Wednesday, May 15, 2024

For Love and For Money, Gorgeous Day!

The Ridge

On Wednesday, May 15th it was 7:15 when I heard Gibbs barking. He does that when Bill or I get near each other…..heck, he barks for a lot of reasons. Anyway, Bill was coming across the bed to say goodbye. We were both up late, tossing and turning, until I think I saw 1 am before it was lights out for me. Poor guy, he had to get up at 6! He left and I thought I’d go back to sleep but didn’t so got up at 7:45.

Good morning!
A nice morning for a walk - or two.

Lazy bones only went so far.
He prefers running around free up on the Ridge. 

I had nothing on my schedule today, nothing at all, so it was going to be a ‘do what I want day’. 😊 The sky was overcast but no rain so first things first was a cup of tea. Gibbs and I went for a walk to the corner (almost) and he wasn’t too keen to walk, so we turned for home. I put him inside and after changing my shoes, went back out for my own walk.

That little spec across the field is Gibbs
running towards me before running up the lane.

Sadly, the new-to-me Sketchers are not the best for walking. They are slip-on but I know why they were donated, I think. The elastic around the heel is stretched enough that they want to slip with each step. They’ll be fine up on the Ridge for working around outside, just not for my walks. Good thing I only paid $4.99! So, in my other shoes, I walked to Turbine Lane and beyond through the woods area. I’d remembered to tuck a bag in my pocket today.

After Bill trimmed, things look so much better.

This corral garden will improve once
the primrose flower.
It is the bane of the Ridge.

Just to clarify my title; I walk for the love of it. It’s good for my bones, my flexibility, my muscles, the fresh air and my all-around attitude to start the day. I also walk for the money. The bag is to take advantage of those who drink while they drive. I know, it’s not good, but the silly thing is that instead of saving their empties to put towards their next case, they toss them. I collect them.

I walk for the wild flowers
although there aren't many yet.

Mostly dandelions, some even gone to seed already.
Make a wish and blow!

I’m not too proud to dip down into the ditch to retrieve that .05¢ or .10¢ from each can or bottle. 😊 I don’t even mind if someone sees me. I walked 2 miles total and collected a grocery bag full. It will go towards my next bottle of whatever. Yes, on occasion, I will pick up the pop cans and containers that are not worth anything, just not as often since we do have to pay for garbage pickup. A whole $2/bag (Nancy is cringing)!

A pretty decent haul for a short walk.
I'll add it to last fall's gatherings before taking them
to the Beer Store.

Back home, I came inside with Gibbs and played my online Wordle games. Not surprisingly, I felt tired and a cat nap slipped in there somewhere. For lunch, I had a chicken salad and it was quite tasty for a change but it’s not my everyday go to meal. Gibbs and I went out and had high hopes of enjoying the sunshine. By the time, I got to where I wanted to do some gardening, the black flies were already sharpening their utensils for a meal! Gaacckk!!

I filled the bird feeders on the left today.
It was time.

I chatted with Bill on text for a while and then went and put on his netted hat since mine has holes in it. That stopped them at least from getting to me, but the day was warm and I was quite uncomfortable all covered from head to toe. I managed to get done what I wanted and that chore will make things a little easier for Bill when he does the weed trimming. Now, he can see better where to avoid because of my new plantings. 😊

This is beside our wood pile.
Moon flower on the left beside the Kokopelli
Evening primrose on the right of the post.

East side of the Bunky, more Moonflower
and Primrose. I planted a dahlia bulb beside my
painted rock.

The phlox and periwinkle compete
but so does the grass that grows up amidst them.

When we came in, I couldn’t wait to get the dirty, hot clothes off and hop into the shower. I can’t wait for the flies to evacuate so we can enjoy the outdoors again. We reached a lovely high temperature today of 19C/66F and the sky was mostly cloud free by mid-afternoon. I went out to the Bunky around 3:30 to do a bit of rock painting. Gibbs stayed inside, the flies like him too.

My Sedum is looking healthy.

I love the colour of my irises but they are already
starting to die off. 

After my shower, we walked to get the mail and then returned inside. I had a tea while we waited for Bill who came up the lane at 4:45. Gibbs gets so excited and once Ptooties has stopped, he runs out with guns blazing to greet Daddy. 9 hours is a long time to a puppy dog. 😊  For supper, I’d planned pork shish kabobs but we didn’t eat until 6, giving Bill time to shower and relax.

Daddy's home, Daddy's home!
He runs over for pets and tummy rubs
and then has to grab a toy and come tell me. πŸ’˜

Supper was good. Bill had fries with his and I had broccoli and a keto roll. I thought I’d be hungry enough to eat the leftover chicken but that was ridiculous. I put it back in the fridge for a salad another day. 

His kabobs are almost gone.

We cleaned up the pots used and Bill went to the Hangar while I finished my blog. What a lovely evening! It will be dropping 10 10C/49F overnight but that works for us without any heat on until morning. Sometimes we like the furnace to run through a couple of cycles.

A clear sky tonight so no special sunset.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by! It was a great day.


  1. The blackflies are driving me crazy! I had a couple of mozzies in the bedroom keeping me awake last night.

    1. I'm sorry but at the same time, glad I'm not the only one they like!

  2. Can't wait to see all the flowers on your newly planted plants!! Love Gibbs in the big green field with the big green trees! Thanks! :)

  3. Your collecting redeemable bottles and cans while out walking
    is admirable -and brings fond memories of my childhood on a rural country road. People would throw all kinds of stuff out of their car windows,I would pick them up and trade them in for crayons ,ice cream or candy. I learned as a child ways to buy some of my own things so my parents wouldn't have to.We had a large family that they worked hard to provide for.I hope you find really comfortable footware

  4. Frightening to think that people are drinking and driving, tossing their empties out of their cars. That's a fair number of cans you collected.
    I hope the blackflies disappear soon. Your flower beds are looking very nice.

  5. I sure wish I had your birds. I haven't seen even ONE at my feeder. Guess I'll have to find something else for them to eat. When I had an apartment by the ocean, I used to walk every morning carrying a bag and doing the same, just to keep the area clean. You are doing a great service PLUS getting extra cash. It's a win-win.
