Saturday, May 25, 2024

Enjoying Life on the Ridge

The Ridge

On Saturday, May 25th we enjoyed a ‘free’ day together. Bill had a bit of a restless night but he did sleep yesterday afternoon before supper, or was it after? He thought he was ready to get up after taking Gibbs out but soon fell asleep in his recliner again. 😊 I was up late, 7:45, and came down for my tea. Nothing, I repeat, nothing, was taking us away from the Ridge today unless it was for pleasure.

My sleepy boys.
Gibbs at the end of the day yesterday
and this morning before they started their day. πŸ’–
It was too wet for Bill to go flying so he
was in no rush for a change. 

So, after playing my morning online games, I took Ptooties into Durham – for pure pleasure. I wanted to check out the prices of vegetables at Foodland and also look for a bag of fertilized soil to mix with our top soil here at home. Foodland had some nice tomato and pepper plants for $3.49 so, I’m sorry Mason, but I completed my shopping here. They didn’t have the soil so I went across the road to FS-Co op and they had exactly what I needed.

Not Chippy but a gray squirrel visits today

A rewarding trip into town
I finished my vegetable planting.
Small but adequate for our needs.

Before leaving town, I stopped in at Rethreads, the second-hand store. I was looking for and found a couple of clear vases and bowls for a new project I’d like to try. A friend in our Arizona park showed it to me on Facebook. Then, I went home. Bill was just returning the mower and little trailer to the shed after moving some dirt up at the front gate. His back and pants were soaking wet. It had started raining when I was in town.

Together, we spread top soil to fill and even
out the holes on the property.
Makes it much easier for cutting.

We came inside to wait out the rain, knowing it was going to be a mixed-up weather day according to the forecast. Surprise! It was cooler this morning, only around 11C/52F so it was looking like we’d be indoors most of the day. We stayed inside until lunch time, ate and by then the rain had stopped so out we went. Bill was going back down the lane to move more of our top soil around so we left Gibbs in the Suite and I went with him.

They are starting to look for places to build nests.
She is headed up to the berm.........Gibbs just touches 
them with his nose and moves on. 

I didn’t think I’d be much help but Bill was happy for it. We took our time and rested after every 5 or 6 shovelfuls. 😊 We’re sure not young anymore but the weather co-operated and we finished a lot of what we wanted to. There is still more dirt to move there as well as up here on the berm but……….well, we’ll wait and see. We did take a walk over to see what our neighbours are up to. They’ve been digging at the road, removing all the scruffy cedars etc. that line the road, hiding their beautiful home. We think they’re improving the property 100-fold.

Lots of activity next door.
They own a construction company so the
tools of the trade are close at hand. 

I planted my new plants and I believe I’ve got enough. I’ll hope they produce while I keep them ‘fed and watered’ toward that end. We stopped for the day and Bill went to the Hangar and I painted more on my rocks before coming inside. Gibbs was Gibbs and chased Chippy, rested in the cool grassy shade. Moo Cow got outside once but when I walked down the lane, Gibbs dropped him and came to meet me. Bill scooped him up and put him in the house. Sssh! 😊

My Bunky is pretty messy right now
and so is my paint table!

For supper, we had pancakes and mini sausage. I found a keto recipe for this treat and my, oh, my, I have found a winner! Bill got the regular pancakes and we both had real local maple syrup, yes indeedy! No skimping there! There was enough batter for each of our recipes for another night in a couple of days or I may freeze it.

Chippy is in the wood pile, Mom!

After dishes, we snooped more on the neighbours and their ambitious activities, curiosity kills the cat. We met one of the son’s, handling the machines, (a Bobcat and ‘digger’, (what did Bill call it?) and he is very nice, not minding the ‘nosy neighbours’ at all.  

I can't come in yet, Daddy is still out in the Hangar. 

This has been a great day. We did reach a warm high of 21C/69F with a fair bit of sunshine this afternoon. I'm happy with what we accomplished. Last night, I watched the finale of Survivor 46 and was very pleased with the result. There were two I would have been content with to win. 

Honestly, these pancakes are good!!

Tomorrow will be busy in a different way, work calls in a couple of different locations, as well as here at home. Sunday won’t be a day of rest up here on the Ridge.

Thanks to Bill's weed trimming,
my corral gardens are looking good.
The rail fencing - not so much. 
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. It all takes time, but everything is cleaning up nicely.
    Also nice having a together day.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Now I'm hungry for pancakes.

  3. Funny, I've pulled out breakfast sausage for tonight's dinner. I might just make pancakes to go with them. We'll see.
    Your Ridge is looking lovely and green. I hope you get to spend more time there, it seems you're both always on the go.

  4. I know what you're making!!!!! Funny, I've had the same thoughts lately. I'll wait to see yours first!! Pancakes ... YUMMY!! With Canadian maple syrup of course!!!

    1. you'll probably show me up with the craft. It may be a while but we'll compare - soon!

  5. As I always say slowly, but surely and everything will be completed. We are actually perhaps reaching the end of our outdoor projects for this year. Painting and lighting are next on the short list.

    God bless.

    1. Things do get done, don't they? Sometimes we just get impatient.
