Friday, May 31, 2024

Gibbs Visits the Doctor, Beautiful Day

The Ridge

On Friday, May 31st not only did we wake up to lovely morning, with clear blue skies that lasted ALL day, but we also were saying goodbye to one of the strangest months for weather yet. Well, in my opinion anyway. I can’t recall if I heard Bill’s alarm but I know I slept well until 6:30 when I first rolled over. Puppy kisses right on my mouth told me someone was waiting.

Good morning!
Actually, this is lunch. 
It was such a tasty little treat!
Love melted cheddar with tomato

I slipped into lounging clothes to come downstairs. I didn’t have to be anywhere too early today. Bill made my tea and he was off for his last day of the week – and month. 😊 It was a chilly enough morning, 8C/47F, but at least not cold enough for any frost. I did cover my plants last night as a precaution. Gibbs and I went out around 8:30 to uncover them and of course, he was tentative as he approached the big sheet monster. Some protector he is!

The traumatic part of Gibbs' day
Here he is watching the door for the
assistant to come back.

I left the house at 9:50 to pick M up and take him in for his errands. Back home by 11, I popped up the screen tent as we weren’t expecting any high winds for a day or two. I did a bit of crocheting after lunch, of which was 2 little cheese, tomato and lettuce sandwiches on my keto rolls. It was good and with some almonds and cashews, it filled me. I wanted to do a bit more grass cutting to save Bill some time, he usually does the hill along the corral, but Gibbs and I had an appointment at 2 so best wait.

Her bribe of treats, wasn't winning him over either. 💗

Nervous Nelly got in the truck with no hesitation, got seat-belted in and immediately began the whining. It has to be nerves/anxiety/excitement. He wasn’t terrible the whole way with fresh air blowing in his face and the vet was ready for him as soon as we walked in. Thankfully, we were allowed inside the building this time! His assistant did all the prep work before the vet came in. I was only off by .2 lbs. on his weight. Little chunk.

So, I cut this part of our grass today.
It doesn't look like much of a hill but trust me,
it is for me!

He wasn’t too pleased with the rectal thermometer (who would be?) nor the deep ear exam and when it came to the blood drawing for heart worm, just get outta here! She was very good but we still had to restrain him while she wrapped a bandaid around his leg. If he hadn’t moved, it wouldn’t have bled. Poor soul. It wasn’t painful for me until she gave me the bill and I though my heart would stop. Oh well, good thing we love our Gibbs!

Our little boy with a pink bandage
sits in the shade with Mom.

He was quiet the whole way home and relaxed on my chair inside the Suite. The vet's assistant suggested we try Gravol and gave me some treatment options. I went out to get the mower ready and cut the grass on the hill. That darned near killed me too! Ha ha, I’m not good at pushing a mower uphill but it sure looks good and saves my sweetie a bit of time. Gibbs and I sat in the tent until Bill got home around 4:15 and then outside in the sun while he cut the berm and corral. Now it is all done and we can relax for the remainder of the weekend. 😊

Waiting while Daddy cuts grass.
Doesn't he look nice and cool?
He had a big day.

For supper, I baked fish and we deep fried the chips. Only enough for Bill, we’re cleaning up the fish and I had broccoli instead. It’s tempting though, they do look good, maybe just one. Everything was good and after clean up, Bill will go to the Hangar and after my blog, I’ll sit with Gibbs with my crocheting. The tv will be on for entertainment and I’ll watch another couple of Rookie Blue episodes. It is quite good.  

Yup, one french fry was all I needed. 😂

This has been a really nice day. We reached a high of 23C/73F, with a warmer day tomorrow. Things got done, Gibbs has all his medicines for heart worm, flea and tick preventative. He doesn’t have an ear infection but we did get drops for shat looks like dryness in the canal. It sure hasn’t affected his hearing, he can hear a pin drop. 😊

Wow! On May 31st, 2019
Bill and the boys had just finished building his
It looks so small here.
Good night!

Thank you for checking in on us. It has been a great week!


  1. Very few dogs enjoy going to the Vet. Glad Gibbs is healthy.
    I'm certain that Bill appreciates all the extra work you save him at the Ridge.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your weekend.

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks Rick. Gibbs is always happy going in the door and seeing the assistant for pets but........haha

  2. Poor little Gibbs, vet appointments can be unpleasant, I bet you are glad that's over with. Have a good weekend,-Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. I was probably as worried about him as he 'should have' been! :)

  3. Cooper agrees with Gibbs assessment of the situation. At least he sits nicely on the table!!!

  4. Poor Gibbs, a visit to the evil v e t is never fun for any pet. And poor you, getting the bill. Thank goodness Gibbs is well worth it.
    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I know, poor little guy didn't like the things that had to be done. But he's healthy!!

  5. awww Poor Gibbs! Vets aren't cheap for sure. Your little guy is worth it for sure!

  6. A fresh cut lawn looks so pretty ... especially when its done on a Friday night and you can just relax for the weekend :-)

  7. A visit to the vet is a necessary evil as Maebeme says. Hope the bandage comes off okay. I can just imagine what the bill was.

    God bless.
