Thursday, March 2, 2023

Unconditional Love, The Weather We’ve Been Waiting For

Park Place RV Park

On Thursday, Mar. 2nd we finally began to see a pattern of what was to come for the month. We’ve been waiting for it since January, so, better late than never, I say! There was some ‘fancy foot work’ (so to speak) to get Gibbs on his leash at 7 am this morning. ‘We’ still aren’t over the scary shock ordeal, poor guy. Poor Bill too, he loves the little bum so much.

even though right now, Gibbs is
associating his leash, his Daddy and the step
with something painful,
THIS is true unconditional love

Be still my heart

When they came back in, Bill had his breakfast and washed up to go flying. I made my tea and when it was finished Gibbs and I went for our walk. I had to tug at him to come down the outside steps and then tug at him to come back onto the mat when we returned. It did rain yesterday and last night so Bill left the ground lights unplugged. We don’t need a fluky repeat!

this is the sky we had all day long

At 9:15, I walked over for Ladies Poker Pool. Adele had a dr. appointment so didn’t start playing until she came back at 11:15 but otherwise, there were 5 of us playing today. Barb, Patti, Susan, Dora and myself. I lost again but we have so much fun from beginning to end that I hardly pay attention. Susan (the one who always wins) suggested we call it Hi-Lo L.P.P. so the loser gets honorable mention too. Sweet! 😊

While I photograph this pretty yellow bush,
Gibbs discovers new smells under it

Back home at 12:15, Bill and I had lunch. I finished the Jambalaya and he toasted the last two buns for his sandwich. We need bread. I walked back over at 2 and started this new puzzle. Dora brought it over for me so the girls would leave it alone until I started it. It is a nice picture and we all worked at it until I left at 4. Who knows what will be left of it tomorrow?

This puzzle was left for me from Dora

It should be a fun one

For supper, we’ll have leftover meatloaf with veggies/salad (I haven’t decided yet) and we’ll eat early so Bill can go to night flying. This has been a great weather day, starting quite cold at 40F/4C but reaching 60F/16C by mid-afternoon. The temperatures are improving from here on in for the next 2 weeks at least. Yay!

Two hours later, I headed home

I hope you’ve had a great day as well. Donna reports mild weather back home today too so that’s nice for them.

The meatloaf and veggies were just enough
Bill left for the field by 5:30.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I do believe March came in like a lion. It is nice to see they are predicting some warmer days ahead. Actually it was just nice to see the blue sky all day today. I see from your pictures Rose's flowers are blooming beautifully. Cute Avatar.

  2. Yes warm yesterday, winter storm warning for today!
    Nice picture of Bill and his little cutie.

  3. I feel for Gibbs especially if his paws were damp.There really shouldn’t be the possibility of shock at the rig as everything should be grounded via the power supply.Perhaps get out the meter as that maybe an unsafe condition.Take care ,enjoy the improved weather- all the best.

  4. Hopefully, little sweet Gibbs will soon forget his shocking ordeal. So looking forward to the warm weather coming this weekend.

  5. Those pups ... they have good memories! Yay for warmer weather ... 60-70 for the next ten days ... hopefully!!

  6. Poor Gibbs, he has a long memory. I do hope he gets over it soon.
    Hooray for better weather!

  7. Gorgeous weather here, which is a lovely change from the wind and cold.

    That looks to be a beautiful puzzle.

    God bless.
