Thursday, May 16, 2024

Busy Morning, Sliding to the Long Weekend

The Ridge

On Thursday, May 16th I was up and downstairs with Bill by 7. I had a couple of things to do this morning so made my tea-to-go and left the Suite at 7:15, ahead of Bill. The Mat was empty when I arrived and remained that way for the whole period of time I was there.  Another note was left on a machine but it was fine when I tested it, I think they put it on the wrong dryer.

Good morning!
'When I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong' (what movie?)
There WAS a pretty sunset last night and
I almost missed it!

This is the sky this morning
as I left for the Mat

With a bit of extra time in my hour, I wiped the inside of the two big front windows and door before closing up and heading home. I couldn’t remember for sure when M needed me to pick him up so left home at 9:50. He needed to go to his bank in Hanover, scammers even get those who can’t afford to lose anything. I guess none of us can, but you know what I mean. They issued him a new bank card since that is what was hacked.

I tried to find something filling for lunch
and this gave me good fats and filled me.
I had some almonds and cheddar mid morning
thanks to Donna for the tips.

He’d asked if I minded a few stops in Durham to which my reply was no and we stopped at the Beer Store, the hardware, Foodland and the drug store. It was noon when I dropped him off at his place around the corner. He paid me for my time and for some fuel, which makes it worthwhile. I know he appreciates the help. I made myself a chicken ‘cutter’ from some of the leftover chicken, cheese and a keto dinner roll. It was good with a small bacon, chicken salad on the side. 😊

When Gibbs doesn't want to come in,
I no longer worry where he is.
He stays right around the patio area. 💕
Although, I do check on him - a lot.

I haven’t been doing much all morning but boy was I feeling tired after cleaning up my dishes. Gibbs and I sat in my recliner and I know I dropped off again. I’d like to be outside filling my garden bags but the flies are too discouraging so other than walking around with Gibbs and painting a couple more rocks with a base colour, I came indoors. Gibbs doesn’t seem to mind the flies as much as I do so he remained on the steps or patio mat.

What a jambalaya mess my Bunky is!
Eventually, things will get moved to better positions.

I can see him at all times and he doesn’t wander anymore. That’s a blessing. Of course, if Chippy dares run along the fence line, Gibbs is right there showing him who’s boss around here! Bill was home at 5 and since there is no rest for the wicked (just kidding, sweetie!) he had to head right out again to get us water from the Acreage.  

Gibbs waits for Bill's return

When he was gone, I noticed a big toy hauler being backed into the house next door. Our new neighbours are finally starting to make an appearance.

It will be interesting to meet even MORE new neighbours.
Such a turnaround next door.

They can't be too bad if they are rv'ers, right? 😂😂

While waiting for the water to transfer from the bladder, Bill lit the Weber Q and I prepared potatoes and vegetables inside. We each had a bone-in rib pork chop with a veggie of choice and he had some potato. It was all very good but no way could I eat the whole chop.

Clouds moving in, bringing us a warmer night of 13C/55F

The chops didn't take too long.
Weber still works great.

I cleaned up dishes and he went out to put stuff away and then hop in the shower. After making his lunch, he went to the Hangar for some ‘fun’ stuff. 😊 If he sits, he’ll be asleep.

Even this was too much supper for me.

Last night I sat to find the new series Justified City Primeval with Timothy Olyphant. I could only find it using Sue’s suggestion of the Cinema search. Thank you, Sue!! It was tricky but I found it – for now. Tonight, I hope I can get it again. This has been a nice day but I just wish I could be outside more. The black flies will be around (according to Google) until the heat boots them off. That means 4 or 5 days of 15C in a row. I do believe that is happening very soon!

Nice to see our weather warming up.
We reached a high of 23C/74F today. Yay!
Good night y'all!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. "When I'm wrong ..." quote is from Dirty Dancing,yes?
    You and Bill sure are productive.I hope your new neighbors are nice
    -Mary t

    1. You are absolutely correct! :)
      Thank you Mary. We hope so too.

  2. Gibbs is a good boy! I'm sure it is fun to watch him chasing he's unlikely to catch the little rascal.
    Here's hoping for a few cooler days to get rid of those darn blackfiles.

    1. Gibbs is good, and is pretty sure he'd rather be near us than wandering.
      Actually, Google says that it takes 4 or 5 hot days to get rid of them. Weird.

  3. The "King" Gibbs surveying his property!! Too cute. In spite of me trying to eat better, I gained two pounds. I did toss all the cookies ... so maybe that will help. That's a nice place next door ... hope the folks are nice too. I talked to Pattie today ... she sounds great!! Just checking on my reservation.

    1. The King is right. We are his peons. ♥ Isn't it true that we gain first? haha
      Bill and I have both dropped in the last 2 weeks but he hasn't changed anything other than working. :) I have to work at sticking to the foods I know work for me. :)

  4. Isn't is great that you have a place for your own to mess around and just do what you like? Who cares if its neat or not! Maybe your new neighbours will travel southwest in the winter?

    1. It is great, no close neighbours to judge us. haha
      Maybe they will go south!

  5. I do love your bunky, such a great place to do your own thing.

    Gibbs is getting to be a very well behaved young man.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, I love my Bunky too, although crowded right now.
      Gibbs is improving except he still barks a lot. ♥
