Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Some Success! A Damp Cool Day

The Ridge

As is usual, after a lovely warm couple of days, the temperature drops and the sky opens up. Today, Tuesday, May 14th, the rain is what greeted us. The rain showers last evening did not seem to have satisfied themselves enough to leave us alone. Bill was up and, on his way, to work by 7:30. I followed within a few minutes after he pulled out of the lane.

The day didn't change much.

I drove to the Mat for cleaning with the intent to carry on to Williamsford to clean the Air bnb for Robin. Only one customer came in as I was near finished and Robin also contacted me to cancel that cleaning. She has another lady who helps when I’m not around or not available and because she took the spare sheets home to wash, it made sense for her to go today instead. That’s okay, saves me a drive this morning.

Keto dinner rolls

I dropped down to Foodland, then the Dollar Store for some wrapping paper for a special gift and then scooted home. What a miserable damp day. It isn’t raining too hard at all, but the steady drops are enough to keep us indoors all day. I would be happy finding indoor things to do. 😊 I made myself eggs for lunch and then proceeded, once more, to make some form of keto bread that I would enjoy eating. In this case, dinner rolls. My last attempt of crescent rolls was blech. The almond and coconut flour is a take it or leave it taste.

I'm quite pleased and call this a success!

However, today was different. Maybe it was the quantity called for in this recipe, but when I cut into a warm roll, I was duly impressed! Success! It is true, ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again’. After washing my baking/mixing dishes, I knew the gray water tank was full so slipped out between drops to pull the handle. The rest of my day was cuddled in my chair with Gibbs and my book. It was cool inside so I turned the blue flame heater on to warm things (us) up for a while.

Someone knows how to tell time.
Where's my Daddy? This was at 4:45.

I dust mopped the floors before making my tea. Soon enough, I was sitting back down, feeling kind of lazy. It was within the hour after that when my doctor’s office called. Don’t you sometimes feel that when things are going good you should forgo messing with life? I know, I know, wrong attitude. Doc has requested that I get more blood tests in a couple of months because of an abnormal count so immediately the blood pressure rises. LOL

Mr. Grosbeak visits again.
Isn't he handsome?

Bill was later getting home and I could tell from the looks of him that it was a hard day. Drywall dust covered him from head to foot. Into the shower he goes! 😊 No wonder we’re filling the tank quicker these days, he’s showering daily now. Bill had taken burgers out of the freezer yesterday before he knew how late I’d be getting home, so we’ll have them tonight. Hopefully, the rain holds off to barbecue. Sticking to my regime, I’m skipping the bun.

Mmmm, that smells good!

Perfect solution!

Supper was yummy! Bill was able to bbq after all. Gibbs longingly looking at Weber Q, "what are you guys having?"  The rain has stopped – for now. Dare I say Yay!? This was a pretty good day, even though house bound. We didn't get any warmer than 13C/56F today. This is May, isn't it?

Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Great hair cuts!! Oh and the dinner rolls look good :) Gibbs is making sure Bill does a good job of cooking the burgers!

  2. Your rolls look great. I think it's the almond flour that gets me. Terrible texture and bad taste, but yours look very tasty. Can you share the recipe? Gibbs can sure tell time!

    1. Thanks, the actually taste pretty good. I know what you mean about the flour alternative though. I'll send it to you.

  3. We had a cool day yesterday, but the temps are supposed to increase today. More rain in the forecast and cooler temps coming still. I want to get my annuals planted but the weather won't cooperate.
    Your keto dinner rolls look delicious.

    1. Crazy weather, huh? If we have a nice day, the flies keep me from staying out too long. I have no veggies started yet. 😒
