Friday, June 25, 2021

Can You Say Company, Gibbs?

The Ridge

On Thursday, June 24th our family woke up by 6 and went about our day. Things were pretty much normal, the way we start most week days. Bill and Billy pulled the cargo trailer out and Gibbs and I came inside while I had my tea. I had debated a walk down Baptist Church Road but looking to the west gave me as good an excuse as any not to go. The dark clouds were moving in to take the place of the blue sky. Lazy girl!!

No picture of the morning sky but this blurred one
of last night's pretty sunset
Obviously, the picture doesn't do it justice

I’d finished my blog last night so I had no early commitments. I touched base with the Hanover lady regarding my Fitbit Alta and we went back and forth to set up the time to meet. After feeding and then taking Gibbs out, he went back in his crate so I could leave around 10:30. It was an easy and quick transaction in the Mark’s parking lot. 😊 All legal! Ha ha I pulled Ptooties up to the Walmart lot and went in to buy this week’s groceries.

the brown band and charger came with it
so I just needed to keep charging it to keep it active

It was busy but still an easy in and out through the self-checkout. I was looking for a turkey baster because mine had a split up the side and Walmart didn’t have any. Everything else but a baster, so I drove back towards town to the Dollarama. Of course, this was the wise thing to do anyway, since I found it quickly for only $1.25. I also grabbed some AAA batteries and a package of watch batteries to have on hand. Before I left, I also stocked up on the next couple of months’ worth of greeting cards. Just in case……….

Gibbs is a happy camper when I empty
the grocery bag
Kept him entertained for a long time

On the way back through Durham, I stopped at the Water Store to fill our bottle. Then home. I had some quiche and yogourt with my coffee and then Gibbs and I went out for the afternoon. The sky was clearing up again, which was nice, and I filled the bird feeders and rearranged them so Chippy couldn’t eat all the seed. I also boiled some sugar water for the hummer feeders and filled those and the Oriole feeder. There were a couple of other things I did to make the Ridge more presentable and then we waited for our visitors to arrive.

I added one more hat to the Hat Wall

When I looked down the road, Mr. Snapper
was making his way across the lane

At 2:30, Ken and Kim drove up in their Journey. First camping trip out this season and boy was it great to see them! Ken backed up as if he’d done it a hundred times (heh heh) and once set up, they came over to meet our yippy little house mate. Boy, was Gibbs excited! Unfortunately, that means nipping and biting his new friends so we kept moving away from him. 😊

Yay!! The Wilson's arrive!

At 3, it was time for Happy Hour so I joined them and texted Bill. Billy drove in about 45 minutes later and parked the cargo trailer down at the bottom of the corral hill so it wouldn’t be in anyone’s way overnight. They will pick it up tomorrow. Bill has the day off, by choice. Yay! We caught up, boy did we catch up. The conversation just picked up where we left off the last time we saw them before Christmas.

We missed the good times with these guys

Finally, Gibbs settled down outside with us
He was pretty hyper

We toasted to our first rv visitors this year and Cheers to being together again. The rain chased us indoors but we weren’t finished our drinks so the H H continued on inside the Suite. Needless to say, supper was very late but it didn’t matter.

The cheesecake looks plain

with a few frozen raspberries
I made a sauce for the cheesecake
and Bill's plain muffins

I warmed up the last of the meatloaf and mixed a Caesar salad for our meal. For dessert, we had a piece of cheesecake with raspberry sauce that I made earlier today. That was good!

A nice easy supper

The same could be said for dessert
Both were tasty and filling

The rain didn’t last but it was nice that the wind had died down around 7. It was quite gusty all afternoon, keeping the humid temperatures at bay. The evening was quiet; we were all tired, including Gibbs. Nothing was worth watching on tv so I worked on my blog and settled in my chair with my book. Not sure how much will get read. This was a fun day!

He's getting used to his pillow

Gibbs after a busy day

Thank you for popping in. Good night!


  1. Hi to your visitors. Isn't it great that we are slowly getting back to the good times. Lovely to see the smiling faces and here is to hoping that we all get a chance to visit and enjoying good company. Have fun you all!

    1. Our visitors say hi back! :)
      We are counting on you 4 to get up here for a visit too!

  2. I think Gibbs might have some kitty in his background, playing with grocery bags and all. Lol
    So fun to have human company!!!!

    1. Gibbs has a little of a few animals in him, methinks. :)
      Great to have company!

  3. Hi to all of you. Enjoy your visit!

  4. Happy Hour at 3! Good times for you all! Hoping we can repeat that this winter! :)
