Monday, May 20, 2024

Another Full Day, Things are Hoppin’!

The Ridge

On Victoria Monday, May 20th many Canadians get a paid holiday, depending on the job, I guess. Bill is off, which is nice, giving him a long weekend. However, we had work plans today. At 7:30, I dropped him off at Robin and Andrew’s home to cut grass and weed trim. After boosting the Cub Cadet with Ptootie, I left him to it and drove to the Mat for my cleaning.

First, Bill tidied up Robin's home πŸ’“

Timing was darn near perfect, when I returned an hour later, he was just finishing with the mower and for another 45 minutes he did the trimming. I wandered around after him to sweep the many sidewalks around the house. The property looks great and it looks like someone is home. 😊

Then the Williamsford property gets
cleaned up, all ready for guests. 

We came home then, it was only 10:30, and made a lunch to take to Williamsford for 11:30. Robin texted that the guests asked to extend their stay for an extra hour so we ended up eating our lunch here and left at 12 noon instead. Her little (?) business is really taking off, it’s a popular spot and her prices are very reasonable for overnight stays.

Gibbs being Gibbs in the tent shelter. 

Once more, Ptootie had to boost this Cub Cadet and Bill was on his way. I went inside to clean. It helped that the a/c was already on as it was a very warm day. I felt bad for Bill out in it but for the most part, he was riding instead of pushing a mower. He’s earning more money than I am this weekend! 😊 Because there will be one maybe two more times that the lawns need cutting before Robin and Andrew return home, she is holding off paying for that service until then.

No bugs to speak of
just peace and quiet and warmth.

For my cleaning, she is keeping up-to-date, sending e-transfers every couple of days after I finish. Nice to have a boss who pays, besides Sandy. We left the property looking spiffy, inside and out, at 2:15 and drove home to Gibbs. It’s a lovely day, reaching 28C/83F. That is almost unheard of for this May 2-4 long weekend. We’ve seen snow but mostly wet and cold weather for all those brave camping enthusiasts. Nice to see the change.

Bill helped me move my garden bags
to their summer 'place'.
My garden is getting colourful with
the phlox and the periwinkle

My beautiful short irises and my biggest moonflower

Gibbs and I sat outside in the tent shelter and Bill dumped our tanks. He had time to spend on his hobby, emptying Black Beauty of the rest of his planes and puttering inside doing what he loves. That’s one reason he works, to support his hobby. 😊 I dozed in my gravity chair in the tent with Gibbs in the shade beside me but when I came in at 5, no way was he ready to join me. Not as long as Daddy was outside.

When dark clouds moved over,
I kept watch over the tent.
Two large gusts were enough to have me run out
and fold it down.
Gibbs is keeping an eye on it for me.
The rest of the afternoon, it was calm.

At 5:30, I began making supper. We had hamburger ghoulash with dumplings (I was splurging!) and while Bill had fried potatoes, I had broccoli with mine. It was so good! We cleaned up dishes, there were plenty tonight, and then sat together to watch Sullivan's Crossing but couldn't find the live version of The Voice. We'll watch it another night. 

Although the dumplings are not on my list
of good things for me to eat, I did and they were
a rare delicious morsel!

This has been a great day even though we worked. I’m happy and have thoroughly enjoyed the weekend with my sweeties.

I think the storm missed us. Yay!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.


  1. You had a lovely Victoria Day. It has been very cool and raining off and on here today. The forecast for my area is much cooler than normal.

    God bless.

    1. Oh dear, I hope that doesn't mean you're sending it our way. Yes, I suppose you did as that is the day we have today. haha

  2. You certainly had a full day. Our Victoria long weekend was quite cool and damp.
    That Gibbs, he makes me chuckle.

  3. Gibbs just found his next bone-hiding spot!!! Sounds like a great day, especially with good weather. That extra cash is really nice ... and nice of you two to do the work for them.

    1. He's a character alright. I think it's his own piddle he's found to roll in!
      Thank you Nancy, we may not be able to do the lawns each time as it is a lot of extra on top of looking after the Ridge.

  4. Got it all today! Mowing the grass - relaxing with Gibbs and food! THANKS!! :):)
