Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Windy, Warm(ish) with No Worries

The Ridge

On Wednesday, Sept. 8th we had a repeat of the previous few days because Bill still didn’t need to go to work. They have been waiting to work on the project (in this case a large shed) down the road. The foundation has been poured and next was the wait for lumber to arrive. Since then, it has been too wet to get in there to start building the frame. So, another day off. 😊 Bill would have been happy to go back today but at the same time will chip away at his ‘list’  here at home.

Bill gets his boots with the usual help
Can you see him?

I didn’t have to clean so we slept in until 7:00 and dragged our butts out of bed around 7:30. I rather enjoy those days when we don’t have to ‘be’ anywhere. I’m lucky that at least I’m not on a specific time schedule. Bill and I had our morning brew together and I worked on my post from yesterday while he went out and started digging a hole for his flag pole. He has missed having it in the berm garden. This year it will be done right and proper to withstand our winds up here.

someone is happy to be riding with Daddy
Short trips, we allow him to sit on our laps

a pretty sky this morning
No hint of last night's storm
fyi - areas to the north of us, along the lake had
at least one tornado touch down, doing a lot of damage 😓

Around 9:30, we went to Durham, all of us. Bill picked up the quick cement (you know what I mean) he thought he’d need and then we visited the vet, just around the corner. Gibbs got weighed and we were pleased that his gain is slowing down. 😊 He is now 17.2 lbs, up from 16.4 a month ago, so not such a big jump. We received his September flea and tick pill and made an appointment to get ‘snipped’. Ssssh. He isn’t aware of that! He’ll be 6 months on the 12th. 

Today's pond picture is also quite pretty, I think

Back home, we had waffles for lunch and Bill went back to work. I dusted and vacuumed inside (neither being my favourite thing) and later in the day washed the floors with my new mop. I do love the ease of it. I also used it to wash the ceiling. It wasn’t terrible but a few areas had fly specks. I think I got them all plus an upper arm workout at the same time! Bill went as far as he could with the flag pole and is now just waiting for it to dry.

Waffles for brunch

He had one more job for the day and that was to empty the black tank with our ‘stupid piece of s***’ blue boy. We have the new macerator, which is great, but the blue boy (or honey wagon) is not. Needless to say, we will be purchasing a new one, with the proper connection for dumping. Things we didn’t pay attention to when we bought the first one. I did some more painting on my canvas and have almost convinced myself that it will have to do. It’s not getting any better.

I'm not keen on the sky but from a distance it looks better

I had my shower and after taking Gibbs for a walk around the property, we came inside. We had a bit of a row since he wasn’t behaving at all on the leash. I need to get serious about teaching him with what I allow him to do. He isn’t fully to blame but the pulling and tugging has to stop. I made my tea and started my blog for the day. The weather has been funny today. Warm enough but still some dark clouds making an appearance.  The temperature changed dramatically when they moved over the sun.

Fish, fries and green beans
oh and fresh garden tomatoes

We did reach 20C/68F today and the small bits of rain didn’t make an appearance until suppertime. We had fish and chips. I had a few fries and green beans with my fish. For dessert, I’d made a cherry sauce to eat with our cheesecake. I thought it was delicious and added some zip to the NY recipe. We did the dishes and Gibbs and I went for his after supper walk. That was pretty much all he did, walk, but he did behave a bit better on the leash.

When the west sky got dark, yet the north sky was normal
I knew there had to be a rainbow

A quick look out the east facing window, proved me right

Bill had his shower and the evening went as most Wednesday evenings do. There was an absolutely gorgeous full rainbow while we were eating but I didn’t run out to get the full show. The clouds put on a lovely show this evening but there were no threats out and about so we could relax. We could watch tv tonight with no interference. 😉 This was another good day. I wonder if Bill will be working tomorrow? That is the plan but only t ime will tell.

sunset through the trees
good night!

Thank you for your visit. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. Replies
    1. Ah, thank you MT. I just couldn't figure the sky out. So much area to work with.

  2. I like your painting.
    We didn't get any storm last night but it sure did rain. Some areas near us had a few boomers today but it missed us entirely.

  3. Nice painting, good job!
    I enjoy looking at your weather pictures. For only 6 months old, Gibbs is doing so well. Good training mom and dad. He's just the sweetest.

    1. Thank you Loree. Not having high expectations helped! haha
      Gibbs is doing pretty good and I guess I forget his age. I just feel incompetent in his training. :)

  4. That first picture outside really is gorgeous. Gibbs has a good trainer. Bill is getting a lot done while it's too wet to work. Cheesecake looks so good.

    1. Thank you Cheri. Bill is happy to get things taken care of at home. Things he didn't think he'd get done until October. ;)

  5. Pretty rainbow! I guess Gibbs needs to learn who is boss - I'm sure he'll learn, he's a smart dog from the sounds of it.

    1. It was a lovely rainbow! He does need to learn - the problem is that he thinks HE already has that title! haha
