Sunday, May 19, 2024

Another Beautiful Day, Special Party

The Ridge

On Sunday, May 19th Bill was up first and in the shower. This morning, he wanted to go to his flying field and re-acquaint himself with his fellow Saugeen Flyers. 😊 He wasn’t prepared to fly and didn’t have time even if he did. We had a prior engagement later. He took Ptooties and, along with other errands including a car wash, he had a nice social time.

Gibbs and I are ready for Daddy to return

At home, Gibbs and I were outside most of the morning. After my shower, I took my coffee out with me and filled the 3 garden bags. Well, good thing I put them in my wagon, as it was very challenging to move them to the appropriate area. I did plant in two of them and will pick up more vegetables later for the third bag. Bill will have to help me lift them out into the spot where they will remain for the summer. The instructions on Amazon sounded as if you could move them easily. Ha!

It's a start 
Mason's plants look healthy!

Then Gibbs and I sat in the tent shelter and enjoyed the fresh air while waiting for Bill to return. No bugs/flies or such bothered us in there. 😊 At 11, Bill returned with no time to spare, loaded our 2 chairs, gift, and each other into Ptooties. I’m glad he had time to get her washed this morning, from running the back roads to and from his work, she was embarrassingly filthy! Gibbs had to stay behind today so I opened windows, pulled blinds, and turned the overhead fan on for him.

A few pictures before the party started

We arrived at Krystal and Matt’s a few minutes after 12. Alexander’s 1st birthday party was scheduled for 12:30. We set up our chairs outside and went in to see the little gapher. He’s grown so much and we’ve been following along with Krystal’s pictures each month. He was timid, but not just with us, there were a lot of things going on so we didn’t push ourselves on him. One on one time is better for that and we’ll see him more over the months ahead.

Lots of food.
10" wieners and 10" sausages
macaroni, potato, cauliflower/broccoli and caesar salads
veggies and dip
Softball cupcakes and ice cream for dessert.

My plate was full and other than the
3 potato chips, I behaved. 😀
I even skipped a cupcake and
had a small scoop of frozen yogourt instead.

It was a very hot day, hottest yet this spring, reaching 27C/80F before the day was done. There was a lovely breeze in their back yard and no biters until later in the day. One mosquito found me before I sprayed myself. Matt and Krystal had put out quite the spread of food for our lunch and we enjoyed it very much. 

He wasn't too sure at first when we all sang
but warmed up to the idea of  his own C_A_K_E!

Then we all watched Alexander eat his little cake (or half of it) and open his gifts. He loved the greeting cards best of all! Funny little guy.

Krystal outdid herself with all
of the baseball themed decorations.

It was fun watching his little helpers
They were as excited (or more) than he was. 

Everyone signed his baseball
and got a party favour.

We left the party around 4 and were home just around 5. Part way home, I took over driving so Bill could relax his eyes without danger to our health! 😊 Not sure what we’ll do yet for supper, but will come up with something simple for both of us. The day tomorrow will be a busy one, helping Robin out with lawn cutting and trimming at two properties. Hmm, maybe we can’t keep up with that next time as well as our own. We’ll see.

A nice drive home with very little traffic

Tonight was quiet, catching up on a couple of our shows. We’ve had a great day and the weather couldn’t have been more in our favour. We got to see 3 of Bill’s 4 daughters and 5 grandchildren so a pretty good day.

Party favours.
Little baseball bat pens. Cute!
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. What a lovely day to have a party. The little one has grown so much.

    God bless.

  2. Cute pictures of a smiling one year old!

  3. What a fun day! Sheila

  4. Nice pic of you and Gibbs!! Plants looks great but too heavy to lift. :( Fun afternoon with family and the Birthday Boy!!

    1. Thank you, those bags will stay in one place for the summer.

  5. Krystal, great job on the party! From the food, party decorations, favors & photos to the fun! What a perfect First Birthday ~ Happy Birthday, Alexander! (and many, many more)

    1. Thank you, it was great and Krystal outdid herself. She's a good Mom.

  6. What a sweet birthday party for wee Alexander. Wonderful time to get together and nice to have good weather for it too.

  7. Awwww such a cutie ! Wish our weather was that nice 😞 😝 (Sue)
