Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Full Day in the City

The Ridge

On Monday, May 13th the day presented something totally different. First off, I woke up just before 7 and Bill was coming back up to lay down. With his co-worker unable to report to work, they decided to take the day off. The job they are doing now requires all three employees. It was supposed to be a decent day until late afternoon so he didn’t mind so much. Because I was driving for a lot of the day, pictures are minimal.

My day was also a change from the norm. I had my shower and at 9:30 left Bill and Gibbs to drive to Hanover to pick up my sister, Donna. I had a doctor’s appointment in London, 2 ½ hours away, and she kindly accepted my offer to ride along and keep me company. 😊 Things work out well, sometimes, that meant Gibbs didn’t have to be left alone for an 8-hour stretch. He could spend it with Daddy.

Bill had things to do at home, weed trimming being one and cutting branches being two. I hope he has time to do some of his own stuff too. Donna and I had a good drive only hitting construction when we got to our destination. We left ourselves plenty of time so we were able to grab lunch at Tim Horton’s when we arrived in the city at 12:15. We each had the farmers sausage wrap and a steeped tea. They were good! I was happy to be able to pay for it all on a prepaid card from my former boss, Jamie. Remember Jamie?

The tops are fine..........

From there, we located where the doctor’s office was and nipped down the street to my favourite London thrift store, Talize. We didn’t have more than 20 minutes but we each lucked out with one purchase each. Being over 65, a discount of 10% added to our smiles. 😊 My running shoes, that I’ve worn daily for one thing or another for a couple of years are finally showing wear. The tops look great but a hole in the sole and worn tread is making them uncomfortable.

Not so for the under side.

These have added support with an 'air' sole
and I love that they are slip-ons

A steal at Talize merited me a new-to-me pair of Sketcher’s for less than $5! I removed the laces and insoles from the old pair and tossed them out, tout suite. After my appointment, to which I was pleased with – especially the weigh scales! – we drove through some construction. London is always a mess but I am fairly familiar with the main streets and we drove to our friend, Brenda’s, home in an older community. The homes are so interesting, hers included.

My hair was done, Donna's turn.

Brenda obliged both of us with a hair cut on her day off which included a wonderful 2 hour visit at the same time. 😊 Brenda and I have been friends for about 15 years and it is a beautiful relationship, even though we see each other only once or twice a year. 

Homes in this part of the city are very close but Brenda and Randy's
back yard is a beautiful private space that they've made their own.

Wind chimes and many personal touches give the
feeling of serenity

From the back deck, this is the walkway to the street

We left her place at 5 for the long drive home. Through the heart of the city and plenty more construction, we returned home following the route Bill and I take. The drive down was following Donna’s route which may have been a tad shorter. We were on no time limit, which made it nice.

A professional cut after my winter hack jobs. 😁
Hey, that's who I am!

What a lovely visit.
Thank you Brenda! 💖

It was 8 o’clock when I returned home to my boys, after dropping Donna off, and he had not eaten. An easy late supper was a couple of eggs on toast and that fit the bill. We watched some tv together and I was falling asleep before 10 so Gibbs and I went to bed. It was an awesome day! The weather for us all day was 25C/77F with sunshine until we were about 40 minutes from home, when it started raining. 

A late simple but tasty supper.
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. Nice hair cut! Glad your doctor's appointment went well.

  2. Great deal on those Sketchers!!! Love the haircut.

    God bless.

  3. Love your hair cut. Looks very nice. What a great friend. Donna's cut looks nice too. Becky

  4. Gosh, that's a long drive for a doctor. I complain that I have to go 5 miles!! Great haircuts and what a fun day!!!

    1. Yes it is but they are hard to get so we kept our London doc.
      Thanks Nancy.
