Saturday, April 6, 2024

A No Driving Day, Trying our Luck

Lucky Star Casino

On Saturday, Apr. 6th it felt wonderful to laze in bed for as long as I wanted. Not that I haven’t really been able to do that, it’s just that when you have places to go and things to do, it’s an inner urge to get moving early. It was 6:30 when I woke up and after 7 when I got up. Bill turned the furnace on for me since I was going to have a shower and it is a quick burst to warm up the bathroom.

Good morning!

The problem was that we forgot to turn the hot water heater on yesterday, so I ended up waiting 20 minutes anyway. Bill made my tea for me and we relaxed together with Mr. Gibbs. 😊 I’m sure this little fella was happy not to be hopping in the truck for another long day. He was getting used to it but let me tell you, he sure cuddled and slept a lot today.

And good morning to you guys!

This is a new area with a lot of prairie dogs in the field directly behind us. Oh, and lots of evidence of prairie dogs. I had to get my big Canon camera out of the closet when I looked out the dirty back window and saw not one, not two but three sticking their little heads up out of the holes at the same time. Good morning to you guys too! 😊 I know they make a mess of a field but I love watching them so much – because it isn’t my back yard.

A cuddling, sleepy kind of day
for our little traveler

Our plan today was to remain idle. Basically, that was it. I did take Gibbs out and down the hill to the trees for his walk and that wind almost took him away! Just kidding, but it was strong then and has been around 30 mph all day and will be into the evening. We are grateful not to be driving today. Gayle and John, sis and hubby, are about 3 ½ hours north of us, making their way home too, and stopped just after lunch for the night. The winds were just too much for them too.

These guys are pretty cute

I wanted to get out again with my big camera and take more pictures but the winds were crazy, making it dusty. Instead, Bill and I watched 3 more episodes of The Voice, which, thanks to G & J, we were able to get on the CTV app after missing the whole season. We enjoyed the time together and had a lot of laughs at the coaches’ goofiness. At 4, we got cleaned up and walked back to the Casino to try our luck at the 1¢ machines.

I went out right after my shower and my
hair was dry in 2 minutes. Gibbs kind of likes his
locks blowing in the wind.
That's us up there on the hill.

We each spent our $20 and Bill came out ahead only by $10, but it went towards our supper tonight. My $20 was a donation, just as I’d planned! 😊 It was another great meal, tonight, I had the shrimp and fries and Bill had the bacon cheeseburger meal. We were home with full tummies by 5:30 and Gibbs had his outing and supper too. The dust blowing across the lot is not encouraging us to go out and walk any further than necessary. Gibbs understands, I’m sure.

Yummy supper. I couldn't eat all the fries
but they were delicious.

After getting my pictures downloaded, much less than the last few days, I finished my blog and will either watch tv or read my book. This has been a pleasant day, restful and quiet (except for our loud laughter). I hope you’ve had a nice day too. Our temperatures, even in the wind and only partly sunny skies, reached a high of 77F/25C. Tomorrow should be a calmer day with full sun. Fingers crossed.

It's quite dusty out there in the distance.
Good night.

Thank you for stopping by. We are happy you are tagging along.


  1. Better staying put when the Wind is blowing like that.
    It's easy for us to say groundhogs are cute, as long as they are not on our sites.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. We were happy we'd planned to stay, happier when the winds turned nasty!

  2. We had very strong winds way up here in Utah today also. Wrong day to be on a sandy beach. Glad you stayed put and relaxed. Safe journey tomorrow.

  3. Some big gusts Saturday afternoon in Greenville, Tx as well.


    1. Hope you are well, we'll all catch up with our travels tomorrow!

  4. You had live entertainment out the back window. I do like the little gophers as long as they stay out of my yard too.
    Enjoy your day today, I do hope the winds settle down.

    1. thank you. These little guys are so cute and chatter like our chipmunks back home. Just bigger holes!

  5. Hey, wouldn't it be nice to get the jackpot, I wish you luck! Hope you have good travel days ahead!

    1. It sure would but we're neve that lucky at a casino.
      Thank you!

  6. I wondered if you were watching The Voice this season. I'm behind on the episodes.

  7. Winds do make things harder to pull so I am glad you are staying put. Yuck on all the dust.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. Yes, the dust is not fun and mostly stayed on the outskirts.
