Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Another Ouch to our Budget, Working Morning

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Apr. 30th we welcome the last day of this unpredictable month. I won’t say it has been a month of hardships, but some financial burdens over the last 30 days have given us cause to pull up our socks. 😊 And we thought they were already as high as they could go! Anyway, we’re happy to turn over a new leaf tomorrow as we slide into May.

Good morning!
See that house? We should have new neighbours AGAIN
taking possession tomorrow. 
This will be 4 new owners since 2016.
We must be terrible!

I know Gibbs and Bill slept in until almost 6:30 this morning and I followed around 7. After getting washed, dressed and making my tea, I left the Suite for town. I was alone to clean again today, the place not being anything out of the ordinary, it was a ‘clean sweep’ (haha). I still work an hour, with or without washing the floors as I spend more time on the washers if I have time on my hands. After driving in to town, I make it last. 

It's a dull looking morning that lasted all day
with very few peeks at sunshine.
Notice the full bird bath?
Enough rain!

Just as I was leaving the lady from the Outdoors Store in town was unloading her basket. Patti and Rick will chuckle over this but I was in a t-shirt and capris as I held the door for her. Her comment reminded me of our park managers. “Look at you, dressed for summer and I’m in a jacket and jeans”. 😊 It was mild to me, 10C/51F, and the rain was non-existent. Today was one where the chance of rain after 9 was pretty miniscule. Good! I texted Sandy, my boss, with the hours I'd worked this month. 

Here is our happy boy. Nice to see his eyes again.
Hi Gerald and Nancy!

Back home, I wiped my shoes and left my runners on. They seemed to be better for my sore toe than not having them on. I still was hobbling but it didn’t seem as bad. At 10, I drove back to M’s to get that apartment ready, it was the last day to do it. The doors in between living room and hall got washed, her birds sat on their tops and left a very difficult mess, front and back. Gross. Elbow grease was required but I persevered.

Come play with me, Mom.

Some more floor washing in the kitchen and bathroom, fronts of the kitchen cupboards and some carpet trimming and I was done. Another cash pay out when I left 2 hours later to have lunch with Bill. I took an Afghan and a 5’ x 3’ colourful carpet to brighten the place up and placed a tea towel on the unusable wood stove before I left. The place looks pretty good. I may run over in the morning briefly to take pictures and discuss the lease with M before the new tenant arrives.

Tasty sausage on a bun.

Bill went out to cut grass and when I got the call that our Income Tax forms were ready, he finished ¾ of the property and we drove in to see Tim. This was another budget hit but since it was the last day to file, we came home and sent what we owed. I had made some changes to my deductions this past year and that helped me but we need to make changes to Bill’s income. Anyway, just another one of those inevitable things, right?

Mrs. Goldfinch is on the other side of the finch feeder.
I love how they flew in and flew out together. πŸ’˜

Bill finished cutting the field and then barbecued sausages for supper. We still have keto buns and everything tasted great, as usual. I sure wish I could get them here – I haven’t given up looking! After clean up, Mr. & Mrs. Goldfinch visited our feeders, he is so bright you can’t miss him. I need to boil up some sugar food tomorrow as I hear the Orioles are arriving. I do love the birds. The evening will be quiet and I’ll probably be in bed early. None of our programs are on tonight.

This has been a good but dull day and I feel better for helping to get M’s apartment ready.  My foot is much better, Bill gave me some Advil with my afternoon tea and that has helped. Thank you to everyone who commented with concerns. Those boots are history or soon will be. Gibbs has had a good day, outside a fair bit and inside he has dug ole Stuffy out of his basket, giving him some lovin’. Funny, how they just decide to dig out a new ‘old’ toy.

My videos still won't download to my blog
so I'll share this instead. "don't stop dancing"
Good night!

Thank you for popping by.


  1. Looks like we shared a nice day. Tomorrow should be nice as well.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Missing you...Sheila

  3. Gibbs must enjoy being able to see since Bill trimmed the hair around his eyes,how nice!-Mary

  4. Hopefully things will look up for you both starting now with the beginning of May. Your neighbours property looks nice. Are they just flipping?

    1. Thank you Marlene.
      No flipping, just more than they could handle for one reason or another.

  5. Goodness, four new neighbours in 8 years...I wonder why no one stays longer, it certainly looks like a beautiful house.
    It's never fun having to pay at the end of the filing season but best to do so to avoid interest charges. Since I've retired, I've owed a small amount (thankfully) ever year, small enough they haven't asked me to start making quarterly installments. Not that it helps for this year, but perhaps a separate savings account to tuck away a portion of Bill's paycheques is an idea for this year. That way, you earn the interest over the year, and having to pay at the end won't be an aggravation.
    Hope the rain stops, it has started here.

    1. I know, lots of turnaround in that house. It's huge, too big and too much to look after it we think for the last small family.
      We do have such an account but it didn't quite get built up that much. We'll continue it though, socking money away each month. It's a good idea.
      The rain stopped here for a while.

  6. I hate taxes and cleaning up bird messes. That's why Jonathan stays in his cage.

  7. Hi Patsy, I wonder if you could order those buns on Amazon? I want that dancing ladys outfit! Dee

    1. I'm certainly going to try. same with the bread and maybe the yogourt. Thanks!
      Isn't that outfit great? :)

  8. We had almost an inch of desperately needed rain yesterday. Today started off gloomy, but the sun is out now. Hopefully I will be able to get out and plant those bulbs.

    God bless.
