Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Flying, Puzzling, Blythe Shopping

Park Place Resort, Q., Az

On Tuesday, Feb. 8th it was pretty much a repeat of yesterday. Bill got ready to go to the flying field and Gibbs and I walked at 7:30. When we returned, he took his thermos and coffee mug and left. I don’t need to tell you that it is another beautiful day on the horizon and a perfect day to fly. 😊

Walking into the sun was a challenge

After my tea, I sat with Gibbs for a while. He was very affectionate this morning and wanted to be with me. We cuddled in my chair with my book until about 10. I left him in charge and walked over to the puzzle. I began working on the leaves near the bottom. This is where I knew the border was correct. A lady came in to the office and ended up sitting with me, across the table.

Here we go. Gibbs was afraid of this
scary yellow alien hydrant 😀

When I admitted that there were some mistakes in the border, she did what she could to fix things. She couldn’t get it all right, but I’m sure she made some improvements. I’m sure, too, that we’ll see each other up there again. At 11:30, Bill and texted, both of us on our way home for lunch. Today, I will probably gross you out, as I did Bill, but I made myself a peanut butter and sardine sandwich. The bread was fresh and that went down really nicely. 😊

Making some progress
The border will work itself out

I had updated our grocery list and after deciding to leave dishes for tonight and use the dishwasher, we left Gibbs at home. Again. This time, we drove to Blythe, 20+ miles from home. 

It's a beautiful drive through mountains on I-10W

Crossing the Colorado River means
crossing the state line into California and gaining an hour

The grocery store there is Albertson’s and other than wanted to get the truck washed, that was the only place we stopped. I didn’t see anything spectacular in their pricing, no different than Walmart in Parker but we did manage to get stocked up on the things we needed.

The car wash was pathetic, only 1 bay out of 3 were working at all. It did a half decent job in the 10 minutes we were alotted with the change we had. If we’d thought ahead of time, wiping it down would have been wise but still, when we got home, Black Beauty looked 90% better than she did before we left.

After we left this car wash location, we
saw a much newer, busy wash just down the street
Next time we'll go there

It was just as hot outside as expected but by the time we got groceries put away, we felt pooped. Not sure why, but rather than a walk to the dog park, we ‘pooped’ out.

The drive home is breathtaking

Dome Rock BLM

It looks quite busy in this area

Gibbs seemed happy with the short walks throughout the day, it would have been too hot to run and play anyway. That reminds me, we need to stop in town at Tara’s Grooming shop to see if she can take him in at the end of February. His coat will be way too long to wait for our appointment in March. Maybe tomorrow or Thursday, we’ll check that out.

A nice little supper

Grilled burgers are on the menu for supper and there is still salad to share. They were as delicious as usual. Tonight, when I took Gibbs for a walk while Bill grilled, I was delighted to see the follow up from the sunset. Not often have we had low lying clouds on the horizon so it made for a lovely shot. 😊 Our lives are pretty routine but when it dawned on me that we weren’t doing dishes tonight, it made me smile. Breaking from the norm is fun!

It's about time we had a beautiful sunset again

The mountains to the east were also worth
a picture

I loaded and turned the dishwasher on 10 minutes ago and I can’t even hear it running. We love our little ‘washing’ machine. This was a lazy day but Bill got 4 or 5 flights in again, I got some puzzle making and reading done, we’ve stocked up on groceries and Gibbs had some ‘me’ time.

Of course, we need a picture of Gibbs posing ♥

For those interested, this is what I was driving on last year on 
this date. Yeuch! I'm so happy to be where we are today.
good night!

Thank you for stopping around. Your comments are always appreciated.


  1. What a difference a year makes! Driving on ice/snow is never fun and I'm not fond of cold weather at all! So true that the drive from Blythe to Quartzsite has good views! Glad you were able to find all you needed on your shopping expedition! Puzzle is coming together and you are right, the border pieces will work themselves correctly as more puzzle pieces go onto the puzzle.


    1. True! I'm sure hoping we don't have to do that again anytime soon!
      I'm glad we're here for so long so I can finish the puzzle! Or give it my best try!

  2. Just the other day you were mentioning the morning chill and cool days. I think warm weather is here to stay. 😄 I put off dishes till no silverware (plastic) is left before I do them. That Gibbs is always so happy. Enjoy the warm peaceful days.

    1. I'm not sure about the warm mornings, but it is actually nice to walk when it's cooler anyway. Ha ha
      Oh! i couldn't do that with dishes, we're both too anal!!

  3. Peanut butter and sardines??? OMG that's sounds awful!! LOL
    I'm glad Gibbs got some Mom time. He's such a snuggle bunny!!

    1. Ha ha, I knew many would say that but it's a 'Daddy' thing. Although I don't think he even had the p.b.
      Gibbs is a snuggle bunny and I love every minute!

  4. I am glad you are happy with a clean truck, but I wonder if a few more years of desert snowbirding will change your attitude about how precious water is and how it should be used? (I am NOT scolding you!)

    1. I'm not sure I understand your comment. We haven't washed B.B. since we left home.🤔 You never wash your vehicles? Hmm, that's a bit odd. LOL
      Only my mother scolds me. Haha

  5. Sounds like another great day here in the desert! I've got to admit your sandwich did gross me out! To each his own! Beautiful sunset! :)

  6. Absolutely, your sandwich grossed me out. As did my mom's raw onion and brown sugar sandwich. Different tastes. :)

    Beautiful sunset photo!

    1. So far, most of you are in the same mind about the sandwich. Ha ha, no surprise.

  7. The first time we drove from Quartzsite to Blythe the beautiful scenery was a nice surprise. Elva

  8. Your second photo is what we are driving on here as well. Snow and ice.

    Yep the sandwich grossed me out as well.....

    God bless.
