct rumble which we love, especially when they are coming to visit us! There is not much cuter than seeing the little white head in the ‘back seat’ of Lori’s bike, adorned in pink leather and pink goggles. ♥

It was so funny watching Gibbs bark at his own shadow
It was the ears blowing in the wind that set him off

We had a nice visit while the sun was shining on our patio. The winds were enough to give them a bit of grief on their ride and to cool things down considerably once the sun disappeared from our site. The good news is that when we thought this was the last we’d see them this season, they will be back this way in March. Yay! It is always great to see them and a bonus to video chat with Judy, her Mom, back home in Dryden, On.

Schatzi's hiding behind Lori's chair

They packed up and headed for home just after 3:30. They would have close to a 2-hour drive home to Holtville so I hope they make it safely and before dark. The sun is in the west sky and should be shining the way for them. Inside, I made a cup of tea and Bill went up to watch a movie. We have rib eye steak out for supper, we’ll share a big one with veggies on the side.

So, here she is getting ready for their 
ride home ♥

At 6, Bill grilled the steak on the Weber. Inside, I cooked vegetables and fried onions and mushrooms. Let me tell you, it was delicious! The steak was cooked perfectly and while we were doing dishes, I made sure to plant a big kiss on the chef! 😊

see you guys in March!
Notice the little back seat rider?
She pops down in her carrier when they get out on the highway

After dishes, I remembered that I received an email for another space station sighting tonight. Bill went out at 6:53 and found it right away. This is a treat each time and finally they got my location right. We had a Lindor milk chocolate for dessert. They’ve lasted us this far since Christmas. ♥

It doesn't look 'pretty' but it was

This was a wonderful day and we had a quiet evening together. I got back into my Sue Grafton book; I seem to get distracted with my yarn!

Thank you for stopping in! 


  1. Your dinner sounded delicious! So nice to have friends visiting for the afternoon!


    1. Thanks, it was a great steak. I can't always say that! :)
      Loved having our friends for a visit. ♥

  2. That's so cute that Schatzi goes for rides. It sounded like a lively day.

    1. She is so tiny, all of about 5 pounds and she usually has her goggles and sombrero on too. ♥

  3. Looks like that park & proximity to the flying club is a perfect setting for you folks.Thinking of your solar set up,you might like the Serenity install just completed - see something approximating this system would support most of your needs.All the best.

    1. The park is great for all of us. Now if they had a heated pool, I'd say 'perfect'! haha

  4. The little dog must be having fun on the back of the motorcycle. A pair of "doggles" might be a good idea, but then again, her eyes are behind the human's body.

    1. Schatzi does have goggles but Lori gave her a break on the ride home. She slips down inside her carrier when they are out on the main roads. She's adorable.

  5. I'm glad Bill is enjoying his time at the "airport". Okay, you talked me into it. Time to take Cooper for a walk!!

  6. The little cute doggie in its own motorcycle carrier is adoring. Nice to have company and end the day with a great dinner.

    1. She is such a little pooch and just loves being with her Mom and Dad. We don't have room for a carrier on our bike at home so Gibbs can't go along. :(
      It was a great day all around.
