Sunday, May 26, 2024

Bill Gets a Day Off (Kind of), Laundry, Patsy on Call

The Ridge

On Sunday, May 26th we were all up by 7, some sooner than others. 😊 I began sorting laundry and Bill came up to help. Seemed like a lot of dirty clothes this week!  Bill was planning to go flying but after seeing a sunny sky at 6:30, the fog rolled in by 7 – thick and heavy. Black, right Daddy?

Good morning, let's start with
last night's sunset.

That delayed his plans and his friend’s plan as well but I had work to do so after waiting until 7:30, I left. Dollar Store Dave was the only one in doing laundry and even then, he was folding the last of his dried clothing. I was alone for about 30 minutes so called Bill to tell him the sky was clearing in town in case he still wanted to head to the field. when 2 other customers came in. The sky was perfect, so a nice day ahead.

Do any of you remember the donut tree?
It looks quite fluffy here but still making
room for the hydro lines.

I hung the clothes and it pretty much filled the whole ‘umbrella’ but I knew with the slight breeze and sun, they would dry quickly no matter how much was hanging. 😊 I wasn’t done with my jobs today though so planned an early lunch so I could head to Williamsford and the bnb at 12:30. I would finish before 3, easily.

On duty

My lunch

Robin texted and wondered if we would be able to cut the grass there on Tuesday evening or Wednesday. Tonight’s guests are there for two nights. and if theirs at home needed it, could we take care of that before they returned home. Don’t get me wrong, she is not demanding in any way and would get along without us but when they get home this Tuesday evening, they will only have a few days to complete other things before Andrew leaves for the Yukon for 6-weeks on the job.

So, Robin has a chalkboard in the bnb
welcoming guests and the last guest
had quite the sense of humour.
We got a kick out of it, Robin and I

They are crazy busy so even though we have stuff going on as well, we did offer to help when she asked. 😊 This time. So, I left Bill to make his lunch and, on the way, I stopped at Robin’s house to pick up their 5-gallon gas can to fill it for their home riding mower. We’ll try and cut it tonight. I say ‘we’ as if I’ll be doing it but Bill does it and only Bill will get the $ from it as well.

Driving into Durham, my favourite way

The bnb was in good shape; she has lucked out with her guests. It was just after 2 when I left and stopped at the fuel station to fill the can. Ouch! Glad I’m not paying for it! Ha ha. Back home, Bill was happily working away in the Hangar and Gibbs and I left him to it. We did pop down for a visit now and again. I relaxed for the remainder of the afternoon, spent some time in the screen tent, avoiding the flies that persist on hanging around me, and some time in the Bunky painting rocks.

Gibbs even tried to paint with me.
Okay, he just wanted to sit with Mom.

Bill came up around 4:30 and helped me bring the clothes in during which we decided we should skip a big meal and go in and get Robin’s grass cut before supper. It turned out that I drove him there, it is just a handful of miles down the highway, and he sent me home. He can work quickly without having to teach me on the mower or Andrew’s whipper snipper. I couldn’t argue and came home to wait for his call to pick him up.

The winds are picking up overnight so I'd
rather be prepared than sorry.

The clouds have moved in

He was ready by 6:30 and for supper, we settled for bacon and eggs with toast – in my case, maybe a dinner roll. I did him the favour of making his sandwich for work tomorrow and put the thawed chicken breast in the fridge for Monday’s supper. 😊 Works for me! I’ll be home all day; it will feel like a holiday. I know our American friends will be celebrating a long weekend with tomorrow being Memorial Day for them. Enjoy the day!

Bacon and eggs for supper

I watched a couple of episodes of Tracker last night so may just read tonight. No plans in play yet. This has been a great day for both of us. I’m glad Bill got to have a day of pleasure and mostly leisure. We reached a pleasant high of 24C/74F and enjoyed it even though we know we’re not out of the woods for silly weather.

When Daddy got in the shower, Gibbs grabbed his socks

When no one paid him any attention.......

He decided to have a snooze. 💗
Good night y'all!

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. I so much enjoy reading your blog every night, but it takes me a day or two to make some comments, otherwise they're all anonymous! Sounds like you've worked out some good employment to keep you both as busy as you want to be, while us old folk are just trying to stay healthy! I'm glad we've been to your place, lets me picture what you're both doing.

    1. Thank you so much FG! I enjoy hearing from you too but I understand we can't always comment on every one we read. :)
      Believe me, I'm so very glad you have both been up here to know what I refer to. ♥

  2. Glad to see you are keeping busy and that the severe weather is traveling well south of your location.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. South and north, so far, we are getting missed. Thank heavens - literally!

  3. It is nice to keep busy, but not too busy. In my case however, I need to be busy or get into trouble.

    God bless.

    1. Oh-oh, you're telling secrets now! that's Bill's story too. ♥
