Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Pretty Nice Day

The Ridge

On Thursday, May 9th, I had nothing going on. I was up at 7ish and came down to see Bill before he left at 7:30. I can’t say it enough, how much I admire him for his determination in trying to better our lives. Took me 3 tries but boy, did I luck out.

This was last night's gorgeous sunset
Good morning!

After my tea, I got washed and dressed and slipped out for a walk. Duncan did that the mornings they were here, early morning, and it gave me a jump start. I used to do that and want to try again, just because I did enjoy it and I know it’s good for me.

It's a new day and the sky is blue.
Getting harder to see the pond from our window.
Not a titch of a breeze at 8 am.

I noticed when I got down the lane that the grader had gone by and left a pile of gravel down the centre of the road. That is good, we had so many pot holes from the winter. I walked to Baptist Church Road, left down past M’s and past Turbine Lane, through the bush area and turned around. I did take the time to check out the Trilliums though. I might have to stop in the morning and dig up some more. It is NOT illegal, contrary to popular belief. 😊

New gravel on our road
The school bus passes me
Our long lane and pond reflections

From a conversation yesterday, I thought I would need to help M unload the previous tenant’s leftover ‘crap’ from the porch but he said he could handle it. I did take the time to run through some of the apps on his new phone with him for about 15 minutes. The rest of the day was mine, all mine. I had dressed in long sleeves because it was only 9C/49F this morning but was surprised how warm it was on my walk with no wind at all.

Walking down Baptist Church Road

That changed and the wind did pick up a bit so with an extra layer on, garden gloves and my screened hat, I had NO bare skin showing. 

I brought this feather home from my walk, it's perfect
but I'm not sure who it belonged to

That’ll show those pesky flies who’s boss! I went up to the berm garden to start clearing it out for bulbs and it took me longer than I’d hoped. It was covered in weeds, those ground ones that need a trowel to dig them out. Oh, my back! I was half done when Gibbs and I came in for lunch and then I went back at it.

Returning home, a huge pile of gravel yet to spread
Our front field
My front garden, only Hostas so far
and Father Goose (one of them)

We have a couple of piles of top soil that was dropped last fall, a week or two before we pulled out, so I had lots to work with. The problem was that I didn’t have enough strength to push even a half full wheelbarrow up that hill! What a weakling! So, I filled pails instead. Still a challenge but it worked. After 5 trips up with only 4 shovels full in it each time, I managed to get the garden covered. Each time, up at the top, I had to sit and rest. LOL

There is my helper, sitting with me.

The black flies were ticked off but I don’t think any got in under my fancy hat. I am still itching from the 5 or 6 bites from the weekend. It was hot and after 4 hours, I was feeling itchy and irritated with them anyway so came inside for a break. I hoped to get back out before Bill got home and get some of the bulbs in the ground but it didn’t happen that way. I guess I shouldn’t have stopped!

Where is my helper here?
He's rolling around in the gravel, enjoying the sun. 

I had a sunny side up egg for breakfast.
Lunch was broccoli cheddar soup and a 
piece of keto toast. Yum on both counts.

Bill was home on time tonight to get the empty propane tank filled after work. He has been too late to get in to the Co-op before they close so far this week. 😊 The wind has completely died off again so I’m sure those flies will be hovering again. Tomorrow looks decent enough that I can get them in the ground then.  

Someone is enjoying the ride.

Gibbs and I  rode along with Bill - just because.
I wandered to the corral garden and in between
all the NEW weeds (!) my irises are looking pretty good.
I went around and picked the heads off dandelions before
the mower got to them. I need more oil.😁

When Bill got home, we all took a run into town for propane and then he hopped on the mower and cut the berm and surrounding areas up here.

We had shrimp and fries for supper tonight for a change. My fries were scarce but I had a veggie on the side to fill me. I cooked them in Rosy, my air fryer, and Bill said they were good. 😊 We cleaned dishes up and Bill made his lunch. Gibbs got a few pieces of cheese, pretending he wasn’t watching Daddy cut it, and ate his supper up too.

While Bill was cutting grass, I asked Gibbs if he
wanted to come in the house with me.
This was his response. 

9-1-1 is the only show on tonight but we may forego it for another night. We’ll see. Bill and the boys lifted/carried/moved a lot of drywall today. Sheets of 8’, 9’, 10’ and 12’. Yowie! That sounds hard to me. Needless to say, we both may be moving slow tomorrow. This has been a good day though. We only reached a high of 15C/60F today but it was good working weather.

Supper was good.
Bill's plate was filled with fries and shrimp. 
Good night.

Thank you for popping by.


  1. You did a great repair job on your sweater! No one will notice once it gets dark :))
    Yes, you got a good one with Bill! Love the hat - you look like a bee keeper! Beautiful sunset pics by the way :) Love the pops of red.
    I bought tortillas.....think I had a western last night....egg,onion,cauliflower and pretty tasty!!
    I usually do hamburger,onion,green chilies and salsa. Small amount then roll into burrito.
    Your brussel sprouts look good! Like broccoli too!

  2. That"s a pheasant feather.
    I didn't know M's place was within walking distance from you,nice of you to help him tim
    e apps.

  3. Hats off to Bill. With multiple problems, I'm sidelined.
    Stay protected from those Black Flies. We know what they are like.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Such awesome pictures what a great place super great sunsets I love them Sheila

  5. Oh your sweater ... I forgot to respond. You did a great job!! You might even stitch up a flower or two and sew them on. Would make a cute decoration. I admit, I love it when you are back in C and we see all the green growies there. It's just a beautiful place you get to spend the summer at, in spite of the black flies.

  6. Your walk looked wonderful with the natural world around you. Once upon a time, when I was about 18, I misjudged and hit a ridge of gravel on a country road and rolled my vehicle into the ditch. The car was totalled, but I escaped injury. I was clinging so hard to the wheel that I had gouge marks from my nails in my hands!
    It sounds like your gardening is like mine right now, digging up weeds and invasive plants, trying to find those darn roots. Too, I feel like I need to do more, but try to remind myself it doesn't have to be done in one day.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Go to Amazon and look up Super Handy electric wheelbarrow. It is a little pricey, but mine works like a champ. It pulls loads and me up any hill we have on the property. It makes so many things that require a wheelbarrow easy peasy.
