Friday, May 3, 2024

Long Time no See! Special Day on the Ridge

The Ridge

On Friday, May 3rd I had no need to get up and go anywhere so it was 7:30 when I came downstairs. I had my tea and some yogourt with my oatmeal. The day wasn’t supposed to be too great but it didn’t matter because we had a couple of special things going on.

Good morning!
Our yearly update
First off – Bill and I celebrate 27 years of marriage today! Being that it is the 3rd time around for each of us, we’re very thrilled and blessed for these past years. We’ve come a long way and hope to continue for many years. Happy Anniversary, Sweetie. When we heard Brad Paisley singing ‘We Danced’ on Sirius xm, of course we had to dance to celebrate. 😊

An old picture of us but one of my favourite

We went outside together even though the sky was overcast. There wasn’t any rain to speak of and it was quite mild. 13C/55F is an improvement over the last few mornings. Today, we were expecting company for a few days so we sat outside to wait for them. It was 12:15 when Bill texted me that they were here. Duncan and Patty have recently picked up their new motorhome and we were anxious to see it. Wow! Is it ever long!

The rain is holding off

We haven’t seen our friends since last July and we knew this would be a fun reunion. Once they were parked and settled it was time to relax and catch up. Gibbs was happy to see them as well, Duncan is his friend who likes to play toss and retrieve with him. I wonder if Gibbs remembers that? The day was a bunch of fits and starts as far as the rain but Bill had started a fire and kept it going throughout. We all sat under our awning and had a beverage or two. 😊

this fellow tried really hard to cling to the feeder
but ended up eating the ground droppings.

Of course, the afternoon brought us a tour of their new home and it is quite beautiful. A 43’ Newmar Ventana, quite a jump from their Airstream of 3 years ago. I can tell they are tickled pink (blue) with it but still have fond memories of their winters spent on their boat. Things change and so do our preferences. They will get a lot of enjoyment out of it.

Duncan backed it up like a pro!

Bill and Gibbs kept the fire burning
while the Sharps got settled

We offered to provide supper tonight, well, a portion of it, since they were doing their usual meal for us on Saturday. 😊 I made meatloaf, cooked mixed vegetables and baked a batch of dinner rolls. Patty provided potatoes and broccoli. Everything turned out wonderful and we were all full. That was a good thing since I hadn’t prepared dessert. Woops!

It turned out great!

Bill noticed this Rose-breasted Grosbeak
but I couldn't get him in a great position.
He was beautiful!

Not for lack of trying though.

We sat inside the Suite for the evening discussing the Starlink as well as streaming channels that we all enjoy. It was 9 when they walked back to their home. Of course, they were accompanied by the chorus frogs which had Patty covering her ears! It was a great day, a great way to celebrate our anniversary, and a really nice evening with our friends. Bill and I watched a few videos of Dan Vasq on Youtube while I wrote my blog and then hit the hay around 10.

He just goes and goes and goes
until finally, he just konks out. 💖
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by to see what we’re up to!


  1. Happy Anniversary and may you Enjoy many more.
    Always nice celebrating with the friends staying for a visit.
    Be Safe and dry.

    It's about time.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Hey were your guests in Bismark ND a couple weeks ago? There was an identical MH in the Walmart parking lot. I walked around it and admired it on our Archie walk.

    1. No, not these two. They just picked this unit up on May 1st from the Hitch House in Barrie. :) It is a beautiful unit.

  3. 27 years together, how wonderful!!!! Mary

  4. Happy Anniversary!
    It’s always nice to see friends, it’s always nice when they bring their home with them too.


  5. Happy Anniversary!! Congrats to Duncan and Patty on their new rig too. I have to admit though, I just don't get how you have so many birds eating everything you put out. I put out a big feeder and not one single bird has eaten anything. What's your secret??

    1. Thank you Nancy, I'll pass that along to D & P too.
      Hmm, not sure. I just buy niger seed for the finches and wrens and mixed bird seed for the rest. It's hard to keep up once the nice weather comes.

  6. Happy Anniversary! Nice to celebrate with friends.

  7. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more years together.
    Lovely new RV - I can't even imagine trying to back up in that monster. My car is hard enough. :p
    I rarely make dessert but my daughter likes to bake on cool, rainy days. We have homemade chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, as well as dinner rolls at the moment.

    1. Thank you Maebeme!
      It is huge! Duncan got his DZ (?) license to drive it and did very well turning it around up here in our lot. He will get lots of practice this summer and then on his way south to Az this winter.
      I try to only make dessert if it can be made keto-style. :) Because we just eat it. As long as it is sweetened with Splenda, Bill likes it.

  8. We didn't get to meet your friends. No picture of time. Hope you had a beautiful anniversary day. ❤️ Sheila

    1. Thank you Sheila. These friends did not make it down to Az yet. This unit is brand new, they used to spend their winters on a boat in the Bahamas but sold it to land travel now. Hopefully you'll meet them this winter, they hope to stay a couple of months in the park. 💕

  9. I couldn't remember Duncan and Patty until you said Airstream. Then I remembered It looks like you had a wonderful anniversary day. ❤️

    1. thank you, yes we did. Saturday's post will have their picture. :)

  10. Always nice to have friends visit.

  11. Happy Anniversary and I hope you have many more. We have been having Grosbeaks for a bit now and we love them. You sure have lots of different feathered friends come to visit

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie!
      The Grosbeaks have a beautiful song too. We do have quite a nice variety. Not many Cardinals but Bill saw one in the lane the other day.
