Saturday, December 10, 2022

A Looonng Walk, Garage Sales, Supper Treat 😊

Park Place RV Park

On Saturday, Dec. 10th Bill went off to the field around 8:30. Gibbs and I had gone for ‘his’ walk and we’d returned for my tea before he left. Hoping for it to warm up a bit, I cut myself half of a grapefruit, they’re huge!, and warmed one of my remaining 3 keto butter tarts. That was enough energy for me to go for a longer walk. I didn’t expect to be gone as long as I was BUT I did plan on checking out the garage sales in the area.

Other than being chilly, only 36F/2C, it was a lovely morning

I walked first, listening to a 40-minute podcast and on the last stretch, I followed signs to Mayflower St. and picked up a little bag of my $5 items. Then on the way back towards home, I stopped at Arizona Sun RV Park for their Saturday sales. They were few and far between but you get exercise walking the whole park to find them at the perspective sites.

There were 5 in total and I purchased items at 2 of them. Today’s total spending was $13. 😊 I found 4 books altogether, 3 Christmas pins for a total of $1 and a Santa antenna ball for Black Beauty. I'll get a picture later. I’ve bought the plain ones for her and have a few on hand but this is the season so I had to get this one too. ♥ Back home, Gibbs wanted to go out again so we walked around the park for another few hundred steps.

Today's update

Bill arrived home around 11 and among other things, we had lunch. My spinach tortilla wrapped around cheese, mayo, ham, lettuce and avocado was quite tasty. After eating, I went to the clubhouse and worked on the ‘crayons’. The puzzle gets easier every day as groupings fit into place and I actually found one more border piece, leaving 4 left to find. Paul, host #4, pops in daily to see any updates. He is encouraging.

Heading out for supper

John, host #2, came in to put the Christmas tree up and left it for the ladies to decorate. At 3:00, I came home for my tea and to do some online searching. I’m thinking of a few items I’d like – even if I have to order them and say they’re from ‘Santa’ or Bill. 😊 We’ll see how that plays out. It’s getting too late to receive shipped items by Christmas but it would be okay if they arrive late. We’re not going anywhere for a while.

From this sign, you can tell
it's a 'homegrown' restaurant

So, for supper tonight, we agreed to go out for a change. The Mountain Quail Café is open until 7 pm four days during the week and we enjoy the home cooked meals. Because it’s Saturday, we thought it might be smart to go early so we left at 5:15. The place wasn’t busy at all which meant our meals were served quickly and we were out of there quickly.

Hot roast beef dinner

It was light when we entered
and darkness had descended when we left

Bill ordered fish and chips and I ordered hot roast beef with mashed potatoes. They were smothered in gravy and although it looked like a lot of spuds, I ate the whole thing! Delicious! Part of the charm was that I didn’t have to cook. 😊 We were home to Gibbs soon after 6. Bill found a movie that we could watch while I worked on my blog. This has been yet another good day.

Good night!

Thank you for popping in. Your comments are appreciated.


  1. Enjoyable reading your low key comfortable posts each day. That's how retirement should be. Sounds like you're getting your exercise in.

    1. Thanks Doug. One thing you can say about me! I know how to relax! haha

  2. That hot roast beef looked great

  3. I enjoy eating out. It's nice not to have to cook at times. The hot roast dinner looked so good!

    1. Me too, Loree! I hate trying to decide on meals. It was a very tasty dinner.

  4. Not having to cook is a real treat. That hot roast beef looked delicious.
    Imagine having garage sales in December, definitely not a realistic possibility around here. :)

    1. It sure is a treat not to have to PLAN, let alone cook meals. :)
      Garage sales in December, you know I never even thought of how that would sound back home! haha

  5. Food is always better when you don't have to cook it! LOL

  6. Definitely getting your steps in girl. That supper looks wonderful.

    God bless.

  7. Dinner looks awesome! Another good day for you both! I could walk a lot more if I'm going from garage sale to the next one :)

    1. Thank you Shirley. Garage sales are appealing but take grocery bags to cart the stuff home! :)

  8. Got your card! Thanks so much for thinking of us.
