Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Snow, Clouds, Sun and Always Wind

The Ridge

On Wednesday, hump day, Apr. 24th I didn’t get up until 7:15. It is nice that I can go to my cleaning job at any time during the day, my own schedule. Now that I don’t have to go to M’s for 9:30, I feel so free. No rushing. 😊 I made a to-go tea and hopped in Ptooties at 7:30. Brrrr! It was/is nasty out there today! A brisk 0C/32F this morning and a crazy high of ………wait for it……2C/36F. It was snowing and blowing when I left although not sticking to the ground.

Good morning!
Yesterday, I mentioned the dead tree that had
a huge branch blown down.
This is the tree in the left hand picture.
It needs to be cut down.

When I walked into the Mat, I wasn’t sure if I was in the right place. It was almost spotless! Very little recyclables (3 containers), very little garbage (dryer sheets only), and all the machines were clean and free of dirt. Whoa! I did my usual walk around, removed those things into the bags in the back room and decided to go through the Lost and Found box. I needed to see what was there so in a week, I know what to launder and pass on to the thrift store.

Unless you look close at the black wall
of the Mat, you may not see the snow.
It looks like evening driving home on Baptist Church Road.

5 or 6 items were tossed, damaged in some way beyond saving and set everything else back in the box for another day. I emptied lint trays in the dryers, which only 2 had been used, wiped the top of the machines and then dust mopped the floors. Lastly, I got the wet mop out and washed the floors for good measure. I was filling in time. After driving in, I wasn’t going to turn around and go home. I marked my hour on the calendar in the office and drove to the Ridge.

Right now, the drive up our lane is pretty
dreary too but soon leaves will enhance it's summer beauty.

The snow had stopped by this time but our front stoop was crunchy with it. It doesn’t get sun on it until about 2:30. We hung out inside. First, I worked diligently on deleting old documents and videos from my laptop (of course, I had to look at them all first) and then I worked on the tenant’s lease for M’s apartment. He has a new tenant moving in on May 1st so I want it to be in order. Speaking of………M dropped over requesting help for his phone.

Sitting inside, reading, I noticed these lovely
prism colours on the floor and across my laptop.
My dear friend, Sheila, gifted me this little Angel
before we left Quartzsite. 💖💖

We had lunch, then popped over to offer our assistance and to show him the documents. That was an hour we’ll never get back. LOL. We returned home to Gibbs at 3. By now, the sunshine was ruler of the blue sky and it was lovely BUT the winds have not abated and it is terribly cold. I know that our friends in Quartzsite are dealing with the exact opposite, looking for ways to cool off. If only we could share. 😊

We finished up the leftovers tonight.
Yummy and easy!

I made a tea and started my blog. Bill went up to watch a movie until supper time and at 6:30, we had leftover brisket, potatoes, carrots, gravy and our own vegetable. Yummy! Another one of those Sunday night meals……….on a Wednesday. We loaded the dishwasher and settled in for the evening.

While blogging, I noticed the Chickadees
were enjoying the Niger seed.
Tomorrow, I'll get out the other bird feeders for them.

The good news is that the winds have died down a bit and the sun is still pretty high in the west sky. We’ll drop to a ridiculous low of -4C/24F overnight but we’ll be 12 degrees warmer tomorrow than today, with minimal winds. Yay! I think 12C/53F will feel springlike again. This was a low key but good day. Bill went to the Hangar tonight, with some heat on. He's happy to get back into that. 

Last night, I began watching Season 46 of Survivor. Used to watch it years ago when it started but lost interest. I enjoyed the first episode. It's the challenges that I like best. Bill joined me and we watched 2 episodes of Sullivan's Crossing and then 1 or 2 (?) of The Voice. We were both falling asleep and went to bed at 11. 

Three little pictures that I love almost as
much as I love to dance! 😀
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. Patience and helping M will get you a front row seat in Heaven. So nice of you to help out. Sorry for the bad weather, but at least you have summer to look forward to!!

    1. Thanks Nancy. We're trying to help but he is so frustrating!
      Sunny days even when it is cold sure helps!

  2. I love your angel and rainbow dots.. guess who

  3. The Landlord and Tenant Board website has a legal lease you can download and print.

  4. Please be mindful where you place your angel because the sun shining through the prisms could start a fire just as if it was a magnifying glass! Concerned Texas reader

    1. The sun never hits my angel directly but i still appreciate the advice.

  5. While you were shivering, we were enjoying a 21C afternoon. The BBQ was brought out and we had our first grilled burgers of the spring. Here's hoping that weather reaches you soon.

  6. I think you might be getting the weather we had last week. Like Maebeme (we only live about 2 hours from each other, give or take) we had lovely weather yesterday and today was even better. It is supposed to get a bit cooler though.

    God bless.

    1. Your weather sounds wonderful, we'll maybe get it in a few days, still cool and wet in our forecast. Enjoy!
