Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Moving into February, Moving into Park Place

Park Place RV Resort, Quartzsite, Az

On Tuesday, Feb. 1st, it was move day. However, check-in isn’t until 1 pm so since we aren’t travelling any distance, we’ll stay put until we know we can zip right in. We were all awake, after a bit of a restless night, around 6:30 (we think) and it was truly dark. Because we were solely on battery power overnight after low watts at bedtime, Bill heard the inverter beeping at 5:00. He got up and turned it off and returned to bed.

Isn't this beautiful for our last sunrise?

The mountains to the west are just touched
briefly with pink

We all got up at 7:30 an Gibbs and I went for our walk while Bill went out to try the generator. By the time we returned, Gibbs wasn’t into a long walk today for some reason, things were running and Bill was making tea and coffee on the Keurig. That helped, now we just had to get through the morning waiting for some sunshine. 😊 The generator shut off on its own around 9:30 and there still wasn’t any sun to rejoice over, but we were powered up enough.

The sky was wild, keen for photos

Timing is perfect, I think Nancy said, as we won’t need our genny until April. We definitely have someone watching over us this week. Bill went about his remaining outdoor things, finding room for everything (which has its own place) in the basement/garage. We all have a name for that wonderful storage space. It wasn’t going to be a sit out morning so he put our chairs away and the mat. All too soon, we had 3 hours to wait.

If you look closely at this Saguaro, 
you should be able to see wee baby arms growing out of the
tops ♥

Oh well, we had some breakfast and sat with our hobbies indoors. The sun made a few appearances but didn’t stick around so I debated having a second hot drink. I could boil the kettle for another tea but drank water instead. So, finally, at 12:30 we were all packed up and pulling out of the spot we’d called home for a month. It felt good, leaving the dust behind.

Don't get in the way when Bill moves around outside
nor inside where Gibbs runs frantically from window
to window trying to see him.

Supervisor Gibbs is on duty

It was 12:40 when we pulled out of La Posa South and 1:15 when we pulled into Park Place RV Resort. We followed our guide to Site 29 which was close to the clubhouse for puzzles, library and laundry (yay!), close to, but not in, the desert for walking, close to the Wifi (not that we ever count on that) but not on the entrance row, which to me is important. Gibbs already gets excited enough when traffic goes by, being on the front row would not be good.

Yes, we are definitely closer to people here
than we are in the desert but it is expected
and these sites are very wide. 

The sites are VERY wide and that makes me happy. The winds are coming from the NE direction so our wind break and sun screen probably will not do anything but hey! We have electric, water and dump hookups and we no longer need to be concerned with how much of any of it we use. Until March 31st. 😊 Bill has the most to set up, outside, but inside, I dusted and washed down every space before bringing out our daily things and ornamentals.

Just across the road to the northeast is a good walking place for Gibbs and I 
We're out on the edge of town so the traffic out here should
be minimal

This view is to the northwest
and you can see how wide even the roads in the park are

We’re home. Next, when Bill finished at 2:30, was to have our showers and get ready for supper. Silly Al’s with Tom and Deb. Yay! We’re looking forward to seeing them again and having a good time this evening. 😊 We gave Gibbs half of his food and left at 4:10 for town. We are so much closer now than when we were at Las Posa South so when we arrived, we were shown to a larger table for 4 than what we had last time.

I felt a great relief this afternoon
after set up and poured myself the last of
my Desarono. ♥

Deb and Tom arrived a few minutes after us and we placed our orders. Bill and I decided to have a rum and Coke and we all ordered a Calzone of our choice. They were good but not quite as good as his pizza. I’ve wanted to try one for a while. No regrets. We had a nice visit with our friends and parted ways with a hug around 6:15 or so. It was great to see them again – until the next time.

Their Calzones were good

Back home, Bill gave Gibbs a bit more food and we settled in for the night. I feel so relaxed, so relieved, nothing to worry about. We’ve both agreed that as much as we will return to the desert each year for our 2 weeks around the show, we will not stay for a month again. At least that is how we feel now. This was a nice day. The weather was unusual with heavy cloud cover for most of the day. We’ll be well prepared for the cool, windy couple of days coming our way.

Seems my arm isn't long enough to get a selfie
but the most important people are present
Check out Deb's blog at Celebrating the Dance for a better picture.
Good night!

Thank you for following us as we continue our travels.


  1. I'm happy you two are in a comfortable new home and it does look spacious. Maybe new friends live nearby. That Gibbs is a hoot. 😄 Glad you're closer to town and you two and Tom and Deb can visit. I agree. If I lived full-time in my rig I would spend most of my time at an RV park for the conveniences and to have neighbors to meet. Enjoy your stay and I hope Nick and I make it back.

    1. Thanks Doug. It is nice to be out of the dust for sure and I feel much better.
      It was great to see T & D again before they move on tomorrow.
      It would be nice to see you guys again if it works out.
      Staying in a park at this price, makes us question why we'd do anything else. Except the privacy part but hopefully we'll meet new friends. :)

  2. Nice park and a place for you and Gibbs to walk. We are expecting a major snow storm later today so you are in a good place.

    1. Thank you Loree. Batten down your hatches and stay safe and warm. You'd have pretty pictures of the lake though.

  3. So much better to have full hookups after boondocking for a few weeks. Makes us appreciate it I guess. That park as always been quiet, yet close to downtown and Silly Al's. Sorry I missed that meetup. I love that Gibbs runs around the windows looking for his dad!!!

    1. I agree about the hookups. We boondock all summer so this is a treat.
      We are sorry to miss you too! We'll see you before we leave though.
      Gibbs has to have both parents close, I love that. ♥

  4. You certainly will have company in the park. Enjoy!

    The photo of Gibbs hanging over the back of the couch is hilarious. He's so much fun!

    1. Thanks, we hope there will be more new friends in the mix. ;)
      Gibbs makes me laugh at something every day.

  5. Wow that's a lot of people in the park! The spots are wide though, so that's nice! Maybe with all those people they'll decide to open the pool? Silly Al's looks pretty busy still. Glad you had a meet up with Tom and Deb!

    1. It is nice to see a park full though, keeps them in business! ;) We don't mind when the sites are wide like this one. Hopefully we'll meet new friends.
      This park isn't the one with the pool and the one that did, doesn't open it in the winter. We had a nice visit with Tom and Deb again, glad she suggested Silly Al's once more. ♥

  6. I'm really liking this RV park. If we ever spend anytime in Quartzsite maybe we will try this place. I like that you are close to desert for a walking area. Cute picture of the 4 of you. Elva

  7. Just realized I have not seen your blog for a few days. For some reason they are not showing up in my emails. The new RV Park looks nice. Gibbs sure enjoys watching Bill when he's busy outside. Looks like this park will suit you well with the activities that you enjoy.
