Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Up and Down Days, Not Just the Weather

The Ridge

On Tuesday, May 21st, in this household we all survived the long weekend with smiles on our faces. Good times spent together and some money earned under the table too. 😊 We got our first bike ride in and Jazz performed well and we enjoyed the ride. For those of you who aren’t aware, Jazz is our 2003 Yamaha Road Star motorcycle. She’s a pretty bike we purchased from our soon-to-be son-in-law. We don’t get out often, but when we do, it is worth having her.

This is day we decided to buy Jazz
Boy have we changed!

Bill left for work, back to his routine, at 7:30 and Gibbs and I didn’t get into much all day. It was a wet morning as it rained quite a bit overnight. Apparently, it stormed too but I slept through it all. I’m happy for an overnight rain especially after getting some vegetables planted. Today was also cooler again but still fairly decent. My only commitment today was to take M into town at 10. That took an hour and I was home for the day with cash in my pocket.

My keto butter tarts

As it was in inside day, I took all of the pots and pans out of our big drawer in the island. I showed Bill last night how dirty it was and although most of the black I was seeing is only from the bottom of the pots, I scrubbed it clean as best I could. Then, with nothing else pressing, I baked some of my keto butter tarts and then a dessert crisp using up the rhubarb and frozen fruit from the freezer. Hopefully, my concoction tastes okay. 😊 Only the sugar substitute is keto.

For a change of pace, I was listening to 
Sirius xm's 50's Gold.
I never knew about this song - even though spelled wrong,
it made me smile.

Gibbs and I walked down the lane to ‘get the mail’ (hoping the little guy soon learns those words. Bill was home early, by 4, as he was expecting our London doctor to call him with results from all of his tests from last fall. It’s a bit of a farce, they can’t send them and the doctor makes appointments for phone calls – with no specific time. There is no good reception at the site where he is working so has already missed one of the calls. Hopefully, before the evening is over, he’ll get to talk to him.

Supper was good. I had to taste one of the shrimp
but there was a lot of goulash left to eat..

For supper, I planned air fried butterfly shrimp with fried potatoes for Bill and the shrimp with the leftover bit of goulash and a vegetable for me. Minus the dumpling, Bill can have that. 😊 We’ll try the dessert dish too. I made up a grocery list today and will go to Hanover tomorrow after cleaning at the Mat. As well, I will be placing a small order for delivery from Costco in the next week.

The rhubarb/raspberry crisp
was delicious with some cream.

Then I checked out an online site to see about ordering some keto bread. Thanks, Nancy, for the recommendation. It is expensive but I will be the only one eating it as Bill has his own. I’m worth it! Of course, it is not an easy process and I ended up frustrated but will try it again now that I know what I want to order.

The day was mostly cloudy with a few
rain spatters throughout.

Last night’s blog said we watched something on tv that we ended up NOT being able to find so I stand corrected. I did go back in and edit it today. Hopefully, we’ll find Part 1 of the Voice Finale tonight, since there is only one more episode before it is done. No spoilers, please!

This was a quiet day after a fairly busy weekend. I enjoyed it! We are on the roller coaster for busy and non-busy days as well as with the weather wagon. Up and down, temperatures too, on and off. Update: Bill got his phone call. 😃

And a selfie of Gibbs and I.
Good night!

Thank you for coming in to see what we’ve been doing.


  1. Love the bike pic. and you both look younger now!! Apple crisp is my favorite dessert, Yum!
    Love the cartoon of you and Gibbs! See those on facebook groups! OH my gosh she has on clogs.....do they still sell them? Never had any but guess they are comfy. Your veggies always look nice and green! Thanks!

    1. Thank you! I love crisps too but I'll have to get Bill to eat most of it. :)
      That cartoon made me laugh too and yes, they still sell clogs. I have a pair!!

  2. Hopefully your putting a smiley face by Bill got his phone call means good
    news.Keep smiling,Mary

  3. The cartoon is fun! I've been seeing similar ones on various posts - clearly they are a trend.
    We're quite cool here this morning, just 2C when I woke up. Makes doing the yard work I'm here to do a bit more of a challenge as I"m a wimp.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. I love those cartoons, had to share since she had a dog with her.
      Brr, that is cool indeed! I hope we don't see it anytime soon. Like no more this year!

  4. Your weather just doesn't want to stand up and fly right! I LOVE any kind of crisp. Easy to make and taste SO good!! Glad you found the bread!!

    1. Thank you Nancy. Our weather shouldn't be a surprise, we should be used to it.

  5. My Mom had that Perry Como 45 record! Hope Bill’s news was good😊 Don’t forget to freeze some rhubarb for winter potlucks. Patti

    1. Really? I'd never even heard of that song! :) Bill's news wasn't 'bad' at least so that is good. :) I may have to buy more to have it for potlucks!

  6. Loved the bike picture and the selfie....such cuties. No spoilers for The Voice? Was that directed at me? Lol 😆

    1. Elva, you are funny. No! I meant I wouldn't give any spoilers out after seeing it. You're a card.

  7. Beautiful motorcycle. Hope tests came back good.
